Chapter 994 Dark Night Demon Robe!

Although he is not good at physical strength, he is also the Heavenly Demon of Nine Tribulations.

However, as Su Zhan continued to infuse Sheng Yuan, his body was also slightly bent!

Realizing that if this goes on, he is bound to die, and he can’t control anything else. He gritted his teeth and used a secret technique to suddenly burst out a huge force!

And he turned into a black shadow and fled towards the outside quickly!


Meteoron Leiyan Mountain is down!

Anjue just escaped!

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, an extremely overbearing Sword Qi struck again!

Cut him into the air!

Don’t wait for him to land.

Su Zhan’s whole body power exploded, and the Da Ri Star sword in his hand buzzed and was projected out by him!


This sword shot directly into Anjue’s chest!

Take his body to fly more than a dozen miles away!

Insert into a mountain!

That small rock mountain suddenly shattered!

Su Zhan’s figure flashed, and he came to the front of Dark Jue where the blood was rushing in his mouth, and retracted the Da Ri Star Sword.

“you you!”

Perceiving that his internal organs have been shattered by the overbearing Sword Qi of the Dahi Star Sword, he can’t live long, and An Jue’s eyes are full of unwillingness. While the dirty blood mixed with visceral fragments gushes out of his mouth, he hissed: “You are clearly being I stabbed!

You are just a Five Tribulations Deva!

Why not die! ! ! ”

“Don’t you say I almost forgot.”

It wasn’t until this time that Su Zhan sounded that he still had a short sword stuck in his body.

So he pulled out that dagger, and looked at the blood pouring out of the wound, his brows frowned: “Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon level assassin, really powerful!

A full blow can actually pierce the sword into my skin one centimeter!

This is terrible, terrible! ”


Hearing Su Zhan’s words, another mouthful of blood spurted out in secret.

I’m an assassin of the Nine Tribulations.

With a full blow, it only pierced a centimeter?

Still scary, horrible?

Your sword cut me all right away!

You are so terrible, okay? ? ?


This f*ck is really the Five Tribulations Deva?

My heart collapsed, and An Jue’s eyes flashed annoyed.

Now, he finally knew why the devil emperors were so cautious one by one.

Because it’s easy to die if you are not careful!

Full of regret and unwillingness, Secret Jue’s mouth is full of blood, and life is cut off!

After Su Zhan sprinkled a little medicine on the wound, watching the wound slowly heal, he also stepped forward and searched the hidden objects.

The other things are nothing. Although there are a lot of valuables, they are not too important to him.

However, the dark night demon robe that was taken off An Jue made Su Zhan also feel a little special.

Attempting to infuse Saint Yuan, it turned out that this treasure seemed to be connected to Anjue’s bloodline, and he couldn’t infuse it at all.

After thinking about it, Su Zhan didn’t study this much, and directly opened the aura of the strange treasure!

The Saint Yuan was infused, and the magic robe flashed with black light, and it appeared directly on his body.

At the same time, as his heart moved, he stimulated the magical powers attached to the magic robe.

In the next instant, he suddenly disappeared!

Body shape, breath, and even the flow trajectory created by air friction are all gone!

It’s as if he doesn’t exist at all!

Of course, when he uses a large amount of Saint Yuan, this concealment effect will be slightly weakened.

However, this is definitely a treasure!

After trying it out on the Great Wilderness Plain for a while, Su Zhan stopped the Saint Yuan infusion, and his figure appeared.

That magic robe was also draped on him like an ordinary big black robe.

Even, according to his choice, it can be transformed into a black gown.

“The hidden supernatural power attached to this thing is too strong, no wonder I just couldn’t capture this person’s position with my divine eyes!

With this thing, in the battle five days later, my chances of victory are one more point! ”

Su Zhan whispered in his mouth, and then continued to sit and cultivate Shen Shen Jue.

Those Devil Emperors can send a Nine Tribulations Assassin to assassinate him this time.

Next time, maybe I will come in person!

The Devil, at least the Nine Tribulations late stage!

Basically, they are already at the peak of the Nine Tribulations!

If he only faces one, he doesn’t feel much pressure.

But, ten devil emperors!

And those Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

In this battle, frankly speaking, Su Zhan was not sure of winning.

However, he wanted to give it a try.

It’s better than the tragic death of those he cared about in Eastern Wasteland!

After calming all the distracting thoughts in his heart, Su Zhan entered the perfect state of Insight, and continued to cultivate God’s tactics.

It didn’t take long.

Great Wild Mountain Range, above that high mountain.

Golden Eye Demon Emperor said: “Darkclaw Demon Emperor, why hasn’t Anjue returned?

Liquor, but it’s almost cold. ”

The Darkclaw Demon Emperor frowned, and just about to say something, he suddenly sensed that the demon general who was responsible for reporting various matters to the outside world was coming here.

He smiled and said, “What’s the hurry? Isn’t the good news already here?”

The other demon emperors also sensed that the demon general came over, and each one was a little unhappy.

Obviously, in their opinion, to report so quickly, most of them Anjue has already succeeded.

Otherwise, it would take at least a few hours for Anjue to fight the human race.

Tai Xuan domain secret treasure, it seems to fall into the hands of the Darkclaw Demon Emperor!

A devil emperor sighed.

The Golden Eye Demon Emperor was also a little surprised. He looked at the general of the Demon Race who hurried over, and asked directly: “Quickly, can Anjue kill that human race?”

“Report to all the Devil Emperors, Master Anjue has failed!”


Darkclaw Devil Emperor was a little annoyed, and cursed: “Anjue is really a waste!

What about others? ”

“Back to Darkclaw Devil Emperor, Master Anjue is dead, I saw it with my own eyes from a distance!”

The demon general quickly said: “Even the dark night demon robe from Lord Anjue has been taken away!”


The Darkclaw Devil Emperor was shocked: “Anjue is dead?

How can this be!

He is very good at hiding his body! ”

“What’s impossible.”

The Golden Eye Demon Emperor who had long been expected was not too surprised, and said: “Even the Golden Sword Master is dead, and it has only been thirty years since a newcomer to the Nine Tribulations. Realm is not stable. Isn’t it normal to die? ?”


The Darkclaw Devil Emperor subconsciously wanted to refute, but could not say anything to refute.

The Golden Eye Demon Emperor was right.

Even the Golden Sword Master is dead, why can’t Anjue die?

He looked down on that human race too much!

I would not let Anjue go if I had known it, now it’s fine, and a nine-tribulation Heavenly Demon has been lost in vain!

In the future, the distribution of the interests of the top ten demons will definitely be affected!

The Darkclaw Devil Emperor was extremely regretful, and immediately became a little scared.

Fortunately, it’s not him who went dark.


Let’s not talk about death or death.

But even if that human race can be killed, it will definitely be hit hard!

And being hit hard at this critical time… is almost equivalent to giving up the cupped hands that would have been available in the spirit world to other devil emperors!

Even after they really captured the Demon Realm, these Demon Emperors saw that they had been seriously injured, and they might have to deprive him of his share directly for reasons such as not contributing to the Spirit Realm!

Fortunately, restrained!

Thinking of this in his mind, Darkclaw Devil Emperor exhaled.

The other Demon Emperors were also glad that they were not the people who died in their Demon Realm.

After a while, those Devil Emperors frowned.

Obviously, now they really realized that Su Zhan was a big trouble.

“Everyone, don’t worry.”

Seeing those demon emperors frowned, the golden pupil demon emperor smiled and said: “Wait another five days, our ten great demon emperors go hand in hand, no matter how strong the human race is, isn’t it going to be easily crushed?”

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