Chapter 924: Yinguan Battlefield!

Just when Su Zhan noticed something strange and was about to call Su Zhaoyue to leave together, the courtyard door was suddenly opened.

Guan Yun, the defender of the city of Yinguan, said solemnly: “The Demon Realm Channel will be opened soon!

If you want to get involved, go with me too! ”


Su Zhan nodded and turned to look at Su Zhaoyue. After hesitating, he said, “Are you sure to get into the demons?”

Su Zhaoyue said: “Lin senior taught me a secret technique that can make my breath no different from the demons. With a big black robe covering it, I can conceal my identity!

However, I cannot incarnate the designated Demon Race…”

“In this case, you first stay in my cave for a while.

Wait for me to sneak into the demon world quietly, and when the surroundings are safe, you will come out again. ”


Su Zhaoyue nodded, and immediately said: “But Su Zhan, you must be careful!”

“Don’t worry, I have already planned it!

It will never reveal the trace! ”

Su Zhan smiled, Sheng Yuan gushed out and wrapped Su Zhaoyue.

Su Zhaoyue did not resist, and was directly admitted to the cave.


Su Zhan followed Guan Yun to the east wall of Yinguan City.

The land outside the city ahead.

A famous black soldier is ready to go.

The killing formations have also been opened.

Just wait for the demons to appear.

“General Guan Yun, you said, this demons have been defeated many times, why should they come out of this passage?”

Looking at the growing vortex, Su Zhan said with some doubts: “They should have known that this place is already full of human formations, why are they going to die?”

“They are not going to die!”

Guan Yun shook his head: “The demons invaded the spirit world for the resources of the spirit world.

And our Terran cultivators themselves are an extremely precious resource for them!

They knew we were here, so they invaded.

Even if you cannot successfully break through and take root in the spiritual world, you can still take away many of the human cultivator corpses or various treasures of the human race back.

Even, sometimes they break through the defensive city, they can also raid tens of thousands of miles in the nearby area, and then return with a full load!

I have guarded Yinguan City for 616 years.

This demon passage in the Yinguan Mountains is opened every one hundred and thirty years. Every time, our Yinguan City has suffered heavy losses!

In the eyes of outsiders, the demons certainly return every time they fail, but only we know how much pressure we face every time! ”

“It turned out to be so.”

Su beheaded nodded.

The demons can grow the Cultivation Base by devouring the human race and demons’ corpses, which he has known for a long time.

Only now did I know that the resources that the demons had to plunder when they invaded the spirit world also included the human race itself.

No wonder, after millions of years, the Human Race Demon Race has never reconciled and kept fighting.

Just when Su Zhan was thinking about this.

The vortex of the sky in front also expanded to nearly one mile in size!

Heart’s Demon billows in the whirlpool!

A demon with a height of about ten meters, twin-winged thunder light flashed, and rushed out of it!

This is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, heads of thunder-winged demons rushed out of the space channel!

Neat and orderly, and some driving special tanks!

Start a fierce attack towards the surrounding formation!

Thunder flashes!

Heads of thunderwing demons fell, but those formations were quickly destroyed!

The defenders of Yinguan City began to fight with the thunderwing demons with their defense weapons!

A Deva powerhouse is also out of the battlefield!

Looking at the battlefield ahead, Su Zhan asked, “How long will it take?”

“It can be as long as five days, and as short as two days.”

The Saint Yuan surging around Guan Yun, just about to join the battlefield, suddenly, seeing that Su Zhan had already rushed out, hurriedly said in shock: “What did Su Yu make you do!”

“It’s too slow, I don’t want to wait that long.”

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he fell directly from the tower and turned into a flash of light, rushing towards the demon battle formation!

Seeing this scene, Guan Yun was shocked, Sheng Yuan surged, and his voice resounded hundreds of miles around: “Quick!

Protect Su Yushi! ! ! ”

Upon hearing this, the Deva of Yinguan City who had just rushed out all changed their faces and looked at Su Zhan one after another.

“What’s up! Didn’t you say it’s easy to sneak in?!”

“It’s over, if the imperial envoy dies in Yinguan City, we are all serious sins!”

“It’s really annoying, we are fighting here, why is he here?”

“Don’t talk about it, the life of the ambassador is critical!”

The strong people in Yinguan City are all moving closer to Su Zhan!

At this time, those Thunderwing Demon Mental Energy were extremely strong, and after hearing Guan Yun’s words, their eyes brightened and looked at Su Zhan!

“The imperial envoy, that is the imperial envoy of Zhongzhou!”

“There must be rare treasures on him!”

“Kill him first, then break the Yinguan City!”


Heads of thunderwing demon clan also rushed towards Su Zhan!

Soon, the first thunderwing demon clan and Su Zhan met, just a seventh-order demon clan equivalent to the human sacred realm.

Su Zhanting didn’t stop, and directly smashed it to pieces!

It’s really smashed!

In front of Feng Lei Ji Yun and Su Zhan’s physique, a seventh-order demon clan is extremely fragile!

Seeing this scene, the demons who rushed over also calmed down a bit, slowed down one after another, and let the strong ones among the demons go to kill Su Zhan!

“Your life, I want it!”

Heavenly Demon, who was a hundred meters tall, roared, and thunder and lightning entangled his body. He punched Su Zhan fiercely!


The space in front was pierced by that thunder light fist shadow!

His gaze fell on the shadow of the thunder light, Su Zhan did not dodge, the mark of the meteor dragon Leiyan Mountain on his left hand lit up, and he also punched out!


Under this punch, the thunder light was directly annihilated!

Su Zhan punched the Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon’s fist!

The next moment!

Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon had a kitchen-sized fist suddenly burst!

That force spread to his entire arm!


The entire arm is turned into a rain of blood and minced meat!

Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon screamed, terrified, and just wanted to escape.

Su Zhan blew out Sword Qi and chopped off his head!

“Su Yu makes you!”

At this moment, the extremely anxious Yinguan city guard Guan Yun just rushed to the vicinity of Su Zhan, seeing this scene, suddenly opened his eyes, full of look of disbelief!

That is a Five Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

Higher than Su Zhan Cultivation Base!

Actually, he was killed just like that?

The heart was so shocked, before Guan Yun could speak, suddenly, in the vortex on the sky, another huge thunder-winged demon race descended from a hundred meters high!

That Heavenly Demon just came out of the space channel, and the magic power covered most of the battlefield!

Six Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

Guan Yun’s gaze condensed, and the law of heaven was released, the sacred yuan surging on the surface of his body, his palm was turned, and a black spear appeared in his hand.

He condensedly said: “Su Yushi, you can withdraw temporarily, let me deal with this——”

Before I finished speaking, I saw that Su Zhan had already turned into an electric light and rushed towards the Six Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

Guan Yun was stunned for a moment, then his face changed drastically, and he cried out in surprise:

“Su Yushi, what are you doing!!!”

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