Chapter 910 I am indeed guilty!


The Nanhai Territory Lord just drank a sip of spiritual tea directly out, and said in disbelief, “What did you say?!”


Qi Hai was also a little frightened, cringing and submitting the picture of destruction of the world: “This, this picture seems to be broken–”

“how so!”

The owner of the South China Sea has caught the world extinction map!

The divine light in both eyes flashed across the world-destroying map.

Perceiving the destruction of the entire internal structure of the World Destruction Map, the special world in the World Destruction Map has collapsed, his face is extremely ugly, and there is a trace of anger in his voice: “Say!

how so!

Did you forget to control the rune of the World Destruction Map, and you made it like this? ! ”

“No, it’s none of my business, Master!”

Qi Hai was trembling with fright, and said with a sad face: “It’s all to blame for Na Su Zhan!

I told him to come out!

If he didn’t come out, he had to cut through the very important entrance and exit of the World Destruction Map!

Just when the energy in the World Destruction Map is exhausted, it cannot be repaired, and the world balance is broken, it will collapse! ”

“Su Zhan?”

The South Sea Territory master squeezed his fist, gritted his teeth and said: “Is this guy who refuses to enter the World Destruction Map?

Destroy the world destruction map outside? ”

“No, his has indeed entered the World Destruction Map, but the World Destruction Map is useless to him at all!

His holy yuan, Mental Energy, seems to have endless physical strength!

In one day, he acted recklessly in the World Destruction Map, constantly destroying the world structure of the World Destruction Map, and greatly accelerated the energy consumption of the World Destruction Map!

Later, when the disciple found that something was wrong, he unlocked the seal and wanted to let him out!

But he didn’t listen at all!

Willingly go its own way will lead to the destruction of the world extinction map! ”

“Sheng Yuan, Mental Energy, endless stamina?

This is impossible!

It seems that this guy is carrying some kind of treasure that can quickly recover!

I was careless! ”

The South Sea Territory’s face was extremely ugly: “But even so, he shouldn’t destroy the world extinction map!

What this son did in this way, it is clear that I did not put my Martial Dao myth To put in one’s eyes!

Too much deception!

Damn him! ! ! ”

After just finished speaking, suddenly sensing the breath of Su Zhan dozens of miles away, the killing intent burst into the eyes of the South Sea Territory master, pointing away in that direction!


With his finger, the sky above Su Zhan suddenly changed drastically!

The power of the water attribute law is surging!

The sky above him turned into a sea area forcibly!

In that sea!

A huge vortex formed, and at the center of the vortex, a water dragon that was enough to suffocate the Eight Tribulations Supreme rushed out!

Coming from above the sky toward Su Zhan!


That water dragon is still thousands of meters away from the ground below, and the bottom is already frozen by the force of extreme cold!


The Emperor Zhongzhou, who had been silent for a long time, finally couldn’t bear it and slapped him on the table!

Apart from anything else, he punched the sky toward that side!


In front of this punch, that vortex was quickly annihilated!

The ice melts, the water dragon dissipates, and the sea evaporates!

Between heaven and earth, return to Qingming!

“Brother Zheng, you—”

“What are you?”

The Emperor Zhongzhou coldly said: “This is the Zhongzhou Imperial Palace.

Who do you think you are!

In my presence, kill my people?

You said Su Zhan didn’t put you in. To put in one’s eyes.

Then you, once again put me To put in one’s eyes! ”

Feeling the overbearing imperial might on Emperor Zhongzhou’s body, the Nanhai Territory Master felt jealous in his heart, and took a deep breath and said, “It’s Qi Mou being rude.

But Brother Zheng, Su Zhan is guilty. As the Emperor of Zhongzhou, do you have to protect yourself?

Don’t forget Brother Zheng.

Twenty Martial Dao myths in our spirit world have been covenant together!

If you want to attack us in the South China Sea, other myths, I am afraid you will not sit idly by! ”

“Qiqiu, the South China Sea is the South China Sea, you are you, don’t get confused!”

The Emperor Zhongzhou snorted coldly: “The same is the Martial Dao myth, I already give you enough face!

As for Na Su Zhan…

If he is wrong, I will cure it naturally.

But if he didn’t…”

Emperor Zhongzhou’s tone was cold: “You try to move him again?”

“Good! Good! Good!”

The South Sea Territory master gritted his teeth and said: “Wait, I will wait for your Majesty the Great to ask Su Zhan!”

After speaking, the lord of the South China Sea sat down and said nothing.

The appearance of a fallout with the Emperor Zhongzhou.

The myth of Martial Dao is the limit of spiritual cultivation.

But in fact, the Martial Dao myth is also divided into strengths and weaknesses.

The strongest one is recognized as Li Chunshan, the lord of Swordsmanship, the god of swordsmanship in the spirit world.

Next, it is the Emperor Zhongzhou, the old man who has lived for an unknown amount of time in the Primordial Realm, and the old true dragons in the Blood Moon Realm.

The South Sea Territory Lord is the most mediocre in the Martial Dao myth.

That’s why he didn’t dare to directly attack Su Zhan. Instead, he came to Zhongzhou Territory to take a look at the meaning of Emperor Zhongzhou.

And this time.

Su Zhan looked up at the sky that had just returned to normal, his eyes flickering.

“The myth of Martial Dao has a connection with the spirit world and can borrow the power of the spirit world…

No wonder, the myth of Martial Dao never intervenes in spiritual disputes. In the face of this power, the Eight Tribulations are supreme and fragile!

This is a qualitative change!

The gap between the Eight Tribulations Supreme and the Nine Tribulations Myth is much larger than the gap between the Five Tribulations Deva and the Six Tribulations Supreme!

Although I can kill the Eight Tribulations Supreme with the Three Tribulations, even if I break through to the Four Tribulations, in front of this kind of power…

I’m afraid I had to escape. ”

Muttering in his mouth, for the first time, Su Zhan had a concrete concept of the power of Martial Dao mythology.

Wang Xinyi also trembled in his heart: “It was the South Sea Territory Master who made the move, but fortunately, His Majesty stopped it, otherwise…”

As he said, he smiled bitterly, and then said: “I don’t know if you’re dead, Su Zhan, but I’m under a single strike there. There must be no bones left!”

“Lord of the South China Sea, Qiqiu…

Unreasonable, trying to kill me. ”

Su Zhan said a word in his mouth, remembering the name in his heart, then turned his head and said to Wang Xinyi, who was still a little scared: “You have committed sins, and you can’t live.

This man is ferocious and vicious, and he will not live long if he says anything wrong.

Let’s go, King City Lord. ”

“Su Zhan, what you mean–”

When Wang Xinyi heard Su Zhan’s words, her pupils suddenly shrank, just about to persuade Su Zhan not to be impulsive, and must not use a Martial Dao myth as an enemy.

But suddenly I remembered that this guy was still a holy king a few months ago, and now he can kill the Eight Tribulations Supreme.

Go on like this…

In another three to five years, killing a spiritual limit, the Martial Dao myth seems to be normal, right?

This pervert…

With a wry smile in his heart, Wang Xinyi shook his head and followed Su Zhan.

It didn’t take long for Su Zhan to arrive at the Huxin Pavilion.

Before he could speak.

The lord of the South China Sea was already condescending and asked: “Su Zhan!

I made you to be tortured in the World Destruction Map, but you ruined my World Destruction Map!

You say you, what should be the crime! ”

“What should I be guilty of?”

Su Zhan thought for a while, nodded and said: “I do have a serious sin!

I feel that a person like me will at least be placed in the World Destruction Chart to be tortured for one month… No!

Just one year!

Okay, now I have pleaded guilty.

South Sea Territory Lord, you quickly get more pictures of destroying the world and let me be tortured!

I can’t wait! ”

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