The biggest highlight and highlight of the double eleven night party live broadcast is undoubtedly the international superstar who played on the big axis. It is said that the English superstar who opened the game is also good, but he has already played in China before. Full of presence, freshness is not high, and this Chinese premiere, no one can steal the limelight.

Apart from this, there are still many highlights and highlights. “Elf” and super long-range shooting are undoubtedly among the best, and the biggest intersection of the two, Meng Fan, has naturally become the biggest of this party. Surprise surprise, many people search for it, wondering who this is and what kind of person it is.

#Meng Fan 是谁# has been on the hot search for a long time, the shopping atmosphere is so tense, and there is leisure time to help Meng Fan on the hot search, you can see the sand painting performance and the super long distance Shooting is an amazing thing for netizens. The combination of the two makes the curiosity explode.

During the day, the hot search stopped for a while. After all, the shopping last night was very late. In the evening, after knowing that Meng Fan was on the air, the hot search came up again.

Many people searched Meng Fan’s live broadcast room through the scarf, and they were a bit nervous at 8 stations. A second line was temporarily opened for Meng Fan’s live broadcast room.

“I just came here to ask, is this the live studio of the sand painting magician?”

“Is the god pitcher you?”

“Bib sightseeing Group +1.”

“Hot search to check in!”

“I heard that this anchor is a bit awkward!”

“It is said that the anchor can also sing.”

“The voice of the anchor is very succulent!”

“What does this live broadcast room do, why did my unfathomable mystery come in?”

“Anchor C Fan?”

“hahahahaha, our anchor Meng only eats fried noodles!”

“Fuck, why are so many people? Meng Fatty can’t hide it!”

“It’s all because of the Double Eleven Party, right?”

Meng Fan originally didn’t expect this party to have such a follow-up influence, too, at least he didn’t Expect he can still have the opportunity to shoot at the party. Without this shooting opportunity, the curiosity of these people will at least drop by more than half.

Sand painting performances and super long shots, these two irrelevant things are put together to have chemical action.

“I know that many water friends came because of the double eleven live broadcast last night. They must want to watch sand paintings, right? The original water friends in the studio have never seen my live sand paintings. Yes, today I will live broadcast the sand painting for one hour, and then the live broadcast will be the cartoon.” Meng Fan said with a smile, “the past few days because of the Double Eleven live broadcast performance, the cartoon has not been drawn for several days. If you don’t draw, you can’t update it.”

Meng Fan not at all changes the content of the live broadcast due to the surge in online numbers. What should I do?

The newly purchased sand painting station has a complete set of playback equipment. When connected to the live broadcast assistant, the live broadcast assistant can directly debug the best angle. If Meng Fan is willing, he can use the live broadcast assistant to add special effects at any time, so that the live broadcast screen can be comparable to last night’s double eleven live broadcast. The live broadcast assistant can also intelligently guide the broadcast to switch to the best picture.

These new netizens come because of curiosity, and the number of people is very large. After about half an hour on Meng Fan, the number of people online is more than 700,000.

Come out of curiosity, whether you can keep it depends on Meng Fan’s ability.

Keep it all?

That is impossible. After all, not everyone is really used to watching live broadcasts.

Being able to keep a quarter of them and become a water friend who will visit next time, this is a great Meng Fan ability.

One hour later, the sand painting performance ended, and Meng Fan began to draw comics, and the number of people began to decline. At a peak of nearly 900,000, it quickly dropped to more than 700,000.

As Meng Fan’s live broadcast continued, the number of people continued to decline, eventually stabilizing between 400,000 and 500,000.

It’s hard to say if I will come again next time.

At the end of the three-hour live broadcast, Meng Fan looked at this short-term viewership and was still very satisfied, more than 2.3 million!

In the original live broadcast, there were about 300,000 viewers. Of course, there were more than one million but very few. For example, the “Underground Spirit” conference brought lottery.

More than 2.3 million, which is 7 times the usual.

Of course, Meng Fan also knows that the people who came today are all because of curiosity and freshness. There will definitely not be so many next. However, as long as the live broadcast can reach 1 million viewers in a stable time, Meng Fan will be satisfied.

After the broadcast, Meng Fan continued to draw.

It is true that there was no time to draw a few days ago, and both comics have to be drafted.

I completed the achievement task of [Millions of Collections] before, and added the three attributes of drawing skills, screenwriting, and setting. The role has been shown in the sand painting performance, and it is used for comic creation. Still awesome.

As the familiarity with comic creation becomes stronger and stronger, Meng Fan himself is more and more familiar with comic creation. The creative desire hidden in his heart has really expanded recently.

He wants to be original!

In the process of drawing “Underground Spirit” and “Campus Love Fingers”, Meng Fan often has a lot of inspiration, some can be applied to these two comics, and some are related to The story in his mind is related, and every time it appears, he will write it down in a small notebook, which will be easy to use later.

As time progressed, the story in his mind became clearer and clearer. Meng Fan took the time to list out an outline of at least 30,000 words.

Now, the conditions for originality are very mature!

However, Meng Fan decided to hold back for a while.

At least you have to hold back the “Campus Love Finger Boys” to finish the book, you can spare some time.

In addition, what Meng Fan really wants most is to complete the achievement task of [Professional Cartoonist], obtain drawing skills, screenwriting, and set 5 attributes, and then start writing original.

[Professional cartoonist] Mission requirements, serialize a full-length comic or three comics, and publish ten single-volumes, and the total sales have exceeded 100,000.

The first condition has been met, “Underground Spirit” is a long story.

The third condition is not difficult to meet. Although the sales volume of 100,000 is not small, it can’t stand Meng Fan’s money.

If you buy it and send it to estimate the system, it will decide that the experience will not increase. Then find someone to do it, so it won’t give you experience.

This second article is a bit more difficult. Even if you draw a single book from 8-10, you can barely produce three volumes when the “Campus Love refers to a man” is finished. “Spirit” has to be updated to at least 50 episodes, and now it has only 11 episodes.

Moreover, whether it can be published or not, and the speed of publication, it is not Meng Fan who has the final say…….

Called the poor master, and said nothing, Meng Fan said He patted his head and laughed, okay, I almost forgot that Lord Sleepy was a player with a mine at home, and he was no less enthusiastic about comics than himself.

“I’m about to tell you about this! I have already contacted the publishing house, and all the publishing matters have been settled. Now I’m waiting for you to decide how many words to come out. The first volume Print, I’m going to make a fifty thousand copies first.”

“Five thousand?”

Meng Fan naturally knows something about the comics market. This first print can be said to be quite a lot. Up.

After thinking about it, Meng Fan hurriedly asked: “Will you buy all the 50,000 copies by yourself, right?”

Meng Fan is really worried about being too sleepy. It’s boring, if you buy it yourself, Meng Fan really doesn’t guarantee that this system will give you experience, so I quickly ask, if it is, you have to stop it.

“I’m stupid!”

The sleepy master did not fully understand why Meng Fan asked, and replied: “My book friends basically have to buy more than one book. At least tens of thousands of copies. In addition, there is a pre-sale survey on, which is also tens of thousands. My 50,000 is still a conservative estimate…Why, you haven’t understood that our comics have Is it more sought-after?”

Well, Meng Fan just thought that Master Sleepy had a mine at home, but he forgot that he still had someone at home!

I also forgot the popularity of this “Underground Spirit” now!

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