Chapter 973 Nine Tribulations Sky Demon? Today, just kill one and try! (Big chapter)

Qingxi Lake.

The vast expanse of the lake, islands and reefs everywhere.

Each mermaid looked to the south, all with some palpitations!

“The gold and silver thunder calamity is the ninth calamity in the legend!”

“The Great Southern Mountain… That’s the Realm of the Snake People!”

“The Snake King has broken into the Nine Tribulations!”

“What does it have to do? The Snake Race and our Mermaid Race have been living in peace for almost 20,000 years!”

“A dog can get along with another dog, but a dog can never get along with an ambitious lion!

Before, our mermaid tribe and the snake tribe were almost the same in strength, and it was difficult to distinguish the winner or the loser. Of course, they could be at peace.

But now, the Snake King has broken into the ninth calamity and has an absolute advantage in strength, but it’s hard to say! ”

“That’s right! We still report what we see to Her Majesty the Queen, and let Her Majesty decide-what is that?”

The mermaid was talking, and suddenly he was taken aback when he saw the billowing black air in the sky.

Can be very fast.

She saw clearly what it was.

It’s a snake man!

A statue of snake man, who controls the black energy, flies towards this side!

“No! The Snake King is here!”

“Snake people come so many powerful people, is it to start a war?!”

“Report to Her Majesty the Queen!”

A sound of panic sounded!

Many merfolk jump into the water!

And this time.

Came to the top of the waters of Qingxi Lake.

The Snake King glanced over the mermaid who jumped into the water in a panic, and sneered: “A group of stupid fish, today, let you see the most powerful force in the world!”

After speaking, he stretched out a palm and suddenly raised it downward!


The power of the laws of heaven and earth is surging!

Suddenly, about a hundred miles below!

The lake water is adsorbed to the sky!

In the lakes and waters in the sky, the power of the laws is surging, The next moment!

The lake containing the terrifying power of the Nine Tribulations Sky Demon King suddenly fell!


That area is a hundred miles away!

A huge wave broke out!

In the waves.

The corpses of mermaid flew out!

Under this force, many merfolks were even directly crushed!

Even those mermaids that were hidden thousands of meters deep under the water are all killed!

The size of a hundred miles!

In some small countries in the Eastern Wasteland domain, a city and nearby villages and towns are only a hundred miles away!

But now, the Snake King is killing him casually!

Countless mermaids howl miserably!

Blood stains the water surface!

“Hahaha! The power of the Nine Tribulations is cool!”

The Snake King laughed loudly, and then slammed his punch downward!


A huge fist print hit Qingxi Lake!

Directly smashed the bottom of the lake into a huge depression!

And all the creatures within ten miles of that fist seal were killed by the shock wave!

“It’s so cool! It’s so cool!”

The Snake King continued to shoot, killing the mermaid like an ant!

“Snake King, what are you going to do!”

At this moment, the mermaid queen, the leader of Ziran, and a group of mermaid powerhouses all rushed out of the water, glaring at the snake king!

“What should I do?”

The Snake King smiled and said, “Are you bitches blind?

Can’t you see that I am killing you mermaid?

Speaking of which, aren’t you mermaids very noble?

Now, why can only be ravaged by me?

Hahaha! ”

“Damn you!”

Commander Zi Ran watched the corpses of those tribesmen surging, his eyes suddenly turned red, holding a silver spear in his hand, roaring towards the Snake King!

“I’m talking to your queen, what are you, dare to interrupt?

roll! ”

The Snake King glanced at the leader of Zi Ran and waved his left hand.


There was a huge handprint on the white cheek of the leader of Zi Ran who was hundreds of meters away!

And her body was also taken away directly!

Falling on a rock, vomiting blood!

“Snake King!”

At this time, the mermaid queen was extremely angry, but knew that she was not the opponent of the snake-human clan king, she also resisted her anger abruptly, and said, “What do you want!”

“What do you want?”

The Snake King thought of something, and said, “Do you know the human race named Su Zhan?

Now tell me his whereabouts, I might be able to let go of half of your mermaid tribe, and give us snake people a slave to live!

How about this condition is very tempting, right? ”


The mermaid queen said angrily: “I do know Young Master Su, but I can swear that I will never know his whereabouts!

Also, have you forgotten our previous war-free agreement? ! ”

“do not know?”

The Snake King was a little regretful, and immediately said: “Since you don’t know, then there is no need for you mermaid to survive.

As for the war-free agreement…”

As he said, the Snake King sneered: “That’s a lie to you stupid fish, you really believe it!

Hahaha! ”

“You are shameless!”

“What shamelessness is not shameless, in this world, only the living are qualified to speak!”

The Snake King said, another blow down!

Kill more than a hundred celebrities and fish clan!

“I’m fighting with you!”

Seeing this, the mermaid queen finally couldn’t bear it, her eyes were red, and she rushed towards the snake king!


You deserve it too! ”

The Snake King flipped his left hand and pressed it towards the mermaid queen!

Suddenly, the body of the mermaid queen just flying was pressed down!


The mermaid queen’s body smashed into the island below!

There are cracks on that island!

In the ruins, the mermaid queen cried out in pain: “Kill me!

You killed me and let go of my people! ! ! ”

“Of course you are going to die, but…”

With another punch, he drove several mermaids who wanted to raise the mermaid queen to death. The snake king sneered and said, “Your clan can’t survive either!”

“Your Majesty the King!”

At this moment, looking at the slain mermaid, the snake-human tribe Elder rolled his eyes and said: “Those merman tribes are very beautiful, and most of them are women. It happens to be our snake-human women and boys. More, is it possible to—”


The Snake King said coldly: “How can the blood of my Snake Clan be tainted by foreigners!


Thinking of something, King Yin of the Snake Race said with a smile: “It’s okay to have a fun and then kill it.

As long as the blood of the two races is not left behind, you can play as you like! ”


Elder, the snake-human tribe, was overjoyed, looking down expectantly.

Now that the merman tribe hasn’t completely lost its combat effectiveness, he naturally dare not rush over to avoid being besieged.

However, when the clan king kills those powerful ones, there will be no threat to the rest!

Thinking about this, Elder the snake-human clan waited excitedly.


The Snake King’s eyes fell on the mermaid queen with bleeding and tears in his eyes, and he was a little curious: “The mermaid queen, where is your extremely water spirit orb?

If you use the Extreme Water Spirit Orb to mobilize the power of the entire Qingxi Lake, you may be able to hold it twice in front of me!

Could it be that you gave it to the human race named Su Zhan?

Hahaha, looking at you like this, most of it is! ”

The Snake King was full of disdain, and said contemptuously: “You mermaids, you are really mindless idiots!

If you dedicated the Extreme Water Spirit Orb to me thousands of years ago and submit to our snake-human race, how could there be today’s disaster?

Such a treasure was actually deceived by a human little white face! ”

“Master Su, he”

The mermaid queen’s finger nails fell into her palms, her red eyes staring: “I didn’t lie to me, and it’s not a little white face!”


The Snake King smiled: “Look at that, I am now killing your tribe.

What can your Lord Su do for you?

I now occupy your Qingxi Lake.

What can your Su Gongzi do?

In a moment, I want my people to kill you mermaid clan to death!

Where is your Lord Su?

Hahaha! ”

“I will kill you!”

The mermaid queen struggled to get up from the ruins and rushed to the snake king again!

“court death!”

The killing intent flashed in the eyes of the Snake King, and the palm of his hand was turned, gathering a large amount of Spiritual Qi, forming a one-mile-sized handprint, shooting down from the sky towards the mermaid queen!

The power of that handprint obviously surpassed the other attacks before.

Under this force, the mermaid queen’s body was suppressed and fell down, screaming with pain and hatred in her mouth.

My people, I, I’m sorry you…

Perceiving that she is bound to die under this palm, the mermaid queen closed her eyes, and two drops of blood and tears fell from the corner of her eyes.

But just when the palm was about to hit her, a powerful hand caught her soft body.


The mermaid queen opened her eyes in confusion, seeing that fair and beautiful face, her heart, which was already as gray as death, ignited a glimmer of hope!

“Master Su, you–”

“Don’t talk, everything, I’ll take it.”

As Su Zhan said, the imprint of the Meteorite Dragon Extreme Thunder Mountain on his left hand suddenly brightened, and he punched the upper handprint!


A loud noise!

The handprint gleamed, but it still suppressed his body!


Su Zhan landed on a huge island!

Holding the mermaid queen in one hand, an extremely dazzling divine light suddenly burst out of him!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, the night star, three kinds of heaven and earth anomalies appear in the sky!

In the sea of ​​chaos and fog, the wind and thunder are flashing, and the power of Five Elements rotates endlessly!

The ups and downs of Innate Avenue runes!

His left eye turned into a round of big sun, his right eye turned into a round of bright moon, with a starry sky under his eyes, and the sign of Innate Avenue appeared on the center of his eyebrows!

A terrifying power broke out!

At this moment, he is like a god!


Push the left hand again!

That handprint burst into pieces!

Fist broke through the sky!

Put the mermaid queen on the ground, took out the toothless spirit blood, and sent the last few drops of spirit blood into the mermaid queen’s mouth. Su Zhan turned around and looked at the sky, the snake-human king standing high.

At this time, the Snake Man King looked at him in amazement: “The Five Tribulations Cultivation Base, can actually block my blow?

Are you the human race named Su Zhan?

Sure enough, some ability!

However, do you think your Cultivation Base is really qualified to compete with me! ”

With that said, the Snake King suddenly exploded with demon power!

The snake people around were pushed a dozen miles away!

“Nine Tribulations Sky Demon…”

Feeling the terrifying power, Su Zhan’s eyes, the big sun and the bright moon flickered, and then a little starlight flew out from the center of his eyebrows.

With the Dahi Star sword in his hand, he opened his mouth and said, “I haven’t killed it yet.

Today, I will try to kill one! ”

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