Chapter 961 Li senior, actually I know a little bit of kendo (fourth more, big chapter)

“There is still a spring of spirit here?”

Having just arrived in the valley, standing on the mountain at the edge of the valley, Li Chunshan looked at the spiritual spring about ten meters wide in the center of the valley, with a smile on his face: “Great!

In this way, we can also use the power of Lingquan to cultivate here! ”

As he said, he fell into the valley.

But it hasn’t landed yet.

The valley floor suddenly trembled!

At the other end of the valley, from the huge dark hole on the rock wall, a beast roar suddenly came out!

A head of about a hundred meters long and a fiery red body, like a lizard, Demonic Beasts rushed out of the cave.

A big mouth.

A huge flame beam burst out!


Where the flame beam passed, the space trembled, producing a distortion visible to the naked eye!

It seems that even the space has been melted away!

“Huh! You are not qualified enough if you want to eat me!”

Li Chunshan snorted coldly, and Sword Qi surged around his body.

The next moment, his whole person is like a Sword Qi rainbow light!

Shoot directly into the flame beam!


The flame beam suddenly annihilated!

The Demonic Beasts, along with the hill behind it.

All to pieces!

Killing the Demonic Beasts equivalent to the human Deva with one blow, Li Chunshan saw Su beheaded and remembered the anger he felt in the mermaid tribe.

He deliberately said: “Su Zhan, have you realized it?”

“What did you realize?”

Su Zhan was taken aback, somewhat puzzled.

“It’s useless just to be handsome!”

Li Chunshan carried his hands on his back and put on an expert posture: “For the people of our cultivation, the most important thing is strength!”


Su beheaded nodded.

Seeing Su Zhan admitting it so easily, Li Chunshan also calmed down a bit, saying: “I’m not saying that you are not strong enough.

However, you must not slack off cultivation, which delays your talent-huh?

Someone! ”

While speaking, Li Chunshan sensed something, his face suddenly changed, and his eyes looked somewhere.

The sky in that direction.

Two black airs are coming here quickly!

Soon it appeared over the valley.

The black qi condensed, revealing two figures in it.

He is about three meters tall, his hands are like sharp claws, shining with metallic luster, a pile of black wings grow on his back, his body is covered with scales, and his pupils are blood-red.

One of them has reached the peak of the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable!

The other person is also the Seven Tribulations Demon Lord!

Seeing these two demon races, Li Chunshan’s pupils shrank slightly, his expression solemn, and he said, “No, it’s from the Darkclaw Demon Race!”

at this time.

Above the sky, the two Demon Venerables of the Darkclaw Demon Race swept across Su Zhan and Li Chunshan, both a little surprised.

“I thought who was fighting here, it turned out to be a guy from the Golden Eye Demon Race.”

“The Golden Eye Demon Race is nothing, but, why is this Human Race here?”

“There are aboriginal races in the Tai Xuan domain, but if I remember correctly, it seems that the Cultivation Base is very low, not even Deva?”

“This Four Tribulations Deva, came in from outside?”

The eyes of the two Darkclaw Demon Races stayed on Su Zhan, full of doubts.

Because Su Zhan didn’t continue to hide his aura and features after entering the Tai Xuan domain, the two people also discovered Su Zhan’s human identity for the first time.

At this time, Su Zhan also glanced at the two Demon Races, and said: “You Demon Race come here, of course I will come too.”

“Of course you can come too?”

The Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable smiled: “You can come, but since you are here and we have run into it, then don’t think about leaving alive!”

“Brother Dark, and this Golden Eyed Demon Race!”

On the side, the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable also added: “This Golden Eye Demon Race colluding with the Human Race is really the shame of our Demon Race!

He must be killed!

I heard that a pair of golden pupils of the golden pupil demon clan is a good thing!

Hehehe! ”

“Don’t worry, neither of them can run away today!

Dim Realm! ”

After that, the Eight Tribulations Darkclaw Demon Sovereign had two wings suddenly!

A gust of black air gushes out of his body!

A huge black light curtain is formed, covering the entire valley in an instant, covering the sky and the sun!

Looking at those black light curtains, Li Chunshan looked solemn and said, “Su Zhan, this time we are in big trouble!

I can’t resist these two guys alone.

Can you help me deal with that Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable for a while? ”

Su Zhan nodded and said, “I—”

“never mind!”

Just as Su Zhan spoke, Li Chunshan shook his head again: “I think too much.

How can a Deva of the Four Tribulations fight against the Demon Lord of the Seven Tribulations?

In this way, I have a sword charm here.

Contains the power of my hour star kendo, which can last for ten minutes.

You will drag the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable with this sword talisman later!

I try to defeat the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable within ten minutes!

At that time, I will help you again! ”

Delay for ten minutes?

Where is it so troublesome.

Isn’t it good to kill directly?

But speaking of it.

If you kill him directly, don’t you lose sight of the Star Swordsman, which is known as the strongest in the spirit world?

Although the body of this Golden Eyed Demon Race is not Li Chunshan’s real body, it still possesses Li Chunshan’s distraction.

I am afraid he is the only one who can deduce the essence of Xiaoguang Star’s kendo!

If you can insight into the Star Swordsmanship, you can integrate its advantages into Heaven Swordsmanship…

Isn’t my swordsmanship stronger?

Thinking about it this way, Su Zhan gave up the idea of ​​directly exploding all the strength to kill the two demon veterans, but nodded, took the sword talisman and said: “Okay, I will delay.”

“must be careful!”

Li Chunshan said, then flipped his palm, took out the long sword, and burst out all his strength directly. With a flash of his body, he came to the front of the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable and slashed it out without hesitation!

“This is not the Sword Technique of the Demon Race, you really have betrayed the Demon Race, you damn it!”

Seeing the dazzling Galaxy Cluster cut out by Li Chunshan, Eight Tribulations Darkclaw Demon Venerable’s eyes were cold, and his right hand suddenly waved toward the front.

Suddenly, cracks appeared in the space ahead.

The Galaxy Cluster has not been cut down, it has been disintegrated by those rifts!

Just when Li Chunshan fought against the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable.

Su Zhan is also inspiring Sword Talisman!

The sword talisman turned into a starlight sword shadow, and under his control, shot towards the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable!

“Little Four Tribulations Deva, dare to attack me too!

Then kill you first! ”

The Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable who was about to attack Li Chunshan was suddenly attacked by Su Zhan and was very angry.

Su Zhan’s body flashed, retreating from a distance of about one kilometer, and continued to control the sword talisman to slash the Seven Tribulations Darkclaw Demon Lord.

The Seven Tribulations Darkclaw Demon Venerable couldn’t ignore the powerful attack of the sword talisman, so he had to resist the attack of the sword talisman first.

Waiting for the opportunity to rush to Su Zhan again.

But Su Zhan’s speed was so fast that he couldn’t touch Su Zhan at all, and he could only furiously incompetently while thinking of a way to attack Su Zhan.

Regarding this, Su Zhan didn’t care too much.

He didn’t even look at the Seven Tribulations Darkclaw Demon Venerable.

At this time, most of his attention was focused on Li Chunshan’s Hourly Star swordsmanship.

The kendo halo is on.

The aura of perception opens.

He is extremely profound in Insight, and he can be called the number one star sword in the spirit world.

As for the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable who has been roaring in front of him to tear him apart, he didn’t care at all, just casually deal with it.

If it weren’t for the explosive strength, he might not be able to see the essence of Li Chunshan’s burst of star swordsmanship under the pressure of life and death, he would have already punched this out of his mind.

The Seven Tribulations Darkclaw Demon Race who would only be incompetent and furious was killed!

Here Su Zhan and Seven Tribulations Darkclaw Demon Venerable dealt with them at will.

Li Chunshan is not so relaxed over there.

Although because of Star Swordsmanship, he is much stronger than the average Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable!

Even in the face of the Eight Tribulations Demon Lord, there is a fighting force!

But the power of a battle does not mean that he is really stronger than the Darkclaw Demon Race that has reached the peak of the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable!Of course, relying on Xiaoguang Star swordsmanship, he didn’t fall into the trap for a while.

Sword Qi aspect.

There were fierce battles in the valley.

In this way, it has been playing for almost ten minutes.

Li Chunshan still had no choice but to take the Eight Tribulations Darkclaw Demon Venerable, but instead he had several hideous and terrifying wounds on his body.

Looking in the direction of Su Zhan, Li Chunshan looked ugly.

Ten minutes was almost there, and the sword charms were almost exhausted.

Without the protection of sword charms, Su Zhan would be torn to pieces by the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable by then!

And after Su beheaded his death.

The Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable and the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable besieged him together.

He must die too!

In fact, it doesn’t matter even if you die, this is originally a clone.

However, if the Extreme Water Spirit Orb can’t be brought back to the spirit world, isn’t his plan for thousands of years just like nothing else? !

Thinking like this in his heart, Li Chunshan cut out a powerful Sword Qi to force the Eight Tribulations Demon Venerable back, threw the Extreme Water Spirit Orb to Su Zhan, and said to Su Zhan: “Su Zhan!

Later, I will perform mystery, burn all the life potential of this demon body, break this Realm, and hold these two demon races!

You must return to the spirit world alive and hand over the Extreme Water Spirit Orb to my body! ! ! ”

Catching the Extreme Water Spirit Orb, Su Zhan was taken aback, and said, “Li senior, are you really dying?

I think your condition is pretty good!

Do you want to stop playing for a few hours? ”

“Hit a hammer!”

Li Chunshan blocked another blow from the Eight Tribulations Demon Lord, and said angrily: “I was injured if I didn’t see it!

If I continue to fight, my injuries are getting heavier and worse, and in the end neither of us can run away!

It is better to sacrifice the ego and achieve the greater ego!

Anyway, this life is not too important to me, the most important thing is the Extreme Water Spirit Orb! ! ! ”

“Can’t you really fight anymore?”

Su Zhan felt a little regretful, and said, “Forget it, but Li senior, you don’t have to be so extreme. In fact, I can do a little bit of swordsmanship. It’s enough to deal with these demons.”

Hearing this, Li Chunshan was stunned for a moment, and immediately said, “You are a Deva of the Four Tribulations, you know how to use kendo as a fart!”

Hurry up and do what I said—be careful, the sword talisman is going to disappear! ”

Halfway through the conversation, Li Chunshan said in shock when he saw the shadow of the sword talisman dim.

At this time, the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable also discovered this, and laughed loudly: “Without this sword charm, I see how your human race can fight with me!”

After finishing speaking, he smashed the sword charm that was about to run out of energy with a single blow, and then rushed towards Su Zhan with a grinning smile.


The Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable was still flying, Su Zhan’s body suddenly turned into a flash of light and disappeared!

When he appeared again, he was already in front of the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable!

The Demon God Art is running, and the imprint of the meteor dragon Leiyan Mountain is bright.


Su Zhan suddenly stuck out his left hand!

He actually ignored the power of the Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable, defensively, attacked by devilish energy, and directly pinched his neck!

In the horrified gaze of that Seven Tribulations Demon Venerable, he abruptly lifted it!

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