Chapter 968 Golden Marrow Sword!

In this scene, Su Zhan was a little confused, and said, “No, what the hell is it that you slapped and pulled out your own spine?

Are you trying to scare me to death?

If so.

I suggest you pull your tongue out, tie a knot around own neck, and hang yourself!

Then I might still be scared! ”

“Huh! You are already dead!”

Jin Wanli sneered, the golden spine in his hand also changed, the golden light flashed, and it turned into a golden dagger that was only two feet long!

Although it looks very small, the breath exuding from that golden dagger makes the surrounding demons feel heart palpitations!

“Su Zhan be careful!”

Just now.

When Li Chunshan saw this scene, he also reminded: “That’s a golden marrow sword!

It is Jin Wanli’s strongest supernatural power!

He has cultivated this sword for nearly ten thousand years, and every time it is used, it will consume a lot of life potential, but at the same time, it will also greatly increase his strength!

Three hundred years ago!

He used the Golden Marrow Sword to kill the Sky Demon at the peak of the Eight Tribulations! ”

Golden Marrow Sword?

Su Zhan’s eyes condensed, and the divine light flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, it was a discovery.

With the golden marrow sword in his hand, Jin Wanli’s devilish energy seemed to be much stronger!

Moreover, the blood is extremely strong!

Even the injuries that were just hit have temporarily eliminated the impact!

The magic power exuded is no worse than before!

“It’s no use knowing!”

Jin Wanli said coldly, “Since I used the Golden Marrow Sword, you must stay here forever!

Die to me! ”

After speaking, Jin Wanli’s right hand, Sword Ray, Mang Daliang, cut out towards Su Zhan!

This sword is not too fancy.

But it is extremely powerful!

That golden Sword Qi, a full kilometer high, smashed all the mountain peaks blocking the road ahead!

Su Zhan’s eyes condensed, and he tried to punch out!


Sword Qi is annihilated.

But his body was also cut off for more than a thousand meters!

The power of this sword is definitely what he has ever seen, the most powerful force under the myth of Martial Dao!

With a slight shock in his heart, Su Zhan also directly ended the Nine True Spirits.

In the next instant, he burst into the Sun and Moon Star, Innate Five Elements, Chaos Wind and Thunder God Body!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, the night, the three kinds of heaven and earth anomalies of Star appear in the sky!

In the sea of ​​chaos and fog, the power of wind and thunder flashes, and the power of Five Elements rotates endlessly!

The ups and downs of Innate Avenue runes!

Su Zhan Divine Body urged to the extreme!

The left eye turned into a golden sun, and the right eye turned into a cold moon!

A symbol of Innate Avenue appears on the center of the eyebrows!

At this moment, he is like a god!


Endless power erupts!

All the demons 30 miles away changed their expressions, looking at Su Zhan’s eyes with jealousy.

“What a powerful god! This person…like a real god!”

“His divine body is too tyrannical!”

“Although he only has the Four Tribulations Cultivation Base, I don’t know why, but I have an illusion.

If I face him, I will be crushed at will! ”

“Wake up! That’s not an illusion!”

Voices sounded one after another.

Those demons are all scared. Fortunately, Jin Wanli arrived in time, otherwise, waiting for them to shoot at Su Zhan, I am afraid that they will have already returned to heaven by this time!

With fear in their hearts, many demons flashed their bodies, and once again withdrew from Shili!

And Jin Wanli also stared at it, saying: “I didn’t expect it.

You still have such a tyrannical divine body!

It seems that today is a hard fight!

However, it must be me, Jin Wanli, who had the last laugh! ”

After speaking, Jin Wanli once again slashed towards Su Zhan!

His eyes fell on the golden Sword Qi, and Su Zhan’s eyebrows flew out a little star.

Dainichi Star Sword appeared.

“Master, what stage are we now?”

Sword Lingsu Star was very excited and said, “Is it going to fight the Devil Emperor!”

“Hit a hammer!”

Su Zhan ran the Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship, and said: “Help me kill this demons first!”


As he performed the Heaven Slashing Sword Technique.

The power of the laws of the world on this side is rioting!

The force of the law, the vitality of heaven and earth rushed towards his right arm!

And he also cut it out with a single sword!

A bright starlight Sword Qi appeared!

Compared to Li Chunshan’s Star Swordsmanship.

This Sword Qi is not so fast.

However, it is even more terrifying!


Two Sword Qi collide!

A space crack a few meters long appeared directly at the center point!

That is the space cut by the extremely powerful Sword Qi!

The force of the counter shock came.

The divine light flashed on Su Zhan’s body, and he took a step back.

Jin Wanli’s expression changed, he staggered and retreated more than a dozen steps before he stood firm!

With look of disbelief in his eyes, he roared: “How is this possible!

I was still at a disadvantage when I used the golden marrow sword!

What is your Sword Technique? ! ”

“Heaven Swordsmanship.”

Su Zhan’s eyes flashed and said, “How about it, do you want to learn?”

“You! Dare you humiliate me!!!”

Jin Wanli thought that Su Zhan had deliberately said this to humiliate him, and was furious, and went to Su Zhan again!

Slashed a dozen swords in a row.

There were dozens of wounds on Jin Wanli’s body that were opened by flesh and blood, blood was gushing in his mouth, and his breath was fading!

And Su Zhan had several hairs cut off, his expression was solemn!

“The golden marrow sword is really powerful!

If I fight you with tens of thousands of swords, won’t I be bald?


too frightening! ”

“You! Poof!”

Not far away, when Jin Wanli, who had just gotten up from the ground, heard this, he was spouted with a breath of blood.

Staggered and almost fell to the ground!

While angry in his heart, he was also shocked, and even gave birth to a trace of fear!

Although the Golden Marrow Sword can greatly Ascension his power, the life potential that can be consumed is also extremely large.

If it is used again, I am afraid that after a hundred years of cultivation, it will not be restored!

This is not critical.

The key is.

Even if he used the Golden Marrow Sword, it was not Su Zhan’s opponent at all!

This is still a shame! ! !

Fear in his heart, The next moment, Jin Wanli held the Golden Medallion Sword, and the golden light exploded on his body!

It turned into a golden Sword Qi and fled towards the distance!

The speed is very fast.

Because of the limitations of Cultivation Base and escape technique, Su Zhan couldn’t catch up at all.

Therefore, he also directly took out the Void Sword Box!

The huge saint yuan perfusion sword box.

Forty-eight Void Sword Ray burst out!

“Space Treasure!”

Seeing those Sword Rays with extremely fast speeds, Jin Wanli’s pupils shrank, and immediately gritted his teeth, and roared: “Today’s revenge, if not reported in the future, Jin Wanli will not die!”

With that said, he actually crushed that golden marrow sword directly!

An extremely dazzling, golden light that can make a mortal’s eyes bright and blind surging out of his body!

Forty-eight void swords, under that golden wave swept through, were all chaos, and seemed to be hit by a great impact, falling from the sky to the ground!

And in that dazzling golden light, a golden line flew towards the distance extremely fast!

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