“It’s broken!”

The squatting CMA CGM sat on the ground, muttering to himself in the boiling scream: “Fuck, this is a world record, and it’s not a relationship for many years. If you break it, it will be broken!”

Da Fei rubbed his some numb legs, stood up, and joined the scream.

“The world record, a brand new world record!”

The voice of the MC at the game is also broken when it breaks, the sound is broken, and there is excitement and high pitch from it, pa pa pa Don’t get too excited: “The single world record of the brand new seven-ball shooting machine, in this brief moment, is born! Let’s shout his name together!”

Excitedly handed the microphone to the audience.


“Meng Fan!”

“Iron Pagoda Lord!”

“Ah, what is it called? “

The names shouted at the scene are a bit out of control. Some people saw the names of the contestants, some heard the maid Legion’s name to Meng Fan just now, and some people did not react to this brutal buddy calling for a long time. What, after all, before that, what made them remember was the speed and accuracy of Meng Fan’s shooting, not his name.

“Let’s shout his name together!”

MC was stunned when he saw this scene, but he was by no means a person who would give up easily, so he brought another wave of rhythm , This time added an instructive uniform title: “Iron Pagoda Great Demon King!”

The microphone was handed to the audience.

The audience is still considered to be a face, and they think the name Iron Pagoda Great Demon King is also majestic and unique, so they all shouted.

This title…Meng Fan is also convinced.

If you don’t tell me, who knows how it evolved into this step by step.

After nearly five minutes of chaos and boiling, I finally returned to the game.

Yes, the game is not over yet.

The final is divided into three shots, this is the first time I just finished.

It’s just that after Meng Fan broke the record and cast 840 points, he gave up the remaining 2 seconds, how could he continue to cast.

Because the system of this final is to take one of the highest scores to record the game results, Meng Fan chose to abandon the vote for the second time and also for the third time.

In Meng Fan, he gave up his second and third shots. Naturally, there was no interest in watching the game while watching the game. The other three players also lost their enthusiasm for the game.

In the end, I must have won the CGL Basketball Championship in Hangzhou with a record-breaking score of 840 points and won the qualification for the provincial finals.

“You can’t accept it!”

As the favorite to win the game, Fengshen, who lost the game, did not have the slightest temper. He took the initiative to shook hands with Meng Fan and said congratulations. Three years ago, I stood on the side watching the World Record Creators competition. Today I was fortunate to be able to compete with the New World Record Creators. I am so happy!”

For such an open-minded opponent Meng Fan still appreciates it. He patted his big arm and said, “I am also happy for you.”

Fengshen was taken aback, then haha ​​laughed.

On-site MC announced the key, Meng Fan jingled in his mind, and system was judged to be a provincial and municipal competition and directly won 1 championship honor point.

Because it is to directly win the championship honor points, it does not affect the judgment of the success rate of the competition below the provincial and municipal level. The original accumulated success rate is not cleared.

There are currently 2 championship honor points, and the BUFF increases by 1%.

Next is the awards. The prizes of the GCL Basketball Tournament City Tournament are still relatively real, not for the value of the video game city recharge card, but direct cash.

The champion is 10,000, the runner-up is 5,000, the third is 3,000, and the first six is ​​1,000.

There are also some other prizes, such as basketball uniforms, basketball shoes, and basketballs for the championship. Oh, the home appliance game city co-hosting the game specially gave a Paragon card. There is no money in this card, but you can play most of the games in the video game city for free, except for claw machines.

After the awards were over, the organizer Chief-In-Charge had a friendly and cordial conversation with Meng Fan. As for the group photo and so on, it was naturally inevitable.

It’s just that Meng Fan is not particularly interested in talking with them. No, the reporters are waiting!

In the previous interview, the reporters obviously felt that it was a bit rushed and simple, and they were all ready to re-interview. After all, it was originally based on the specifications of the championship, but now, how about the world record creator!

And Meng Fan, obviously also has the consciousness in this regard, so that all the companies that came to report, seize the opportunity, it is best to take the subtask of [Newsman] at once. Give it full.

As for the 10 national media reports required for subtask two, Meng Fan did not think about it.

It’s not difficult at the local level. Provincial and municipal TV stations and newspapers are all at the local level, and even those portals with media attributes are also at the local level, with a wide range.

The national level is different. What is called a national media? To put it bluntly, it is the word “China” or “People” or “Central”!

Can that be done casually?

Even if it broke the record of the CGL Basketball Tournament, even if this record is equivalent to the single world record of a seven-ball shooting machine, Meng Fan does not feel that he can be in these media, after all, the impact of the shooting machine game It’s not great to put the force in front of these media!

“Classmates around.”

Wu Tong looked at Meng Fan who was interviewed by the media endlessly, and asked Zhang Zhouwei: “He used to do this…like being interviewed? “

“It has always been Mr. Meng who is dedicated to the promotion and publicity of sports…”

Zhang Zhouwei, the king of the mouth, feels a little uncomfortable, although Wang Yanan hopes Meng very much. Fan can be with Jiao Yanran, but this does not prevent Zhang Zhouwei from maintaining Meng Fan’s personal image. This liking to be interviewed is basically the same as loving Xian and Hesi, how can we say that it is taller… It turned out that it was difficult. After thinking about it, let’s not be so ostentatious, and said, “Actually, Fatty Meng has always been quite low-key. Maybe today was ignited by the passion of the game…”

Wu Tong said with a smile: “This kind of passion is flying, it’s pretty good. I’m just curious that he sometimes shows some contradictions with his actual character.”

Wu Tong of course knows that Meng Fan is a low-key After all, there are elder sisters and mothers like that, but few people know.

For Wu Tong’s doubts this time, Zhang Zhouwei, the strong-mouthed king, thinks he can answer: “People are a unity of contradictions!”

That is, who doesn’t know, There is absolutely nothing wrong with it!

Meng Fan didn’t go too far. After simply accepting interviews one by one, he left with a humble and shy smile. After all, he broke the world record. A simple interview should also be a face-to-face report.

Of course, the important thing is that Meng Fan is hungry again.

“Go to dinner!”

Meng Fan slapped the 10,000 yuan of cash in his hand, and Wu Tong, Zhang Zhouwei, the maid Legion, CMA CGM and a group of people After leaving the video game city, the restaurant on the fifth floor of this mall should not be visited. After all, it may be uncomfortable to be watched for dinner. A group of people took a taxi and went to the waterfront restaurant outside the Academy of Fine Arts.

—PS: Sorry, I also boosted the comparison. Today, I can’t make four changes. It’s a bit of a headache.

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