“Boom. Come on. Come on. You have run 4 kilometers in 42 minutes and 12 seconds.”

On the fourth 1 km, Meng Fan still ran into 10. minute.

And still have the energy to continue running!

After finishing the fifth 1km, Meng Fan felt that he had become a god of persistence!


Wu Tong, who still appeared on the playground, heard the prompt tone of Meng Fan’s mobile phone just when he was looping, and he was taken aback. This guy actually ran 5000 Meter.


Wu Tong clearly remembers what state Meng Fan was like the day before yesterday. She was able to run 5000 meters at a time in that state. She couldn’t believe it.

But, it seems that every time I see this guy, he has made great progress. Is it true that there is such a great improvement?

“You have made progress… so much.”

Wu Tong saw Meng Fan stop, and ran a few steps to catch up, jogging, and curiously asked: You Was an athlete before?” opened his arms and gestured, “I mean before your body shape changed.” In Wu Tong’s view, Meng Fan’s progress is very likely because he was originally an athlete. Very strong sports foundation and cognition.

The more Wu Tong thinks about it, the more he thinks it is possible. At least Meng Fan’s gait looks like a professional athlete.

As for what caused him to have his current tonnage, it is hard to guess.

Seeing Meng Fan shook the head, Wu Tong was even more puzzled, “Then you have made so much progress.” Wu Tong not at all continued to ask, smiled at Meng Fan and ran out quickly .


After stretching, Meng Fan has almost no pain in knees and other joints. He has the strength to buy breakfast and take it home slowly.

For a class in the morning, Meng Fan spent most of the time organizing the content of the novel and extracting more features from it. After class, then went to the studio and found a corner to paint.

The number of characters to be drawn is not small. In addition to the male and female protagonists, the male and female protagonists and the villain must also be created. In addition, there are two cute pets that must appear. According to Party A’s request, the number of people needed is between 8 and 12…….

Start with shua~ shua~ shua~ ……. First, find the feeling of finding the male host. For a long time, there was no obvious progress and it was replaced by the hostess’s design. With paintings, Meng Fan unconsciously incorporated the image of a windy woman that he would encounter in the past few days.

Sa, this is the biggest link between the windy woman and the heroine.


After Meng Fan decided to set up the character, he quickly drew the first illustration. At the same time, a reminder sounded in his mind.

“Drip. Trigger the achievement task [Illustrator].”

“The task requires 1,000 illustrations to be completed.”

“The task is completed to get [Illustrator] Achievement title (painting skill +10, imagination +3)”

This can be!

For Meng Fan who is learning anime, such an achievement task is not suitable.

The process is divided into four.

Task process 1: Complete 10 illustrations; Reward: Points +10, drawing skills +1.

Task process two: complete 100 illustrations; rewards: points +100, drawing skills +2, imagination +1.

Task process three: complete 500 illustrations; rewards: points +500, drawing skills +3, imagination +1.

Task process four: complete 1000 illustrations; reward: points +1000, drawing skills +4, imagination +1.

Relatively speaking, the difficulty of the achievement task this time is much simpler than the previous [San Cai Boy] and [Shen Xing Tai Bao], at least for the current Meng Fan. The speed has increased by 16 points.

If it were before, Meng Fan completed a highly complete illustration, including the coloring and background, it would take three or four hours, but now, it will take one hour at most.

Furthermore, judging from the completeness of the newly completed illustration, “system” judges that the standard for completing an illustration is not too high. Meng Fan feels that as long as the idea is smooth, it can be completed in half an hour. Zhang is no problem, even faster.

Pull down again…. Meng Fan saw that the bottom of the task process was also one more column as before [Shenxing Taibao].

Painting equipment.

Only the same, the paintbrush.

100 points are required for redemption.

Looking at the detailed introduction of the brush, Meng Fan’s eyes lit up, and it was the same black technology.

According to the introduction, this is an all-purpose pen. It has the functions of pencils, signature pens and syringe pens, marker pens, watercolor pens, color pencils… and erasers of all types of hardness. Can be converted at will.

To put it simply, having this brush means having all the brushes.

In addition, this pen has an additional attribute bonus, drawing skill +1.

“Good stuff, it’s a pity that there are only two points now!”

[A good person] awarded 111 points in total, 100 points for running shoes and 10 points for sweat guide; [ Shenxing Taibao] 1 point is awarded for the first process.

“Work hard!”

With this achievement task, Meng Fan’s drawing enthusiasm is even stronger.

Twenty minutes later, another illustration of the heroine came out, and there was a furry cute little pet next to it. This pet is called Aka in the novel, because he likes to rock up and down. According to the introduction in the novel, Meng Fan took out the J in Classic of Mountains and Seas as the prototype.

After looking at it, I thought it was pretty good, so I posted a picture in the class group, and I asked for comments. They all found it cute. Meng Fan drew a separate Aka.

Two hours later, a few more pictures of the heroine and Aka were released, and I tried the hero again, but the result was still touching. The same was true when I changed to the second man, and the second woman tried again. The same feeling is not very right, but the villain soon has a character. After drawing it, Meng Fan himself seems to be very good, even better than the heroine.

“This is good-looking, domineering and beautiful, it looks a bit like Thor’s elder sister Hela.”

“I don’t know if I should say it improperly, I think it’s more Like a person?”

“Are you trying to say… a witch?”

“I’m timid, I didn’t say anything.”

” Don’t say it, it’s really a bit like!”

“Not a little bit, it’s very similar!”

“Fatty must be based on a witch!”

“I always thought that Meng Fan was fat and didn’t expect to be so fat hahahaha.”

“Hey, have you forgotten that our dear and beloved Qin Teacher is also in this group Ah…”

After watching the class group fall silent, sweat came out of Meng Fan’s forehead.

When he was told by his classmates, he also thought it was very similar, especially in some details. Didn’t he unconsciously bring the witch in when he painted?

This…is pretty good, anyway, she took this job.

“Well…someone must have drawn it by holding his hand, yes, that’s it!”

This is after Qin Jiao sent a question mark on WeChat Meng Fan’s reply, Qin Jiao’s reply came quickly, with a squint expression.

Zhang Zhouwei also sent a WeChat message, asking about lunch, and Meng Fan responded when he was feeling very hungry.

Put down the phone and continue drawing.

“Drip. Complete 10 illustrations and reach [Illustrator] task process 1. Reward: Achievement points +10, drawing skills +1.”

With this prompt sound , Meng Fan’s stomach also screamed, and raised his hand to see that it was past two o’clock in the afternoon.

“Are you moving…painting?”

Wu Tong went into the studio and habitually found a corner position. He happened to see Meng Fan who was drawing an illustration. Halfway through the question, I heard the sound of Meng Fan’s stomach screaming.

The scene was a bit awkward.

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