I have a world pawnshop

Chapter 900 Rongle Cheng meets the ship boss

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Zhang Fan took out the mobile phone to search, I saw the topic about such topics, and the number of comments was awkward.

"The New Year's Eve, there is such a thing, this group of kids is really recruiting hate."

"Chen Haisheng is the big boss, no matter where it is, it is an attractive fire, this is just how long? The collapse of the industrial area has not been over, the son is kidnapped, this family may not have this year."

"How is this group of kidners do? The time to choose is really very suitable. If it is placed in us, it is estimated that they can't open the city."

"I remember that this happened three years ago, but it happened in Hong Kong. At that time, the rich is more than 40 million, will not do the same group."

Similar to such a comment, it becomes an overwhelmingly in just ten minutes.

There seems to have a lot of people who pay attention to the previous kidnapping case, today suddenly ran out!

Zhang Fan seeing it is still very interesting!

This is one of the public relations methods that Chen Haisheng makes people under their hands!

These people were hired, it was completely for money to send information, the purpose is to make this matter enough!

At the same time, let more people pay attention to this.

Just I am afraid that even these water troops can't think of it, people who really hire them here to brush the news, they are not a media company that is not too excited.

Instead, the father of the parties of this thing, Chen Haisheng.

I have been very busy in the New Year, plus such a message, and you can say that many boring people are naturally added.

Make this thing, it has become a bigger fever than the gun robbery.

Although it is very troublesome to handle!

But the benefits are also a lot.

"This time, the old king is estimated to have a lot! Chen Hai Sheng is such a propaganda, everyone knows that this group of kids is always extraordinary.

At the same time, who can knock this case, who is the hero in your eyes.

Soon, the old king will come back to a level, and it can really become a star figure. "

Compared to Zhang Fan, peaceful look at the world in the world!

Some people are heartbeat meat, looking at the Internet, all kinds of comments, I only feel that my heart is cool.

"This can be finished, the next few things about the construction site, the heat has already fallen to a high level, and finally stopped, now there is this kind of thing!

This is probably a lot of people think that some of the local heroes are being targeted at Chen Haisheng! "

"Yes, this is really no mouth, if you can't catch these criminals, then we really lose your family!"

"Yeah, this is what happened in the New Year's night. In case, we will not be properly disposed, all of us will face the stimul of the upper wind, and even if it is deserved."

"I don't know if the old king is not!"

"Dao Wang experienced rich, but he couldn't be a thousand miles and smooth, and we can immediately grab this guilty. We also need to wait patiently."

However, in these anxiously waiting around the commander, very anxious people, holding a bad mentality, some skeptical king catching fast.

Suddenly, an internal phone call!

A operator quickly answering, heard the boss in the lower level office, convey the good news, and his face became wonderful.

"You said, Wang Yu has already caught people? And Chen Miao is not damaged? He is driving directly to the robbers in the rocket?"

The operator is too surprised!

Because it is similar to this kidnapping case, it has also happened!

But there is no one, it can take the whole case within two hours, caught the suspect.

What's more horrible is, how does the old king know their stronghold? Just like it is a thousand miles, the trailing will copy these people's old nests.

I can't do it!

Others in the office, I heard that the operator has a little bit of the manner, and it has also gathered up. When he learned the heroic behavior of the old king, don't mention more shock!

Everything is wide, I want to break your head, I don't understand, how did this old king find a robbers?

On the Internet, many people pay close attention to the wind direction of this kidnapping case.

It is slightly eased, it will be reburned by a fire, in this new year night, lively scene, this kidnapping case, holding a lot of people.

In the mansions of the South Bugu, Rong's family, Rongle has been holding mobile phones, and this news is originally seen. He has been inspired.

"This is on the hot technique, it seems to be the last time, our Rongjia speculation is a Lin Qing incident, it is very similar! What is Zhang Fan intended?"

After returning, I have been cautious, Chen Haisheng has had one side of him, and he has invited Zhang Fan to have a lunch.

In accordance with Mr. Zhang Fan's personality, most of them will not look at him without falling.

I won't look at his son and have been caught by some gangsters and there is life danger.

So he is very clear, this is probably a way to Zhang Fan wants to push the king to catch up, and have to use some way.

"Mr. Zhang Fan, it seems to be successful! And I am still waiting for the opportunity. It seems that I must seize this opportunity, I can't let Mr. Zhang Fan disappointed with me."

The next day, Nandu passed the lively boiling last night. Today, he still did not disappear, and people who walked home in the sanctuary of the New Year were not a few.

Rongle Cheng also got out of the door, first visited the grandfather of Rongjia, and his elders, it took a lot of gifts, and the people who would support their own people, and people who were unresolved.

In the high-grade villa of the Chairman of Nandu Sihai Foreign Trade Co., Ltd., Can be called a guest full.

People who come here to pay here, they are all asking for this Liu Sihai, or if it is hard.

At this time, Liu Sihai has not got up. I took a young tea who sent the servant. Some young people who were sitting on the couch, dressed up with a very noble, there was a chat.

"Rong Jia's father came in a period, rarely showed, I guess it was an age, the body became more and more silent. When the two days of Rong family chatted, it seems to be selected by the Rong family heir. Do you know this? "

The people around them are attracted!

Four Sea Foreign Trade Co., Ltd., most of which are provided by the Rong family.

Only because of the pressing of the Rong family, Liu Sihai has a wild heart, but it can't break away.

For so many years, it is still a private miniature company, but his registered capital has reached more than 10 million!

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