
If it weren’t for this beep, Meng Fan would have almost forgotten this task.

Not to mention this process two.

If you think about it carefully, it really is.

The task was triggered after a wave of laughter at Su Qingcen’s concert last time, but because this task is a bit too detrimental, it must be done at someone else’s concert. Moreover, the main focus at the time was on the toxic metaphysical attribute of smile appeal.

As for the 21-point lethality judged at the time, it is really forgotten that the process one is directly completed. The additional reward for this process one is only 10 points, and the attribute reward is the same as the process two. All of them also rewarded 1 point of presence, 1 point of lens and 1 point of singing.

Carefully calculated, after adding the black technology microphone, the previous singing skill is +7.

This time it was determined that 97 points of lethality, plus the previous 21 points, accumulated 118 points. After completing the second process, the singing ability is +8.

As for the judgment of 97 points of lethality, Meng Fan is still very surprised, which is nearly 4 times higher than last time.

He didn’t figure out exactly how the comprehensive values ​​of damage and non-positive guidance strength were calculated. For example, Meng Fan’s damage method is magic smile, and the degree of everyone’s smile must be among them. A decisive factor has not gone away, but is it still related to the number of people on site or the number of people watching?

Like him this time, it seems that everyone’s laughter is not much different from the last time Su Qingcen’s concert. They all laughed quickly, more than four times higher. Is it because this is a live broadcast? More people arrived?

Or, last time I was in the audience, this time I was a guest at the concert, so there is a difference in the orientation of the two to the whole concert?

Under the stage, it can only be said that the audience is making trouble. Is it a concert accident on stage?

If this is the case, it is more than 4 times higher, which seems to make sense.

It is true that no matter how crazy your audience is, it is just an episode. The guests may affect the entire concert, and even the qualitative nature of the concert.

For example, in football matches, there has always been a tradition of fans rushing to the stadium. No matter how crazy it is to drag a 20 cm chicken Sahuan, it is also an episode. Soon the game will still Will return to the original track, at least it will not change the course and nature of the game, but if it is the player Guo Ben, it will change the whole game, no matter what, you may be sent off by a red card. This does not change. Is the game played?

Of course, instead of being kicked out of the field at this time, Meng Fan seems to have gained a lot of small stars.

The audience responded to Meng Fan with applause and kind laughter. Even the scolding people in the live broadcast room were really happy.

Even if you think that Meng Fan’s appearance at Su Qingcen’s concert last time is deliberate, but the problem is that he still laughed, so who can make sense!

“I know that your smile is poisonous, but really didn’t expect it to be so poisonous!”

Bai Zhi stopped his laughter and said this directly with the microphone After it came out, I didn’t worry that Meng Fan’s laughter would really ruin the concert. Even Bai Zhi had already done psychological construction and let Meng Fan destroy it to see how ruined it could be.

“Then the stage will be left to you, let’s see what you do!”

Bai Zhi said this into the microphone, and then stepped off the stage in relief.

Isn’t it? Now there are still a few whistling sounds in the audience, and when Bai Zhi’s words are heard, the laughter is worn again.

Such a scene is too hurtful!

Meng Fan smiled slightly at the audience… after half a moment, he quickly stopped, and then saw the smiles of the five girls in the second row of Wu Tong and the others in the audience. Look When Wu Tong arrived, he gave himself a cheering gesture, with encouragement like when he had just run, which refreshed Meng Fan’s spirits.

Took a deep breath, sit on a high chair that the staff has prepared, and put the microphone on the wheat rack.

The reason why I want to sit and sing this song is not that Meng Fan can’t stand for a while, but that sitting like this is more stable and more at ease.

If it is standing, Meng Fan unilaterally thinks that he will sing a few gestures, but he has no stage experience, let alone a typhoon. There are Baizhi who can take a look at each other or hold hands. That would be a dry pestle by himself.

Now I sit down, and I don’t move all the way. It doesn’t seem like there is no typhoon.

Of course, the most important point is that Meng Fan is used to sitting and singing. After all, until now, I sit and sing in KTV.

After sitting down, he gave an OK gesture to the band Teacher.

The prelude is played.

Meng Fan originally wanted to close his eyes and count the taps to find the point of entry, but his gaze stayed on Wu Tong and could no longer move away.

“Look for the sun in a place where there is no wind, do a warm sun in your cold place. You are always too naive. I only want you for the rest of my life…”

After meeting Wu Tong, the distracting thoughts in my mind are completely abandoned, what laughter, what audience, what concert… all are gone, only Wu Tong eyes, as if the world only has Wu Tong.

Unlike the vicissitudes of the original singer, Meng Fan’s voice is only affectionate and gentle.

The voice of the original singing vicissitudes of life tells that life is always full of surprises and disappointments, there are just right encounters, and there are heart-piercing memories. But life always moves forward, there is no trace of pity, no matter whether the play ends or continues, I hope you can live up to this life with dreams as horses.

In Meng Fan’s affection and tenderness, there is only a pleasant encounter with surprise. Just like on the playground that day, Wu Tong entered his life unexpectedly like the wind.

“For the rest of my life, the winter snow is you, Chunhua, you, summer rain, and you, autumn yellow, your four seasons, the warmth and coldness of your eyes, and you…”

Meng Fan looked at Wu Tong, I really want to tell her through singing, I want to give you willows, let you know, give you leaves, give you white snow, but also give you clouds, give you the ocean, give you the sunset, give you the desert, you are in me There are no four seasons, no time and space in the eyes.

Once I meet you, I will be you for the rest of my life, and I will be a couple for the rest of my life. It is by no means nothing serious.

Good morning is you, good night is you, wake up in the morning, it is still you.

“For the rest of my life, the wind and snow will be your plainness, your poverty, and your glory. The tenderness of your heart is caused by your gaze and you.”

The last sound falls and the music stops. Next, Meng Fan’s gaze still fell completely on Wu Tong, his body moved forward a little, and a smile couldn’t be stopped at the corner of his mouth, and said: “Craving, anger, ignorance, suspicion, all kinds of poisons, the world is really bitter, with you It’s so sweet.”

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