Chapter 934 Goodbye Yun Luo (Large Chapter)


Su Zhan looked at Elder of the Blue Demon Race with a little surprise, and said: “Are you willing?

I never force people.

You can refuse. ”

“I definitely said it from the bottom of my heart!

This space channel can be used by seniors whatever they want!

Only senior you are qualified to master this spatial channel thoroughly! ”

Quickly speaking, the blue demon clan Elder’s forehead dripped cold sweat, wet the ground!


The clan king who just refused is so straightforward!

Do I dare to refuse?

Never force people…

Ha ha!

That is, you are not forced!

You just killed you! ! !

The heart was very depressed, and Elder, the Great Blue Demon, was uneasy.

“If that’s the case, then I’m not welcome.”

Su Zhan nodded and glanced at Elder of the Blue Demon Race: “What are you doing on your knees?

It’s like I am a bad guy.

Don’t worry, I’m a good person, don’t be afraid. ”

“Yes Yes!”

Elder, the great blue demon clan’s voice, trembled and stood trembling from the ground.

With his head down, he didn’t even dare to look directly at Su Zhan.

After seeing Su Zhan’s resolute and fierce attack, he would believe anything good or bad, unless his brain is broken!

at this time.

The other Blue Demon warriors are also very dazed.

Everyone’s atmosphere was set off!

Very passionate!

As a result, someone suddenly appeared from somewhere and killed the clan king!

This is so special!

What is it called? ? ?

The heart was full of confusion, and of course the Azure Demon Warriors didn’t dare to have any objections.

Even one by one, even breathing became tense.

I am afraid that because the exhalation is too loud, it will attract the attention of the terrifying god who is coming from nowhere!

“Where does this spatial passage lead?

How long will it take to open? ”

Su Zhan asked.

“It leads to the Lintianyu Starlight Plain!

It will open in at least half a day! ”

“Xingguangyuan, half a day… good.”

Su Zhan nodded, stopped talking, and waited quietly with Su Zhaoyue.

About two hours have passed.

On the blue sky, there suddenly appeared a trace of spatial ripples.

Those ripples got bigger and bigger, and eventually, they turned into a continuously rotating space vortex.

“The space channel has appeared!”

Su Zhaoyue’s eyes flickered, and she was a little worried: “Su Zhan, maybe I can accompany you to face the demon world.

It really doesn’t work, I can avoid danger in your cave.

I don’t want you to be in danger alone…”


Su Zhan shook his head: “The reason why the Dongtian ring is safe is because I still have the strength to defend.

If I were defeated, under that kind of powerful attack, the cave inside the ring might collapse!

This time I am going to meet an old person.

Perhaps it will involve the Heavenly Demon. Only after you safely return to the spirit world can I let go of my hands and feet and do my own thing. ”

“then you……”

Knowing that she could not change Su Zhan’s decision, Su Zhaoyue also bit her lip: “Be careful!

I am waiting for you to come back! ”


Su Zhan nodded and raised his head to look at the space channel: “If you guessed correctly, there must be a strong human race waiting on the side of the space channel. After you pass, you have to be careful after you pass.

They can directly report the name of Lintianyu’s claim to Tianfeng, they must be hesitant.

If they take you to see Zhang Tianfeng, there is no need to waste.

Zhang Tianfeng has seen you and knows that you have an unusual relationship with me, and he won’t do anything bad if he wants to come. ”

Speaking of Zhang Tianfeng, Su Zhaoyue remembered the scene where Zhang Tianfeng’s thirst for survival broke out in the Yandiyu Palace, and he sent Su Zhan 300 billion sacred stones abruptly, and smiled: “You almost frightened him last time.

He must be honest.

Su Zhan, then I will leave, take care of everything! ”


Su beheaded nodded.

Watching Su Zhaoyue enter the space channel and leave the demon world.

He was also relieved in his heart.

With a million billion halo, he is not really worried about his safety.

Moreover, with his current strength, even if he can’t beat the Martial Dao myth, he still has a chance to escape.

But if Su Zhaoyue followed by her side.

He needs to be distracted, and there is no way to exert his strongest strength.

After about dozens of seconds, it was determined that Su Zhaoyue had already left the space channel and arrived in the spirit world. Su Zhan’s left hand meteor dragon Leiyanshan suddenly brightened, and he punched that space channel aside!


The raging fist swept the space channel!

The spatial channel that was only at the Saint King level couldn’t bear this terrifying force at all.

Collapse directly!

Watching that space channel annihilate.

Su Zhan turned his head and said towards the Elder of the Blue Demon Race: “This space channel will never be used again.

Otherwise, your Azure Demon Race will die. ”

After speaking, he didn’t mean to stay either, and the arc flashed on his body surface.

In the next instant, he appeared in the high-altitude clouds and headed towards the Nightmare Mountain of Luo Mo Kingdom where Yun Luo was!

“Huh~ finally gone!”

It wasn’t until this time that the Elder of the Blue Demon clan finally exhaled and collapsed to the ground.

“Big Elder, the space channel is destroyed, what shall we do?”

Heavenly Demon Elder from other blue demon races immediately surrounded him.

“How to do?”

Elder, the Elder of the Blue Demon Tribe, glanced at the ground of minced meat and blood not far away, recalling the horror of Su Zhan’s punch in his mind, and his heart trembled, and said: “Do as the senior said!

List this as a forbidden place for my Cyan Demon!

Future generations, generations to come will not be allowed to step into this place Yuanbaili! ”

“But Elder, that senior has already left. The next time the space channel opens, we might be able to—”

“To shut up!”

The Elder of the Blue Demon Clan glared at that Elder, and said angrily: “The clan king is dead, do you really want our Blue Demon Clan to be annihilated?!


Do as I say! ”


Seeing the big Elder get angry, the other Elder also quickly silenced and nodded.

Afterwards, tens of thousands of Blue Demon Warriors and a group of Blue Demon Elder, all of them hurriedly left here with some fear.

For fear that it was a little late, the terrifying evil god turned back again.

Two days later.

Demon Realm, Purple Blood Demon Realm, Luo Moguo, in the Nightmare Mountain.

That piece of magic sea is about to bottom out.

Feng Shui compass sits in the center of the magic sea. Suddenly, when he senses something, he opens his eyes and looks forward.

“Your Majesty the Devil!”

Aisle ahead.

The Lord Luo Moguo, who had reached the Heavenly Demon of the Four Tribulations, walked out of the passage, came to the edge of the Demon Sea platform, knelt on one knee, and saluted Yun Luo.

“It’s you, how are things going on with your account?”

“According to the Demon Emperor, the Yin Demon Sect has already surrendered to us, and the demon crystal veins around Ziyan Mountain have also fallen into our hands, but…”

After a pause, Lord Luo Moguo said with some worry: “It’s just that as our Luo Moguo power grows stronger, we are receiving more and more attention.

The people of Emperor Purple Blood Demon may already be suspicious…”

“The Purple Blood Demon…”

Devil Emperor Yunluo frowned: “No one will believe that a person who has been dead for hundreds of thousands of years will come back to life.

They should suspect that you got some kind of secret treasure or something, so they can Ascension so much of Luo Moguo’s strength in a short time.

However, if this continues, sooner or later those people will not be able to sit still and send someone to investigate.

The existence of Nightmare Mountain is well known to the people of Luo Moguo, and there are various legends, they will definitely not let it go.

It seems that it is time to change a place to hide. ”

“Your Majesty the Devil, I’m the one who fancied too much…”

“It has nothing to do with you.”

Yun Luo shook his head: “Those resources are all I need. Now that I have the ability, of course I have to fight for it. If I am afraid of the head and tail, I will have to wait until the year of the monkey to get revenge?

By the way, what are the major events in the Demon World in the near future? ”

“Nothing big, but”

Thinking of something, Lord Luo Demon continued: “The recent major demon races in the Purple Blood Demon domain seem to have reduced their invasion of the spirit world a lot.”


Devil Emperor Yunluo was stunned for a moment, and then said: “When I was out some time ago, I also got some news about this.

If it is expected, it is good.

Among the ten major demon realms, I am afraid that at least a few of them have been united, and they plan to flatten the spirit world in one fell swoop! ”

“Stop the spirit world in one fell swoop?”

Luo Moguo was taken aback, and immediately paled in shock: “How is this possible!

The spirit world and the demon world have been fighting for so long, and they have been doing well, so how can it be so easy to say that they are flat? ”

“Because I have been fighting for so long, I have a good understanding of the spirit world so that I can step down in the spirit world.”

Devil Emperor Yunluo said in a weak tone: “Moreover, the development of the spirit world and the devil world are opposite. The most glorious time of the spirit world was a million years ago.

At that time, the Wusheng Sword Emperor alone overwhelmed the entire Demon Realm for breath.

Seven of the top ten devil emperors were chopped off by him!

Had it not been for the Wusheng Sword Emperor to look down upon the Demon Realm at all, the Demon Realm would have already been occupied by the Spirit Realm.

At that time, the spirit world was so powerful that there were at least a dozen large worlds of the same size surrendered!

But after that, the spirit world slowly declined, and now there are no more than twenty myths in the spirit world!

On the contrary, the Demon Realm has been getting stronger and stronger, and the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon has exceeded fifty!

The overall strength is crushing the spirit world!

In this case, those Devil Emperors felt that the time was ripe, and it was normal to want to swallow the spirit world in one bite. ”

Hearing this, Luo Moguo’s eyes rolled and said: “If the Demon Realm really occupies the Spirit Realm, wouldn’t Luo Moguo take advantage of this to get a share of the pie?

This is a good thing! ”

“If I were one of the devil emperors of the top ten demon realms, of course it would be a good thing.

But I am not now. ”

Demon Emperor Yunluo shook his head and said in a condensed voice: “After the Demon Realm has captured the Spirit Realm, Emperor Purple Blood Demon and others will obtain the gods handed down from those myths in the Spirit Realm. They are extremely powerful and will only become stronger!

Moreover, once the spirit world is captured, their reputation in the demons will be pushed to the extreme!

At that time, I will have no chance to comeback again!

Compared with the demon world that conquered the spirit world, I even hope that the spirit world will counterattack the devil world and make the devil world go into chaos. Only when those devil emperors are greatly injured, will I have a chance to take revenge and regain control of the devil world! ”


Lord Luo Mo hesitated: “Then what should we do?”

“How to do……”

Devil Emperor Yunluo frowned and was silent for a while.

Just now.

A Heavenly Demon-level leader of Luo Moguo suddenly walked out of the passage, knelt down on one knee and said: “The Lord, the Demon Emperor!

There is a Heavenly Demon from Nightmare Mountain, who claims to be Su Zhan, and wants to meet your Majesty the Demon Emperor! ”

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