I have a world pawnshop

Chapter 903's grievances in the container

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If it is inferred in this idea, Rongle Cheng said, it is very big.

As for her to resist psychology, it is complete because I don't want to believe it.

After all, he and his wife feel excellent, and his wife can say that it is the same life in the sea, the most trustworthy, the most worthy of love.

In the past three years, the woman has been trying to take care of the mother, keep the second-person marriage!

Is it true that your father's disappearance is really related to this woman.

"The heart of the anti-human is indispensable, this is the reason that the father told me! I would like to be misunderstood, I should not give up anywhere.

Otherwise, I am sorry for yourself, but also for my parents who don't work. "

About the past seven or eight seconds, the sea is a bit bite, and the inner decision is determined. I believe in Rongle into one.

Wang managed home is standing aside!

Fang Dahai turned to see the past: "Wang managers, look good, waiting for me to come back, everyone can't humiliate him, everything is waiting for me to come back."

"Old party, I will go with you!"

The big beard man is holding a pipe, standing from the position.

Next to a young man who looks intimately, it is also standing.

These two people can be the role that Liu Sihai can fight in the world!

Fang Dahai footsteps.

"Two brothers thank you, I didn't want to kill, I want to know the truth of the matter, let the old white and Li Si and I will go with me."

Lao White and Li Si, stand up from the position.

These two people are responsible for the coordinating coordinates, as well as the distribution of goods, in other words, the company manager under Liu Sihai!

Playing is a pen, from a non-action knife.

"Fang Ge, let us go with you." The two paid a look, bringing a few bodyguards, take a business in Liu Sihai Villa, which is to drive towards the suburbs.

Rongle Cheng looked at these people left and called out of the long gas.

Look at the content of the SMS message, smile and delete it.

At this moment, he made a burst of rampant laugh.

"Mr. Zhang Fan is really a god, far from thousands of miles, but also help me to establish a prestige! This means, almost no gods."

No one is 11:30 in noon!

The western suburbs transport containers to this hoarding place, and the sea is old white Li four, came to the container aggregation point.

Watching past, a black Bentley, docked on the road between many container gaps, and the old white face changed.

"Is this not the Bentley of the boss? Your wife is coming!"

Li's alien is also eye jump!

They played a pen as a pen as a shore, naturally, for the disappearance of Fang Dahai, he is always looking for.

But I didn't expect it, spent tens of millions of rewards, people actually under the eyelids.

Three people immediately went to the vehicle, and the sea is very silent, and the blood of the eyes is dense. It is called the murderous soaring!

A group did not cover too much, because they have long told the person in charge, all the car today will not be entered!

If you leave a, all the person in charge must take responsibility!

Therefore, the sea is not worried that someone gets the wind to turn away.

This area is still in Liu Sihai, which belongs to their trading company!

A container door that is closely closed in the container in the bottom of the bottom, which is a close-up container door, which is hidden at this moment.

The crying sound is being passed from the gap.

"Dad, today is the first year of the New Year, I brought dumplings, as well as the photo of the sea, you are gone!"

I heard this voice, the sea is like being hit by the bullets, the whole person is soft, almost kneeling directly on the ground!

" !"

The two immediately supported the sea, and the sea was the arm of the two people, and the two people were scattered not to make a sound.

At the same time, a man's voice came from in the container, it seems that it seems very young, it is definitely not an old man.

"The old guy, don't give your face! If you don't have a good moon, I have already done you! You said your old guy, what is your life? Give you dumplings, you don't eat, you are Look for yourself. "


Women screamed: "Don't hit, all this is our fault, there is no relationship with Dad!"

"It's strange that this old man is too savvy. I saw the things of our two live together. Otherwise, Laozi will not hide in this place every day, waiting for you to have a mother!"

"Don't say, please don't say it!" The woman cried and seems to be pleading.

"Let me don't say it, I have been here for more than a month. If you can make Laozi satisfied, Laozi is delicious to eat this old man!

Otherwise, the next time you come again, this old guy is a body. "

Fang Dahai stood up!

The eyes are gradually indifferent, and the whole face is covered with a layer of frost!

"I seem to know who this kid is!" Li Si touched the Pakistan: "You still remember the sea for three years ago, the nephew has come to the company, and the kid thief has a mouse, you take this kid directly from The company's door is going out, because this is still playing! "

Fang Dahai immediately remembered, there is a thing three years ago!

It is not that the sea does not want to help this poor relative, just because this poor relative heard the reputation of the sea!

Just came to the south to do a lot of disgusting people!

In order not to let this little child kill himself, the sea is not responsible for his wife's opposition, and the guy of this disgusting person will go out!

Also sent, if you find this kid to continue to entangle your wife, he will interrupt the leg of this guy!

I didn't expect it, it is such a small role that does not occupy any position in his memory. Today, he was imprisoned for three years!

"It will also understand this. It seems that this grandson did not have a good thought.

Li Si's old white one sentence, things are gradually clear.

But just this, it is difficult to eliminate the hate of the House!

"Waiting for, save my father!"

Fang Dahai no longer thinking, he has experienced too much life and death, did not expect to have a day, the most trusted, the most careless person, his heart stabbed a knife.

This knife is smashed by the knife than him, and the scar is tired.

Along with a loud noise!

Three or four black bodyguards rushed into the container.

See you see, a young man who looks scattered, and hugs his wife who is dead to the ground.

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