After delivering the porridge, Meng Fan was really boring. This weekend, Zhang Zhouwei and the others said they were dating, and they all said they were busy. Meng Fan didn’t know where he went.

[Maiba] There are only 130 songs left. It’s not very comfortable to see that this task can be completed and hang all the time. Hey, I suddenly slap my head, how can I forget the friends what!

Tsuji cut boy!

Meng Fan remembered that he had WeChat, so he immediately sent a voice invitation and quickly picked it up.

“Is there anything you have done this afternoon?”

“No! Meng anchor, do you want to use a car? I will come right away!”

“no no no It’s not a car.” Meng Fan hurriedly stopped, and then said, “We Shuiyou, how many do you know are from Hangzhou?”

“A lot! Last time, it was in Songcheng. Didn’t you meet a lot? We also brought a lot of Hangzhou people to build a group together. In addition to watching your live broadcast, there are no fewer offline appointments.”

“That’s very good. My afternoon Please sing, will you come?”

“Come, of course! Where is it, I’ll be right there!”

“… Try to keep the number of people within ten. . I am sending you a WeChat address.”

“Understand, make arrangements now!”

Twenty minutes later, Meng Fan welcomed the Tsujizhan boy and two water friends in the box. Then, every few minutes, there will be one. Finally, there will be nine friends, four men and five women, plus Meng Fan, which happens to be half and half of men and women. This Tsujizhan boy’s ability to arrange is also choking.

Because there are only 130 songs left and it is another group of water friends, Meng Fan is not ashamed to occupy the microphone all the time, and completely let go of playing, he he should eat and sing .

Although most of the ten people have never met before, they are all of the same age, and they share hobby and fun. It is not difficult to play together and the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

In the afternoon, Meng Fan also learned more than 40 experiences, sang well, and went to eat a meal together before dispersing it. This is the benefit of whoever gets it.

In the evening, Meng Fan did not continue to make appointments. Instead, he put on his hat and went to a KTV. Starting from 7pm and brushing it to 12:30, the remaining 90 songs were just fine. The brush is finished.

“Ding! Occupy the microphone to sing 1,000 songs in KTV, complete the [Maiba] task process; reward: points +1000.”

“Ding! Complete the task [Maiba] , Won the title of achievement [Maiba] (singing skill +5, voice appeal +3)”

At this time, Meng Fan is in the third box of Cengge tonight.

The reason why I entered this box is not because it is full of girls, but because this box is very high. When Meng Fan came in, the six girls were in a state of completeness. Ecstasy sings and forgets me, and I can’t notice if there are more people and more voices.

At this time, I even drank until no one sang anymore.

The song being played is “Give me a reason to forget”. Meng Fan, who was planning to leave, hesitated for a moment, and still picked up the microphone.

Try the effect after adding attribute.

“The rain has stopped.”

Meng Fan sang the first sentence, and he was taken aback for a moment. The increase in singing skills brought increased pitch, range, tone color, and sound quality. so on, Meng Fan has no time to think about it, I just think it sounds very nice!

“…What is this sky gray. I still remember that you said we want to be happy.”

Meng Fan sang, unconsciously bringing in emotion.

At this time, the six girls who were drunk in the box suddenly fell silent at the same time, with a dazed expression. They felt as if they had heard some touching singing, but they didn’t seem to have, but the corners of their mouths did not. Consciously smiled.

“…I still feel like a person. Whenever I laugh, my heart cries fiercely.”

At this time, Meng Fan added in order to see his singing What kind of formidable power is there after infection? I was worried that wearing a hat would reduce the effect, so I took the hat off when my brain got hot.

“Give me a reason to forget, you who love me so much.”

The moment Meng Fan took off his hat, all six girls saw Meng Fan. Frozen, but did not scream out, but fell into Meng Fan’s singing.

One of the girls broke down and cried.

“Some love, the more I want to get away, but the clearer…”

After Meng Fan sang, there are five girls left, even if the crying point is the highest, they are already crying .

This song is about the tearing pain in the face of the loss of love. It is easy to cry at first, even more how these girls have already drunk too much, plus Meng Fan this total +4 The voice is contagious.

In the song that’s all, Meng Fan put on his hat and left. However, when halfway through, he couldn’t bear to stop and took off his hat, and then opened his mouth haha ​​and laughed.

The joy of laughter is also contagious, plus Meng Fan’s contagious smile… The six girls in the box who had just cried miserably all laughed with tears.

“This…this seems to be really too much!”

Meng Fan smiled bitterly in his heart, but he really didn’t know how to explain it, so he just put on his hat and drove off quickly . I took the counter and ordered a lot of food and drink in this box, which was slightly compensated.

Leaving KTV, Meng Fan can be sure that after counting the black technology microphone, singing skill +6 and voice appeal +4 are quite terrifying things, singing skill may not reach professional standards, but with this sound Infectiousness, it is more lethal than ordinary professional singers.

Others are not clear for the time being, but singing a piece of crying is not a big problem. If you add a smile to the appeal, the probability of making people laugh will be even greater.

A few steps out of KTV, there happened to be a small shop, Meng Fan took off his hat and went in and asked: “Boss, do you have a baby hahahahahahaha hahahahaha?”

Boss I just laughed and collapsed: “Are you hahaha poisoned by a certain sound? hahahaha who are you today? hahahahahaha!”

Meng Fan is very sorry: “I wish you a happy new year in advance.”

I slipped away after speaking.

Just two steps out, the phone rang.

This is almost a little bit faster, Meng Fan is probably Meng Caiwei when he called in so late, but he picked up the phone and took a look.

Su Qingcen!

He had exchanged numbers with Su Qingcen before, but he had never tried to contact him. The idol suddenly called in the middle of the night, and Meng Fan was really nervous and excited.

Took a deep breath, pick up: “Hey, hello.”

“Sorry, I called you so late. Didn’t disturb you rest?” Su Qingcen is very sorry Said.

Meng Fan: “No, no, I haven’t taken a rest yet.”

Su Qingcen: “That’s it. I have a job in Hangzhou today and it just finished. For some reasons, I am in a bad mood, I want to find someone to talk to, but I don’t want to find someone in the circle. I called you when I thought you were in Hangzhou. It might be presumptuous, but I really want to see you smile. Your smile has…magic power It will make people feel happy inexplicably.”

Meng Fan was taken aback. Could it be that he just took off his hat and his sense of presence suddenly came out to break Su Qingcen, who wanted to find someone to chat with. Coming here?

Afterwards, said with a smile: “What is magical, you just say it is poisonous. Then, or else, I will send you a video?”

Although I have seen it Su Qingcen, but when he thinks of video with idols, he is still a little excited.

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