I have a world pawnshop

Chapter 905 rescues the child

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On the road, Rongle Cheng also heard some discussions under private.

"This glimpse is estimated that Liu Zhou is closed!"

"I don't know what this gemmood is doing, and there is a person who will make Liu Sihai this very reluctant to interveneer's internal affairs, oppose him as a successor.

"Will you lose this person, poke in Liu Sihai successively, no one's pain!"

"I am very likely, but some people fall from the cloud to the soil because of a word."

Listening to these people's talks, Rongle has sighed a breath, it is to go outside the villa!

At this time, the three floors of the villa, Liu Sihai has passed the nephew that the big brother's home is in a small daughter of a partner, from the wide large room, playing the game.

Liu Sihai's nephew played a small weaver, the girl is a policeman who caught the thief!

The two children are not easy, and the age is not big, they are around the age of six or so, this old child is simply not afraid of the little king.

It is completely unable to have no day, even the king tube home behind it, it is also a teasing and asthoon, and it will not catch up.

and so!

At the time of the Wang Gasist, Liu Sihai's nephew, actually ran to the balcony of the third floor.

Because this is the private residence of Liu Sihai, plus the reason for drinking tea, just on the edge of the balcony, put a tea table with the railing.

Liu Sihai's nephew, it came to the tea table, and smiled and shouted to the girl.

"Yue Sister, come and catch me, you can't catch me!"

The height of the original railway reached one meter, which is equivalent to the height of the ordinary child to reach the chest, which is so high, even if it is a chaos, there is no danger.

But because of the reasons for the tea table, almost there is no platform for defense.

Below is the high green grass, the middle is poor, reaching nine meters!

Such a high height, even if it is an adult, standing on the balcony without protection measures, will feel that the back is cold and dizzy.

Don't mention a child.

However, if there is no safety awareness, the shout is done to the bottom.

At a time, Liu Sihai's nephew, some were scared on the spot.

However, at this time, the rear girl is unknown, and he is smiling and running.

A pair of small hands didn't catch the ankle of Liu Sihai nephew.

"Haha, catch you, do you run."

At this time, I have already prepared Rongleheng, just asked this scene.

His location is completely in the balcony, and it is possible to completely see the child's life on the balcony.

It is because of this, this moment he returns a little.

Because this is too precise, it is the event of the seven-day watch for Zhang Fan, which is the seven-day watch for Zhang Fan.

So she smashed a watch with her consciousness, after three seconds, the boy will fall.

At this time, I played the heart of Rong Yue girl, after caught the boy's ankle, I want to uniform the little weapon in the table!

So the wrist is gently push!

I also shouted in the mouth: "I caught you!"

This push is not big, but it is enough to make a little boy who has a fear of drop-to-falls, and the body instantly lost balance.

I only heard a scream!

The boy is straight from the tea table, falling down downstairs!

Where the side door is located, Rongle Cheng saw the boy fell, and a arrow was going forward.

I have been practicing the movement that I have been practiced, but I am not sent to how many uses!

Because when such a critical critical time, don't say this little boy, even if he is also empty at the same time.

I haven't come to change the strength of the arm, I feel that it seems that the mountain is in my arm. At this moment, Rongle Cheng's consciousness will turn their children in the arms and scroll!

The two are wrapped together, rolling out of the grass, three or four meters!

Although most of the power is removed, you must know that a one or two pounds of a flower pot. If you fall from such a high place, you can easily smash a person.

Not to mention, a 18-year-old object.

Therefore, Rongle Cheng only heard the crumple response of his arm, and directly in the moment of contact, it was broken into two.


Rongle Cheng hurts, but in the eyes, there is more than a bit such as release.

Because he felt that the child was crying, it seems that it did not suffer too much damage.


Located in Kyoto, Zhang Fan is in the RV, which is slowly opened.

Because he felt a power of merits, from far away from a thousand miles away.

It is Ronglai to save the little boy, and the strength of his acquisition.

"Sure enough, this boy is not ordinary, this boy is not ordinary, this merit power has hundreds of people, it seems that this Liu Sihai is also a common person."

Zhang Fan is satisfied, and looked at the flower shadow that was still sleeping, be careful to cover the quilt again, holding a fragrant woman, and slept again.

On the other world, Rongle Cheng is lying in the most luxurious room in the villa, Liu Sihai invites several private doctors who invited at the expense of the price, is working to handle the broken arm.

Rongle became calmly looked at the doctor, but he was calm.

Because it is just now, Liu Sihai's family, a next one comes to him.

And Liu Sihai also guaranteed him. If the Rong family is holding a board, he will inevitably support Rong Zheng into a heir.

This makes the Rongle become a spring breeze, showing a decent look, which will be a qualified heir's temperament, showing the extent.

At this time, the Rongle is a spring breeze!

In the yard, because Mr. Zhang Fan is allowed, Chen Haisheng in the cold wind is standing on the cold wind, but the mood is not very wonderful.

This is already the next day, the propaganda means he arranged, and now it has been played!

Just 7 o'clock this morning, the other message, uploaded it in the official account.

"Chen Miao kidnapped cases were successful, and the time used for a total of two hours!

At the same time, there was no damage to the 14th gangsters, killing a gangster, new speed, shocking. "

Then, this article is edited by others, and after the published article appears, the entire network is first detonated.

Many people still stay in, Chen Tianxing is taught in the incident of being kidnapped.

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