Everyone has dreams, and everyone has many dreams.

It’s just that some people have worked hard for their dreams, some people not at all, and more people give up halfway.

Of course, dreams of this kind of thing never mean that you can work hard. Even if you work hard, it must be based on your own conditions. Otherwise, the dream will always be a dream.

As far as Meng Fan is concerned, he has also had many dreams. Among these dreams, becoming a cartoonist is undoubtedly the most suitable for his own conditions. This is what he has made until now. So far, the dream has been upgraded to a well-known cartoonist.

In addition to a cartoonist, Meng Fan also has a dream, that is, to become a voice actress, and has worked hard for it.

If you want to become a voice actor or voice actor, you need a lot of conditions, such as expression ability, comprehension ability, coherence ability and performance ability after analyzing text. This performance ability includes different voices. The use of sound strength, different tone, voice, intonation and rhythm, as well as sound skills, basic sound skills, etc., and the ability to express emotions in sound.

For this, Meng Fan really went to learn and trained, and also worked hard to practice pronunciation for it. Mandarin is still very standard.

——As for Brother Pao, that’s too sensitive, it’s not because of Meng Fan’s Mandarin.

To be honest, if Meng Fan wants to become a voice actor, the difficulty is really not that big. As long as it’s okay, Meng Caiwei, an elder sister, is there, and it’s hard to miss a job.

It’s just that, in the process of learning slowly, Meng Fan really knew that he was not strong in innate talent in this area.

First, the sound quality is very general, slightly better than ordinary, not unpleasant but not very good; second, the expression of voice emotional ability is very general, although it can be improved through training, but it is not improved much; Third, the range and voice control are very average. Even if you become a voice actress in this life, the types of roles you can match are very limited.

It is certain that it is not difficult to become a voice actor, and there will be opportunities to participate in dubbing. However, if you want to be a good voice actor, the probability is extremely low.

Of course, after self-awareness, Meng Fan didn’t give up either. It just turned from a dream to an interest. He used to make some dubbing videos suitable for his own voice at the main station of 8 stations. Have fun.

As for the dream of being able to dub the animation of a well-known cartoonist and what movie dubbing, it is basically dusty.

Now that this quest with 3 points of sound appeal has appeared, Meng Fan suddenly began to stir!

What is the appeal of sound?

Embodied in voice actors, it is undoubtedly the ability of voice emotion expression.

If a voice actor can express the emotion of the mission in the play vividly and thoroughly through voice, then he is a great voice actor.

What pitch, timbre, sound quality, range, comprehension ability, coherence ability, expression ability, etc., are ultimately for emotional expression!

If there is the strongest innate talent to become a voice actor, it is undoubtedly the sound appeal!

Of course, if Meng Fan understands singing skills and knows that singing skills include basic skills such as pitch, timbre, sound quality, and range, then you know that the increase in singing attributes also means the increase in these basic skills, which can also be effective Come on to the dubbing.

On the other hand, sound appeal is undoubtedly the innate talent that a singer wants most!

“Brother Tie, what are you talking about? I’ve done it.”

The little red-headed brother saw that Meng Fan had lost his mic after he had lost his mic. He was a little frightened. , I am afraid that Meng Fan will continue singing.

And in fact, what you are afraid of will really happen.

“Oh awesome.”

I saw Meng Fan respond, and then put the wine glass down, don’t move your butt too flexibly and sit in the past. Beside the team member who was singing into the microphone, laughed, he reached out and grabbed the microphone.

“Who took my microphone…”

The team member who was singing “My Microphone” sang a sentence and realized that the microphone in his hand was missing.

Meng Fan’s hand speed for grabbing the microphone is terrifying!

Grabbing the microphone, Meng Fan quickly integrated the exchanged black technology microphone into the real microphone in his hand, and then sang, “It’s okay, I still There is my throat, yeah, yeah.”


Many people in the box were stunned. When they looked up, Meng Fan was singing and they were stunned again. Now, how come you sing so much better all at once?

Listening to a few more sentences, I found that the pitch is more accurate than before. The biggest change is that the sound is quite contagious. Because this is a song with a brisk style, the body seems to follow it unconsciously. Little rhythm began to move.

Of course, this is a lot better than Meng Fan before. Actually how good it sounds, it is impossible.

Black technology microphones come with attributes +1 for singing ability and +1 for voice appeal. The improvement of singing ability +1 is not large, but the increase in voice appeal is much greater.

After all, the former is an attribute with scientific data, while the latter is metaphysical.

“Brother Tie, you just deliberately disgusted us, right!”

A group of people laughed haha. Seeing Meng Fan singing is no longer a deadly singing method, so I don’t care about him. Now, just as background music, he he should play games and play games.

Seeing that no one pulled himself to drink anymore, and didn’t come to grab the microphone, Meng Fan sang high in contentment. Qu Jingjing and the others are also happy to sing with Meng Fan, even though Meng Fan doesn’t know how to sing a few songs later.

Don’t say it, it’s quite enjoyable. After all, I didn’t sing K before, and when I sang K, I mostly belonged to players hiding in the corner and eating fruit platter.

Of course, the most important thing is that experience keeps going up.

[Maiba] was triggered after Meng Fan occupied the microphone and sang ten songs continuously. The ten songs sung before were also directly accumulated in experience.

Before everyone sang and drank almost and was about to leave, Meng Fan’s experience had already reached 351,000, about three to four minutes for a song, and it’s not too slow to play. One hour Brush a dozen or twenty songs.

This is also why Meng Fan thinks the task is not difficult.

He tried to sing the last sentence and cut the song to gain experience, not to wait for all the songs to be played, it is almost 3 minutes for a song, and 20 songs in an hour.

If you spend ten hours a day in KTV, it will only take five days.

Of course, this is just what Meng Fan thinks, how can it be so easy to implement!

Don’t say anything else, singing for ten hours is really not something ordinary people can do.

Moreover, Meng Fan has another very important premise to ignore.

Everyone went out for KTV, and most of them were planning to go back before the school closes, so they left, not at all.

Meng Fan found an excuse to slip away after arriving at the school gate, then went to the nearest KTV to the school, opened a box, and continued to learn about experience.

However, after he sang a song of “No Belief in Evil” and sang a few consecutive songs, he found that his experience couldn’t change.

Why doesn’t it work?

It is basically certain that there is a prerequisite for gaining experience, that is, other people must be present.

Also, what kind of wheat tyrant is singing KTV alone, this is the late stage of autism!

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