Chapter 954: Entering the prison! (Big chapter)

Very depressed in my heart.

Li Chunshan looked at the mermaid queen unacceptably.

The mind is not good, the queen is always a sensible person, right?

Su Zhan is such a clumsy excuse, and he shouldn’t believe it if his mind is a little normal!

At this moment, the mermaid queen also smiled and said: “It turns out that Young Master Su came to our mermaid to travel and read the scenery.

Su Gongzi is a talented person who is a rare visitor to our mermaid clan for thousands of years!

Come on, take a seat for Young Master Su!

Bring the best spirit wine of our merman tribe, spirit fruit! ”

With the voice of the mermaid queen fell.

Immediately, a mermaid maid walked out and brought in a set of luxurious tables and chairs from nowhere.

At the same time, there are jugs and wine glasses that look like glass crystals, which are very expensive at first glance.

There are also very delicate and beautiful spirit fruits and pastries in different colors.

“Master Su, please take a seat.”

The leader of Ziran smiled and helped Su Zhan to sit on a chair, and immediately, he picked up the jug and poured Su Zhan wine: “Master Su, this wine is called Qingxi Yu.

It is not a strong wine, the mouth is like jade, and the quality is smooth and tender, but it is a kind of spirit wine unique to our merman tribe.

I can calm my mind and help Cultivation Base a little bit.

Please also taste. ”


Su Zhan nodded, picked up the wine glass, and took a sip.

Sure enough, it was the same as the leader of Zi Ran said.

The entrance of this Qingxi jade wine is sweet and full of breath, and his Dao heart is a lot quieter.

Moreover, Shengyuan Cultivation Base has also grown.

Of course, compared to his cultivation speed, this growth can almost be ignored.

“Sure enough, it’s a good wine.”

After drinking, Su Zhan praised from the bottom of his heart.

On the side, Li Chunshan, who is addicted to drinking, smashed his mouth: “Can the mermaid make good wine?

Let me taste it too! ”

With that said, he wanted to pick up the jug on Su Zhan’s table and pour the wine.

But before he touched the jug, Zi Ran commanded an explosive chestnut and slapped him on the head, saying: “You ugly demons!

How can you be qualified to defile the spirit wine of our mermaid clan!

Stand up, don’t let your ugly look pollute my eyes! ”


Li Chunshan’s angry hair was about to stand up, his eyes were staring, and he looked like he was desperate.

“Li senior!”

Su Zhan hurriedly got up, pushed him aside, leaned to his ear, and whispered: “Forgot that I said it to you?

A small leak will sink a great ship! ”


Li Chunshan gritted his teeth: “I will bear it!”

“Master Su, ignore the ugly demons, come and taste our mermaid’s unique spirit fruit, cakes!”

The leader of Zi Ran smiled and cut towards Su.


Su nodded, returned to his seat, and continued to taste those spirit fruits and pastries.

While tasting, he chatted with the leader of Zi Ran and the mermaid queen.

The main thing is to ask some things he is more curious about the mermaid tribe.

For example, why the mermaid has so many women than men, whether the mermaid can survive on land, etc.

The mermaid queen and Zi Ran commanders were also very generous, and they answered Su Zhan one by one.

According to the mermaid queen, the mermaid is born with more females than males, and the probability of being female is much greater than that of males when raising offspring.

Moreover, the mermaid Cultivation Base reaches the Holy Queen, without even having to mate with a male mermaid, to complete the pregnancy and give birth alone, which is very magical!

Mermaid tribes can also survive on land, but they have long been accustomed to underwater, this will be more comfortable.

When he got the answers he wanted to know, Su Zhan’s perception of the mermaid was better. He would also answer some of the mermaid’s questions about the human race and the outside world that were not too confidential.


Li Chunshan watched Su Zhan drinking mermaid wine while chatting with the mermaid queen, feeling very depressed.

Before coming to the Mermaid Clan, he actually didn’t think that he and Su Zhan would be captured by the Mermaid Clan.

But he never expected that he would be arrested.

But this treatment is completely different!

Su Zhan was drinking wine and eating pastries and chatting with the mermaid queen, he could only stand staring at the side without a chair!

That’s it.

The Zi Ran leader of Damn it also scolded him from time to time “ugly demons”, and then shuddered in his head!

This is so special!

What is it called! ! !

I was very depressed, thinking that Su Zhan did this to get closer to the mermaid tribe and help him steal the Extreme Water Spirit Orb, Li Chunshan had to bite the bullet and endure it.

after an hour.

Su Zhan and the mermaid queen have talked very well.

The mermaid queen remembered something and suddenly said: “By the way, Lord Su, our mermaid clan has a kind of mermaid piano, which is different from other clan’s piano methods.

I’ll order someone to play it. Please enjoy it. ”

After speaking, the mermaid queen gave a word to the maid of the mermaid tribe below.

The maid went out.

It didn’t take long for him to bring a mermaid luthier holding a peculiar semi-circular bone piano.

The luthier saluted the mermaid queen, then sat down and began to play.

The soft piano sounded.

Although Su Zhan didn’t understand Qin Dao at all, he still found it very pleasing.

These piano sounds contain a mysterious power that can make people calm and calm.

five minutes later.

The song is finished.

The mermaid queen smiled and asked, “How is it, how is my mermaid’s mermaid piano?”

Hearing this, Su Zhan just wanted to say a few words to flatter him, pull the mermaid clan’s favor, and then look for opportunities to get the Extreme Water Spirit Orb.

On the side, Li Chunshan, who has been despised by the mermaid group, seems to have finally found a chance to save his face. He rushed ahead of Su Zhan and said: “Your mermaid’s piano channel whispers softly, like a small bead falling on a jade plate, it’s just a trail.

It just so happens that I am also familiar with Qindao. If you want to hear it, I can show you the real Qindao! ”

“You look so ugly, can you still play piano?”

The commander of Zi Ran was suspicious.

Li Chunshan was anxious: “Did you play the piano with your face?!”

“When you grow up like you, can you still figure out such an elegant thing as Qin Dao?”

Zi Ran commanded his lips.

The mermaid queen nodded, and said: “Although you are indeed ugly as the Demon Race, but since you say you understand, then I’ll just listen.

You can start now. ”

As soon as the voice fell, the mermaid violinist handed the precious mermaid violin to Li Chunshan immediately.

“Need not.”

Li Chunshan flipped his palm, and took out a seven-stringed lyre with a dark surface and the whole body seemed to be made of special metal.

Putting his fingers on the piano, he raised his brows, and said: “What I played, called Po Zhenqu, was made by many piano masters with painstaking efforts. It contains real piano music, you–”

“There are so many people who are ugly and bullshit!”

The leader of Zi Ran impatiently knocked Li Chunshan on the head again: “Look at Master Su, how well-trained he is, where is he like you, and talking endlessly?!”

Cruel mermaid, I don’t care about you for the sake of extreme water spirit pearls!

He said secretly in his heart, Li Chunshan didn’t hesitate, and began to pluck the strings.


The first piano sounded.

It is different from the soft melody of the mermaid.

This piano sound is very sharp!

Resound throughout the palace!

This is just the beginning.

As Li Chunshan continued to pluck the strings.

The sound of the piano sounded like a fight, and the sound of a knife and a gun!

Su Zhan closed his eyes slightly, and even felt like his whole body turned into a sea of ​​blood!

He is on the battlefield right now!

It’s amazing!

Each of the mermaid tribes also condensed their expressions, as if they felt that Li Chunshan’s song was not easy.

A few minutes later.

After Li Chunshan finished playing, he put away the long qin, and said with some pride: “How is it, how is my qin style?”

No one answered him.

Those merman tribes were silent one by one.

See here.

Li Chunshan thought he was shocked by the sound of his piano, and he was even more delighted in his heart.

It seems that these mermaids have been conquered by my Qin Dao!

Next, it is estimated that I should be seated and bring the spirit wine and spirit fruit!

I will play a few more songs at random, and when they worship me, I will use other treasures to replace the Extreme Water Spirit Orb.

Maybe there is a chance to succeed!


Talent is really useful!

Like Su Zhan, relying on good-looking looks is not the right way after all!

Thinking of this proudly in my heart.

Suddenly, my head hurts!

Li Chunshan clutched his head, looked angrily at the Ziran leader who jumped up and gave him a thud, and said angrily: “What are you hitting me for again!”

“What are you doing?”

The leader of Zi Ran was also angry and said, “Your piano way is so bad, you can’t play the bullshit, so you dare to play it!

After listening to your music, I feel my ears are polluted! ”

Hearing this, other strong mermaid tribes also nodded one after another.

“Yes, yes! That’s ugly!”

“I don’t know why, I’m so excited by his song, I can’t wait to beat him up!”

“I have this idea too!”

“It should be the rejection reaction of our brain. After all, it looks so ugly and plays so badly. Who can bear it?”

“Why don’t we just put him to death?!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Hearing the words of those strong mermaid tribes, Li Chunshan couldn’t do well, and said angrily: “My broken formation song contains the way of life and death, this song can even be used to temper the Sword intent!

Can’t you hear it so subtle?

It seems that your mermaid tribe’s piano Dao is really low! ”


The mermaid queen gave a light scream, and then said to Su Zhan: “Master Su, what do you think of our mermaid clan’s piano way?”

Su Zhan thought for a while, and directly used the words that the mermaid queen said before, and said: “Very good, warm and moist as jade, the remnant sound is around the beam.”

“Have you heard?”

The mermaid queen raised her brows and said: “The Su Gongzi commented so closely, this is the real piano master!

Moreover, Su Gongzi looked at his face, he was the kind of master who was very good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting!

What is it like Li Chun, you impure motivated demons, the performances are so messy and unbearable!

Hmph, seeing you grow into this ugly look, I know you are just bragging, and now it seems to be the case!

Come, put him on shackles and go to jail! ”

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