Chapter 998 Ten Great Devil Emperors, Let’s Go Together! (Chapter Three)

The huge force formed a storm, blasting Su Zhan’s body out for more than ten miles!

And the attacks of those Devil Emperors all failed!

Blast out a big pit where Su Zhan was originally located!

Several devil emperors all looked at Yun Luo a little displeased.

“Emperor Purple Blood Demon, what do you mean!”

“Just now when we were fighting, you just watched. Now you see that this guy is dying. Are you going to grab the head?”

“Three heads and six arms… the strongest supernatural power of the Purple Blood Demon clan, but, I remember the Purple Blood Demon emperor, you don’t seem to have cultivated the Demon Art to the highest level, right?

Why today, it makes me feel quite like the Devil Emperor Yunluo? ”

Several Devil Emperors all spoke.

Yun Luo was much more lazy to say, his body flashed and he appeared in front of Su Zhan who had just blocked the attack with his sword and had a pale face.

His eyes met Su Zhan.

Yun Luo remembered that he had also sent to this person.

At the beginning, Su Zhan’s various abnormalities were still fresh in his memory.

Would such a person really die like this?

Even if he saw that Su Zhan was already out of strength now, Yun Luo still hesitated.

Therefore, he also opened his mouth and said: “Su Zhan, you are a talent.

If you are willing to surrender to us, I can persuade other demon emperors to let you go.

Die silently, and continue to live.

You choose again! ”

“My Dao heart is stable, you can’t confuse me.”

Su Zhan shook his head, his eyes firm.

“After you die, I will erect a monument for you, toothless, and I will protect you, as for you…”

Yun Luo took a deep breath, and the killing intent suddenly burst into his eyes: “Since you are already mortal, let me kill you personally!

After today, all the grievances between us are over! ”

After speaking, Yun Luo blasted out with a punch!

Su Zhan also blasted out with a fist with his left hand.

However, because of the injury and the reason that Leiyan Mountain, the meteor dragon, was not in his left hand, his body was blasted out by Yun Luo and landed on the ground, staggeringly retreated a few steps.

Take Meteor Dragon Leiyan Mountain back with his left hand.

Su Zhan exhaled a suffocating breath, and a dharma image appeared behind him!

The law of chaos, the law of destruction, the law of space, the law of time…

In fact, every kind of cultivation of the power of these laws has a god-tier skill!

It’s a pity that under the true god, they can only be regarded as a preliminary understanding of the power of the law.

Even though he has so many ways, he can’t derive many god-tier skills.

It can only temporarily increase the power of the law that he induces.

His eyes fell on the many phenomena behind Su Zhan.

The complexions of the powerful demons changed slightly.

However, because he had seen Su Zhan’s perversion before, knowing that this guy was not an ordinary person, it was difficult to infer common sense.

So they were not too shocked.

Rather, the figure swept, forming an encirclement, trapping Su Zhan in it.

from their perspective.

Su Zhan is already at the end of the crossbow, and he will undoubtedly die. In that case, it is better to see what other methods this guy has.

A statue of Dharma appeared.

Su Zhan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes swept over the devil emperors.

This battle.

He is not sure of victory.

Even he was not sure whether he would die.

However, if he does not stand up.

Those who are important to him in the Eastern Wasteland domain will definitely die!

In that case, I can only give it a go.

After all, there are hundreds of billions of auras, and he will bear all of this. In other words, it is better than the Eastern Wasteland domain Su Tianhai, Tang Wujian and others to bear it!

Thinking so.

The last Faxiang flew out, and Su Zhan swallowed a handful of Medicine Pill, intending to fight these Devil Emperors desperately.

Suddenly, when he sensed something, his expression moved.

The palm of his hand turned over, and the Heavenly Dao jade plate appeared in his hand.

I saw it.

On the Heavenly Dao jade plate at this moment, the light that merged has disappeared.

The whole Heavenly Dao jade plate is like one!

The fusion is complete!

Su Zhan’s heart was overjoyed, and the huge Saint Yuan poured into the Heavenly Dao jade plate!

However, the Heavenly Dao jade plate did not respond at all.

Seeing this, Su Zhan was stunned for a while, not too surprised.

Like this kind of treasure, if anyone can easily use it, that’s a weird thing!

With this in mind, Su Zhan opened up the halo of strange treasures!

Under the influence of the aura of the strange treasure, his holy yuan poured into the Heavenly Dao jade plate unimpeded!


One after another rune lit up on the Heavenly Dao jade plate!

The outer part of the Heavenly Dao jade plate began to rotate slowly.

In the next instant, the Heavenly Dao jade plate emitted an invisible wave, sweeping Su Zhan’s body around a hundred miles!

That wave has no lethality.

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, trying to inspire the true magical powers of the Heavenly Dao jade plate.

It turned out to be a discovery.

He couldn’t control the Heavenly Dao jade plate at all!

Only by continuously infusing the Saint Yuan, the outer part of the Heavenly Dao jade plate can rotate slowly, emitting that invisible wave.

And that wave of volatility…

So far, it seems to have no effect.

and many more!


The breath of those devil emperors…weakened!

This wave of fluctuation contains the power of suppression!

Soon, it was discovered that the Great Devil Emperor’s expression had changed drastically, and Su Zhan also suddenly woke up.

The next moment, he rushed directly to the nearest Yunluo!

Cut out with one sword!

Yun Luo had all six arms out, but he was still chopped off by this sword!

It’s not that Su Zhan has become stronger, but… Yun Luo has become weaker!

Although the extent of the weakening is not very large, the gap between Su Zhan and these demon emperors is not very large!

Therefore, this sword directly cuts back Yunluo!

Perceiving the magical effect of the Heavenly Dao jade plate, Su Zhan swallowed a large amount of Medicine Pill to ensure that he could maintain the huge consumption required for the rotation of the Heavenly Dao jade plate.

Immediately afterwards.

Meteoron Leiyan Mountain, Heaven Slashing Sword Technique, Star God Body Tempering Fist… all kinds of magical powers, all treasures are displayed!

The giant spirit demon emperor was hit by the Heaven Slashing Swordsmanship, spit out a mouthful of blood, and fled out of Su Zhan Baili’s range in a hurry.

Darkclaw Devil Emperor took a punch from Su Zhan, his face changed slightly, and his body was blasted out!

The Heavenly Wolf Devil Emperor was smashed by the meteor dragon Leiyanshan’s eyes and stared at the gold star, and his body fell to the ground, causing a large amount of smoke and dust.

As for the Thunderstorm Demon Emperor, he found something wrong, so he retreated a distance of twenty miles, and looked at Su Zhan fearfully from twenty miles away.

As the Heavenly Dao jade plate slowly turned, Su Zhan body Zhou Baili, as if there was a huge weakness technique, suppressed all the Spirit Power except him!

“That is the secret treasure jade plate of Tai Xuan secret realm!”

“What kind of treasure is that!

Can actually suppress a part of my power! ”

“That kind of repressive force… is completely different from what I have seen before, and it seems to come from a whole new level that we have never seen before!”

“Su Zhan was already extremely perverted, now with the help of this secret treasure… things are getting tricky!”

Several Devil Emperors spoke, with a trace of jealousy in their eyes, and they did not dare to attack Su Zhan hastily.

However, the five Great Devil Emperors who hadn’t participated in the battle in the distance, noticed the heaven-defying effect of the secret treasure in Su Zhan’s hand, and their expressions became solemn at this time.

His gaze swept over the devil emperors who looked solemn, greedy for the Heavenly Dao jade plate in his hand, and a little jealous of his power.

Su Zhan held the Heavenly Dao jade plate in one hand, pointed the sword in the other, and said, “Don’t hesitate.

Your ten great devil emperors…

Let’s go together! ”

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