Chapter 930: Destroy the door!

The voice just fell.

Su Zhan directly operates the Demon God Art!

A torrent of Heavenly Demon erupted from him!

An ancient god and demon phantom roared behind him!

Although he did not use the devil form.

But because he has the blood of the demon god, and his physique and strength are extremely strong.

After running the Demon God Art, the magic power on his body is also extremely vast!

It’s like turning into a great demon!

Feeling the magic power erupting from Su Zhan, on the Demon Qi Flying Boat, the expressions of Zi Li and others changed slightly.

“Devil God Jue! He cultivated the Demon God Jue, one of the most powerful magic arts in the Demon Realm!”

“Not only is the Demon God Art, he also has the blood of the Demon God, and it is very pure!”

“With such a pure blood of the Demon Race, coupled with the power of the Demon God Technique, this person’s power has far surpassed the general Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

I even think that even if the Demon Lord is in front of that magic power, it is nothing more than that! ”

“I have this feeling too, but it should be an illusion!

No matter how strong his bloodline is, it is absolutely impossible to use the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon Realm to contend with the Six Tribulations Demon Realm! ”

On the flying boat, those Heavenly Demons from the Zi family were solemn and whispered.

Zili’s expression changed, and he turned to the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable beside him: “Uncle San, this person is quite strong, so I’ll leave it to you!”

“rest assured.”

The Six Tribulations Demon Venerable was also a little surprised by Su Zhan’s eruption of demon power, but so many years of cultivation experience told him that it was impossible for the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon to fight the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable.

Therefore, he didn’t panic.

Stepping out, the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable came to Su Zhan less than a hundred meters away, his body surged with devilish energy, and he coldly said, “The kid surnamed Su!

Although I don’t know what is weird about you, the Heavenly Demon Demon is even stronger than the Demon Lord of the Six Tribulations!

But it just doesn’t scare me!

Realm is here.

No matter how many cards you have, it is absolutely impossible to be—”


The sound of the arc breaking through the air!

Haven’t waited for the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable to finish.

Su Zhan turned into a flash of lightning, and instantly traversed a distance of 100 meters. The meteorite dragon Thunder Yanshan in his left hand shone brightly, and he directly pinched the neck of the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable.

Lift it up like a chicken!

“Your speaking speed is too slow, I have no patience to wait for you to finish.”

Su Zhan said indifferently.

The left hand power bursts!


A cloud of black energy exploded from the neck of the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable, and blood spurted!

Holding the neck tightly with both hands, the eyes of the Six Tribulations Demon Lord were full of shock, and his body fell weakly from the sky to the ground below!

“Uncle San! How is this possible!!”

Zili’s pupils shrank suddenly, watching the body of the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable fall in disbelief!

A demon… just died like that!

In front of that surname Su, there is not even a trace of resistance!

Like an ant, his neck was broken off by his hand!

But that person is only the Four Tribulations, Heavenly Demon Realm!

Logically speaking, he should be the one who was pinched to death, right? !

What the hell is it the other way around? ? ?

My heart was shocked.

Zili staggered, took a few steps back, his eyes were full of fear!

The other Purple Family Heavenly Demon was also stunned at this time.

One by one opened his eyes wide to look at the body of the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable, and some even rubbed their eyes, thinking they had hallucinations.

It’s not that they are not confident enough with their own vision.


The Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon killed the Six Tribulations Demon in one blow…

This is too f*ck too outrageous, right? !

However, even if I no longer want to believe it.

But seeing that the body of the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable was cut off from life, lying motionless on the ground, the Heavenly Demons of the Zi family had no choice but to believe it.

“This person can actually kill the Six Tribulations Demon Venerable!”

“Run away, or we will all die!”

“Flee separately, the chance of survival is greater!”

Every Heavenly Demon was terrified, and they performed secret techniques one after another.

Some turned into a Heavenly Demon shadow, some turned into a faint black air, and some even fled directly above, trying to use the super space pressure of the sky to force Su Zhan to give up the pursuit!

“It’s too late to escape now.”

Su Zhan glanced at the demons who were escaping, flipped his palms, and the Void Sword Box appeared in his hands.

The five fingers of his right hand are pressed on the sword box, his eyes are slightly closed, the God Yan Secret Art is running, and the huge holy thought covers a radius of a hundred miles!

Sheng Nian locked behind those fleeing demons.

Shengyuan madly injected into the sword box.


The next moment, four Sword Rays flew out of the void sword box!

The reason there are only four is because those demons happen to have four.

Of course, there are also reasons why Su Zhan Mental Energy’s differentiation will affect control.

The four voids Sword Ray tore through the space, and only existed for only three seconds under this sky!

Three seconds later.

Four Sword Ray return to the box.

Four Heavenly Demon corpses fell from the sky!

In front of the Void Sword Box, which has reached the Divine Armament level, the demons below the Supreme are as fragile as paper.

Put away the Void Sword Box.

Su Zhan looked at the front side, Zili and the little Mozu hill on the flying boat.

Just now, these two demons did not escape.

Of course, it’s not that they don’t want to.


His legs were weak and collapsed on the ground, and he didn’t dare to escape at all!

Su Zhan’s toes were a little bit, and he controlled the breeze and landed on the flying boat.

“Su, Su senior, don’t kill me!”

Just after landing, the little demon named Xiaoshan begged for mercy in horror: “I’m just an insignificant pawn!

I am an ant!

I’m alive and dead, and you won’t have any influence on seniors!

Please senior, please spare my life! ”

Su Zhan glanced at the dwarf demon clan: “I have paid you five hundred demon crystals, and I haven’t owed you any money, why are you betraying me?”


The little demon’s face was bitter.

I just want to make a fortune.

Who knew you were so good!

If I had known it earlier.

Don’t talk about selling…

I dare not want those five hundred magic crystals to kill me!

Feeling regretful, the dwarf demons repeatedly kowtow: “I was wrong!

I’m obsessed for a while!

I change, I must change!

Ask senior to give me a chance! ”

“It’s fine if you know your mistakes and you can correct them.”

“Thank you senior!”

Hearing this, the dwarf demon tribe was overjoyed and quickly said: “I must make good changes, I must change my mind, I must be a new man, I must–”

“In the next life, make good changes.”

Before the dwarf demon could finish speaking, Su Zhan spoke again.

The smile on the face of the dwarf demon suddenly condensed, his pupils shrank, and a feeling of horror grew in his heart, and he said in shock: “Senior don’t—”


Su Zhan flicked his finger lightly.

A Sword Qi pierced through the head of the dwarf demon, beheading it.

“It’s hard to be a new person, but I should help you reincarnate as soon as possible.”

With a whisper in his mouth, Su Zhan looked at the only demon still alive here, Zili.

Zili was already peeing his pants in fright at this time. Seeing that the little demon was dead, knowing that it would be useless to beg for mercy, he plucked up his courage and gritted his teeth and said, “Surnamed Su!

Do you know who I am? !

I am the young master of the Zi family!

To tell you the truth, I have just sent your information to the ancestors through a secret treasure!

Our ancestor of the Zi family is a demon of the Eight Tribulations!

Eight Tribulations Demon Lord, do you know what the concept is!

You’d better not touch me, otherwise my ancestors of the Zi family and many powerful people in my Zi family will surely destroy you! ! ! ”

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