Chapter 915 Deva Fourth Tribulation!

“Afraid, afraid of the cold?”

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, the law of flames in the Purple Mansion flashed lightly, and he waved his hand casually.


There was a flash of fire in the room, and the temperature suddenly increased by ten degrees!

“How are you now?

Still cold? ”

Su Zhan said: “Don’t worry, although I am not majoring in the law of flames, but I will also have some techniques to keep you warm!”

Su Zhaoyue: “…”

Tang Liuxue: “…”

Ye Qingyu: “…”

“Why don’t you talk? Is the temperature not enough?”

“Su Zhan!”

Seeing that Su Zhan was about to use the fire control technique again, Su Zhaoyue couldn’t help but said: “Enough, I’m not cold anymore.”

“That’s good.”

Su Zhan nodded: “Since it’s not cold, let’s go!

I still want to sleep. ”


Su Zhaoyue looked at Tang Liuxue and Ye Qingyu.

Tang Liuxue and Ye Qingyu also glanced at each other, both of them motionless.

Although they didn’t speak, the meaning was obvious: I won’t go if they don’t go!

Obviously no one is willing to leave first, leaving the last person to be alone with Su Zhan.

Seeing this scene, Su Zhan had a headache.

“His Royal Highness, let’s forget it together.”

Tang Liuxue blushed: “We don’t mind!”

“You don’t mind…but I do!”

Su Zhan turned to leave after thinking of something, his face turned slightly red.

“Forget it, just sleep here for one night!

Tomorrow I will let Seventeen build a wooden house, and then you will move to your respective rooms. ”

The voice fell.

Seeing Su Zan who left directly, the three women were a little bit disappointed, and they all breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

In any case, no one else succeeded at all.

At this time, Su Zhan, who was walking in the corridor, was also a little upset.

He is also a normal person, facing such beautiful three peerless beauties, it is fake to say that he is not tempted.

to be honest.

If only Su Zhaoyue were alone, he would really have fallen asleep like this.

But three…

Who can stand this?

It wasn’t so fierce when watching love action movies in my hometown before!

Besides, now he only has a definite like for Su Zhaoyue, and Tang Liuxue is also okay, but Ye Qingyu…the affection is not very strong.

In any case, it can’t reach the point of taking off his pants and going to sleep.

That being the case, why go against your heart because of a temporary desire.

Taking a deep breath, Su Zhan put aside these distracting thoughts, opened a door of a room, entered it, and fell asleep.

On the second day, he ordered Seventeen to start building a wooden house, and then went to Xu Tianyue Immortal Cave.

After giving Xu Tianyue the list of materials needed to repair the Void Sword Box, Su Zhan returned to Immortal Cave and started Closed Door Training.

On Xiaoling Peak, the peak of the strongest Spiritual Qi, under a huge spiritual tree.

Su Zhan sat cross-legged.

The palm of his hand turned over, and that piece of avenue jade appeared.

“According to the original poster, the materials are very rare, and money is not a problem, but the time required is still nearly a month long. In that case, it is better to start penance in this month.

With the aid of avenue jade and the three-story Spiritual Qi, it is more than ten times richer than the outside!

In one month, I should be able to break through to the fourth calamity.

And judging from my current combat power…

If you break into the Four Tribulations, under the myth of Martial Dao, you should be invincible! ”

With a whisper in his mouth, Su Zhan excited Dao Jade.


Suddenly, the world around him, Spiritual Qi, is a hundred times richer!

The power of the law of heaven and earth has become clearly visible, and it is very easy to understand!

He also closed his eyes slightly, and instantly entered the cultivation state.

Twenty-five days later.

Tianshu Building, a three-story building.

The sky suddenly trembled!

A trace of black cloud appeared, covering the entire three-story sky dome!


In the dark clouds, thunder flashes one after another!

At this moment, everyone on the third floor was alarmed!

“Thunder Tribulation! Someone Transcends Tribulation!”

“It’s the direction of Xiaolingfeng!”

“It should be Su Zhan, he is crossing Deva’s fourth calamity!”

“But only a few months after he became Deva?

This is the fourth calamity?

Isn’t it too ridiculous? ? ? ”

“This guy… when is he not outrageous?”

Voices sounded one after another.

Those Deva are all heading in the direction of Xiaolingfeng.

Soon, they arrived at Xiaoling Peak and saw Su Zhan who was suffering from Deva’s robbery.


A divine thunder fell from the sky!

The entire three-story Minor World trembled!

As Su Zhan Transcends Tribulation gets closer to the late stage, the three-story space vibrates more!

Xu Tianyue’s face paled: “Not good!

The Heavenly Tribulation inspired by Su Zhan is too vast, and our three-story Minor World is a bit too much to bear! ”

The second gentleman, Xi Yunze, also changed his expression slightly: “Little Junior Brother, going through the Fourth Tribulation of Deva is even more ridiculous than the Heavenly Tribulation caused by the Eighth Tribulation!”

“It’s over, there are cracks in the three-story space!”

“No matter how turbulent the space continues, the entire three-story building will collapse!”

“Minor World collapsed, and the core Xiaoqianshulou of our Tianshulou will also be destroyed!”

“It’s still light, the important thing is our fate!

Trapped in a space storm, it is very difficult to return to the spiritual realm! ”

Every Deva panicked.

Xu Tianyue, the owner of the Tianshulou, flipped his palm, took out the jade plate that controls the entire three-story formation, and said angrily: “What is it!

Not too soon, they will use their strength to find a way to stabilize the space! ”

After speaking, he poured the jade plate into his hand, and an invisible wave centered on him, spreading to the entire three-story building!

Suddenly, those spaces stabilized a bit.

Other Deva also used methods one after another.

In this way, ten minutes have passed.

Su Zhan Transcends Tribulation is over.

The third floor of the Tianshu Tower was completely restored to normal.

“Finally Transcends Tribulation succeeded!”

Su Zhan felt the Ascension of his own strength, with a smile on his face.

Today, although he still dare not say that he can fight against the Martial Dao myth.

But if you meet the original Emperor Yan Tianxu again.

It doesn’t take a few hours to kill it!

With his current strength, he can completely crush him with an overwhelming advantage!

Cultivation Base breakthrough.

It represents the condensed sacred element, the speed increases, the physical body is strong, the mental energy increase… all kinds of power, all have increased!

After carefully feeling the majestic power in his body, Su Zhan waved his hand to disperse the dust on his body due to Transcends Tribulation, and looked at Xu Tianyue and others who came out not far away.

Smiled and walked over.

“Su Zhan, can you stop Transcends Tribulation in the three-story building in the future?”

Just walked over.

Before Su Zhan could speak, Xu Tianyue put away the jade plate with a trembling hand, panting.

Su Zhan was taken aback: “Why?”

“Because your Heavenly Tribulation is too exaggerated!

The three-story building simply can’t stand it! ”

Xu Tianyue pointed to the space crevices that have not yet completely dissipated, and said with a wry smile: “This time you Transcends Tribulation, you almost wiped out our three-story building!

If this is for you to do the Fifth Calamity again…

You may be okay, but those of us, I’m afraid you are going to cross the West! ”

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