“Knees? It’s okay. It took me a long time to warm up and stretch after running.”

Although Meng Fan wanted to say he had a pair Black technology running shoes don’t care about knee injuries at all, but I also know that this thing can only be cool in the bed and it is not enough for outsiders. After thinking about it, I added a sentence, “Maybe my knee is better, compare After so many years of carrying such a large tonnage and moving forward, how can I exercise.”

“Loading forward? Okay, I’m still worried that you will care if I just said you are… fat.” Wu Tong said.

Meng Fan is very serious: “Did you just say that I was fat?”

Wu Tong laughed when he heard this, and gestured along Meng Fan’s figure as before. “Yes, I didn’t say it.”

“I didn’t say it.” Meng Fan still looked serious, “The most annoying thing in my life is that people say I am fat.”


“Are you fat? It doesn’t exist.”

Wu Tong felt a little better, but then suddenly his expression sank and said to Meng Fan: “I’m leaving now.”


“Wu Tong.”

Meng Fan heard a call and took a look. There was a boy coming here, apparently looking for a windy woman Yes, and this windy woman seems to be avoiding and walks in the opposite direction.

“Indus? It’s a tree.”

Meng Fan knew the name of this windy woman, and then went on to run out, but it happened to be clear that he came to find Wu That boy from Tong.

Hu…what fierce.

Meng Fan is usually very homely. I only know that this boy is an influential figure in school, but the specific name is not quite clear.

As for the relationship between Hu He Meng and Wu Tong, Meng Fan didn’t try to guess carefully. After running a few more times, a friendly system hint sounded in his mind.

“Dip! The total mileage of running reaches 30 kilometers, and the progress of the mission [Shen Xing Tai Bao] is reached. Reward: points +10, strength +1.”

For running, Meng Fan I have obtained a lot of “repeated weight loss” before, and after getting the system, I checked a lot of information. Strength, speed, and endurance are all important. These three are also complementary to each other. Increased strength will increase speed accordingly. Especially the instantaneous speed burst.

Of course, also for endurance.

The strength given by system is more strictly speaking muscle strength. After muscle strength is improved, endurance is also improved accordingly.

When the reward appeared, it was as if a healing halo fell on Meng Fan’s body, and the fatigue of the body was significantly reduced.

Meng Fan continued to run for three laps after speeding up, then slowly reduced the speed and ran three more laps. The last lap was sprinted.

Very satisfied.

It’s just that this improvement is not so good to guess what your original strength is.

Going back and taking a shower, I screamed as soon as I lay on the bed.

“I’m about to order takeaway, do you want to bring you something?” Zhang Zhouwei asked with a smile.

Meng Fan shook the head. Although I have never weighed myself, I squeezed the fat layer on my belly when I took a bath. It was obviously thinner than before. It can be seen that I lost weight after running down the past few days. If it works, you can usually eat more, but I dare not add more meals before going to bed.

“No meals? Then bring you some fruit, such as bananas or cucumbers.”


“No? No, you can eat Ah!”

“Get off.”


In the morning of 2nd day, Meng Fan ran five kilometers in full condition. According to the running shoes At present, the reasonable physical distribution given by Meng Fan’s state finally ran to a score of 40 minutes and 36 seconds. This pace is equivalent to an average of 8 minutes. Compared with Meng Fan’s first beginning, it can be said to be shedding body, exchanging bones.

Of course, the average pace of 8 minutes is equivalent to generally speaking, it is still slow.

Generally, people who insist on running do not have a lot of questions for a pace of 6 minutes.

“en? Didn’t come? Or is it too early or too late?”

After running the stretch, Meng Fan didn’t see the windy silhouette during the whole process, which was a little surprised.

There was no class in the morning. I went to the studio after taking a shower and breakfast. I was a little absent-minded. In addition, I couldn’t catch a few male characters. I started painting from 7 to 11 o’clock. In half, I drew seven illustrations.

This speed is very fast for others, but it is not qualified for Meng Fan.

There is a class in the afternoon. Meng Fan chose to skip class, ate dinner and then went to the studio, still in the original location, still absent-minded, or unable to draw a satisfactory male character.

Of course, the progress bar must be rising after drawing.

The original heroines and heroines were based on real women. This led Meng Fan to try to model male classmates, male stars, and some male characters in other anime and even himself. , The result is still the same.

Dashing eyebrows star eyes are as rich as jade!

Damn it, no matter what the novel is, just use these two to describe the male protagonist. They are good, but fucking has no characteristics at all?

“Not satisfied? Actually these photos are quite good.”

While Meng Fan was scratching his head, there was a voice next to him. I looked up and found that Wu Tong didn’t know what At that time, I stood by my side and looked at a few illustrations that Meng Fan drew before.

“Uh…I can’t grasp the feeling I want.” Meng Fan smiled awkwardly and wanted to ask you why you didn’t go for a run today, but didn’t ask.

“Is it ancient style? The traditional Chinese painting I studied is mainly landscapes, and I don’t know the characters very well… However, I don’t feel that your writings do not seem to focus on the looks of the characters…” Affirmed by Meng Fan Later, Wu Tong thought about it seriously and said, “You can find the feeling in the brushwork, maybe you can try the ink and wash feeling. I think the ancient style and ink and wash feeling will be very prominent, that is… I don’t know if animation can be drawn. A sense of ink and wash, or is it compatible with the sense of ink and wash.”

I paused for a while, and felt that I seemed to be a bit shallow, not afraid that my nosy business would mislead Meng Fan, but on the contrary I am quite confident in my own vision, said with a smile: “I look at it from my professional point of view. If you want to try it, it shouldn’t take much time.”

“Ink and wash Well, let me try.”

Meng Fan smiled at Wu Tong gratefully, and when Wu Tong walked to the side and put on his mobile phone to start the live broadcast, he really chose to try.

Adding the element of ink and wash to the animation is not too ridiculous. The early animations of China are almost all related to ink and wash. The most famous is “Little Tadpoles Finding Mother”. It’s just that after the American and Japanese comics raged, the animations of China also gradually moved away from ink and wash. Up to now, Huaxia comics have gradually raised their heads, especially with the increase in national style comics, and the elements of ink and wash have slowly returned to the public’s attention.

It’s just that Meng Fan is mainly learning simple strokes, which is far from ink and wash.

The only thing that can be gained is to draw the feeling of ink and wash, or to add the elements of ink and wash with simple strokes.

The difficulty is not small.

After a few tries, Meng Fan scratched his head again and again.

“There is a sense of ink and wash on the whole, that is impossible, try some parts.”

After another round of attempts, Meng Fan drew a figure that is still not very good Satisfied but the overall style is very comfortable illustration.

Virtual reality is real, light and elegant.

With this style as the keynote, what Meng Fan could not imagine is that the male protagonist drawn in the next picture has a bright feeling in front of him. This is a surprise.

This inspiration always bursts out inadvertently.

After a while, it was out of control.

The characters of the male lead, male second and two other male characters were quickly finalized.

The next few illustrations became very smooth.

Subsequently, Meng Fan drew a few more illustrations of the heroine and the heroine, and added a sense of ink and wash.

Doing this is also to make this set of illustrations have a unified style.

Wu Tong ended today’s live broadcast. After packing up, I saw that Meng Fan was still drawing. I watched it for a while. The more I looked at it, the more surprised it became. It was not how well Meng Fan painted, but this Fatty looks cumbersome, but his hands are very flexible. The drawing speed is really terrifying.

“Are you too fast too?”

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