Chapter 948: Wanying Dazzling Kills!

This statement came out.

The smile on Shan Yan’s face suddenly froze, and the whole person was stupid!

After a full three seconds, he looked at Yun Luo in disbelief and stuttered: “Your Majesty, Your Majesty.

Are you, mean, give him my place? ”

Pointing at Su Zhan, Shan Yan couldn’t accept it: “He is just the Heavenly Demon of the Four Tribulations!

Let him go to Tai Xuan domain, isn’t it going to die? !

Your Majesty, if you let him pass, it is a waste of places, your Majesty! ”

“I will let whoever I want to go. As for the others, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Yun Luo said lightly.

Shan Yan was silent for a few seconds, not reconciled, and plucked up the courage to say: “Your Majesty, if it’s someone else, forget it!

But you actually let a Heavenly Demon of the Four Tribulations come to replace me!

How to convince the public! ”

“How to convince the crowd?”

Devil Emperor Yunluo said: “Then you are talking about, who is not convinced?

is it you? ”

“No, no, no! I would never dare to refuse!


Shan Yan was horrified, but he couldn’t accept the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon, who had just been mocked by him, and immediately replaced his place, but he didn’t dare to complain to Yunluo, so he had to bite the bullet and cut towards Su: “This fellow daoist.

With your Cultivation Base, going to the Tai Xuan domain is tantamount to death. You said, why are you grabbing my spot? ”

“Whether I will die or not will it matter to you?”

Su Zhan said displeased: “Furthermore, if you go to die, I will die?

Am I necessarily weaker than you? ”

“Is not this nonsensical?”

Shan Yan rolled his eyes: “You have four calamities, and I have seven calamities.

If you are stronger than me, then I ask you, what is the meaning of this Realm division? ”

While speaking, something suddenly came to mind, Shan Yan’s eyes turned, and without waiting for Su Zhan’s response, he opened his mouth and said, “That’s it!

If you are not convinced, how about we have a trial here?

If I lose, the place is yours!

If you lose, the place belongs to me!

How about it? ”

Su Zhan glanced at Shan Yan with a foolish look: “Maybe you are really low in IQ, but you don’t have to think everyone’s IQ is as low as you.

This place was originally mine, and it’s mine if it doesn’t compare with you.

Why should I promise you? ”


Su was speechless.

Thinking of the various special elixir in the Tai Xuan domain, chance, the mountain gritted his teeth, flipped his palm, took out his own storage bag, and said: “This way!

If I lose, all my wealth belongs to you!

And if you lose, just give me the place, how? ”


This time, Su Zhan nodded very directly.

Originally, he had a very bad view of mountains and rocks.

Now that there is a chance to teach it, there are still benefits, of course he will not refuse.

And Shan Yan was also ecstatic when he heard that Su Zhan agreed.

Yun Luo frowned slightly, not wanting one of the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable of his own demon clan to fall, so he said: “Shan Yan, Su Zhan can kill the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable, you are not his opponent.

Forget it, go home! ”

Can Su Zhan kill the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable?

Am I not his opponent?

Hearing this, Shan Yan was stunned for a moment, and the eyes that looked at Su Zhan were full of suspicion.

If it is said that Su Zhan is powerful, he can kill Heavenly Demon of Five Tribulations in one more calamity, he would believe it.

Even if Su Zhan’s strength is heaven-defying, he can contend with the Six Tribulations Demon Lord!

Seeing that this was the words spoken by the Devil Emperor, he was not unbelievable.

But now, he actually said that Su Zhan could kill the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable?

Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon beheaded the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable, what’s a joke?

If he can kill the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable, then I can kill you, Majesty the Devil Emperor!

He was slandered in his heart, but Shan Yan did not dare to show that he questioned Yun Luo’s words, so he had to say: “Your Majesty, I want to try!

I will bear all the consequences! ”

Hearing this, Devil Emperor Yunluo frowned, but didn’t say much.

Good words are hard to persuade damn ghosts.

Even he didn’t want to provoke the fierce god.

A Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable in Shanyan is going to provoke… I’m so bored.

After shaking his head, Devil Emperor Yunluo watched quietly from above.

And this time.

On the square, hearing the two of them trying to compete, the other eight demon lords swept around and came to the edge of the square to make room.

Su Zhan also looked at Shan Yan: “You can make a move.”


The mountains and rocks also have no ink marks at all, directly exploding their full strength!

The world here is dark!

“Secret Skill · Wanying Dazzling Kill!”

With a soft sip in the mouth, a trace of magic energy burst out of Shan Yan’s body!

Every trace of devilish energy turns into a rock!

In the end, even his body suddenly exploded!

Countless magic lasses!

Su Zhan’s surroundings, front, back, left, right, and even the sky are surrounded by dense mountains and rocks!

Each of those mountains and rocks looked exactly the same, and they all exploded with the terrifying aura of the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable!

They all seem to be real!

Seeing this scene, on the edge of the square, the demon venerables who watched the battle were a little disdainful.

“The lowly demons of the small clan are lowly, the Seven Tribulations Cultivation Base, to deal with a Four Tribulations, actually used a killer move directly!”

“Wanying dazzled killing, if you can’t find the real body among them and defeat it, you will be besieged and killed by Wanying!”

“It’s useless to find out. The guy surnamed Su is only Heavenly Demon Four Tribulations. Even if Shan Yan is really still, those shadows are enough to kill him!”

“The rock is moving, that guy is dying!”

Just when those Demon Lords spoke, the ten thousand “shadows” surrounding Su Zhan suddenly shot!

Every shadow, holding a dark black sword in his hand, shot towards Su Zhan!

And this time.

Located at the center of all attacks.

Su Zhan closed his eyes suddenly!

Next moment!

A thousand-meter-high Taikoo Lei Di appeared from behind him!

When this Taigu Lei Di appeared, most of the figures continued to attack Su Zhan as if nothing had happened.

Su Zhan also opened his eyes abruptly, his eyes lighted up, and he looked at the only figure that was briefly shocked by the Emperor Lei Di!

The Demon God Jue is running, and a horrible devilish energy swept all around with him as the center!

Those figures shattered one after another!

In the devilish energy.

Su Zhan turned into a flash of lightning, almost teleporting to the real body of the mountain, the meteor dragon on his left hand, the imprint of Leiyan Mountain was bright, and he directly held the blade of the big black sword of the mountain with flesh and blood. !

Afterwards, kick out with his right foot!

The great power of terror erupts!

Kick the rocks directly out!

Before it landed.

Su Zhan’s left hand suddenly used force, throwing out the black giant sword that he had forcibly grasped!

Under the action of tremendous power, that black giant sword tore through the space!

Directly burst into the chest of the rock!

Shoot it ten miles away!

Nailed to a huge stone pillar on the edge of the square!


The stone pillar is shattered!

Shan Yan’s body fell to the ground, blood pouring from his mouth!

Looking at Su Zhan’s eyes, it was already full of shock!

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