“Don’t hang up in a hurry.”

The sleepy master called Meng Fan, who was about to hang up, and said: “Is there any interest in signing the comics? Let’s do it? If you’re interested, I’ll help you arrange a few games.”

“It doesn’t make much sense, or don’t.”

The comics and original comics adapted from novels are still There is a big difference. The latter can be regarded as a way of interacting with fans, and it can also drive some sales, but in the former, do you say that when the time comes fans are for the main painting or the original novel author of.

When the time comes, let alone Meng Fan and the sleepy master embarrassed, the fans are also embarrassed.

“Hey, let’s do it. I also said that I will arrange a Shanghai Stock Exchange for you and then I will take the opportunity to see you… Fuck, you are so decisive!”

The old man called Meng Fan again: “There is still something I haven’t finished talking about, about the cost of the manuscript.”

The manga “Underground Spirit” was serialized on the Penguin Animation website, top ten The words are free, and all are charged later, unlike “Campus Love Finger Boys” because they cannot be listed because they are not signed. The whole book is free.

The plot of the “Underground Spirit” comic is that the master is in charge of himself, coupled with the operation of Meng Fan, even those who have read the novel can still see new ideas, which is very interesting.

Needless to say the painting style and technique!

This manga is still very popular on Penguin Animation. In addition to the recent frantic update of Meng Fan, it has at least daily updates and even horrible three-time updates. It has continuously occupied the hottest one after another. It’s been a while.

Back-office sales can be seen by Meng Fan. Various data also proves the strength of Penguin Animation’s paying group.

“The manga manuscript fee is divided into you according to the original ratio. Besides, didn’t you say that you hired several assistants? I will pay for the cost. The manuscript fee was not much last month. There will be a lot of words this month, but it hasn’t been settled yet. Animation.com settles directly with me, so I will settle the settlement before the 15th of this month to you in advance.”

“The actual publishing share is also based on The original ratio, but I have to tell you about this first, the money will be received slowly. The first batch will be settled faster, but not much, and the subsequent cycle will be longer. If you need it With the money, I’ll settle it to you in advance.”

“Okay, I will say if I need it.”

This time, I will call you before Meng Fan hangs up. After hanging up, the manga was divided into manuscript fees for Meng Fan and transferred, and cut a whole number, one hundred thousand yuan.

To tell the truth, this manuscript fee is quite a lot.

Compared to Meng Fan’s compensation for drawing illustrations and hand-painted posters, it is indeed a bit pitiful, but the two are different in nature. One is a one-time sale and the other is a long stream.

Of course, if the money is used as a salary for Chen Daqiang and other assistants, it will be more than enough, and it will be paid for several months.


Bearded Loulan woke up at 8 o’clock in the morning on the camp bed in the corner of the recording studio, yawned and went to the innermost bathroom of the studio, and took it from the cabinet. I took out my own toiletries, took a shower, washed my hair, washed my face, brushed my teeth, and washed my beard in less than ten minutes. The dirty clothes were stuffed into a bag and tied up…

Look at the number of bags in the cabinet Lou Lan also knew that he had been home for a few days.

This kind of studio stays for several days. Lou Lan has been around for several years and has long been used to it.

The voice actors work hard, and the other staff who work with the voice actors also work hard. This is just like the fact that the photographer who carried the machine and took pictures of him is also very good.

“Another night?”

From the innermost bathroom to the outside, some members have already come, and I watched the group before seeing Lou Lan. When he saw that Lou Lan did not go back, he brought him Had breakfast.

After Meng Fan left yesterday, Lou Lan sorted it out and sent it to Party A, and then sorted out a batch of female voice characters suitable for preparation for Meng Fan, and then there were voice actors coming, directly It hit more than three o’clock.

“I heard that there was a problem with your previous list and you asked for a new match. Then the female voice part found Xiao Tian, ​​but after Xiao Tian came, the character disappeared.” This person asked curiously, “Xiao Tian said you said that the character was assigned by Meng Fan, is it true? He can still play a female voice?”

Lou Lan nodded and said, “I’m looking for Xiao Tian, ​​she Said she couldn’t come, who knew she would be free again later. When she came, Meng Fan matched it.”

“He can really play a female voice? Naturally?”

“Listen to you.”

“…fuck, this is really what he deserves! It’s too strong!”

“So, I give He sorted out a group of female voice roles.”


Shortly after breakfast, when Director Charlie came, Lou Lan followed him into the office, and then Take out a group of female voice characters that have been sorted out for Charlie’s approval. He is responsible for part of the role assignment, but Charlie still needs to agree to some of the roles.

“Meng Fan?”

Charlie was stunned for a moment. After listening to the voice-over demo given by Lou Lan, he was also convinced.

Afterwards, he asked curiously: “How many roles has he played recently?”

Lou Lan probably mentally calculated a number.

“So much?!” Charlie fell into a moment of silence, and then said to Lou Lan, “Then you will give priority to him in the future when you assign roles. You can accumulate more role experience and experience, and strive to be early Let him be qualified for a big job!”

“Oh right.”

Charlie took out a bunch of materials from his bag and handed it to Lou Lan , Said: “This is the game list I just received. You can sort it out. Most of the characters Meng Fan can match.” After leaving the office, Lou Lan called Meng Fan. Meng Fan arrived in about twenty minutes.

“So many characters today?!”

Meng Fan rubbed his hands and entered the recording studio with excitement.

Before Meng Fan came, a dubbing director had already arrived. He followed up with the characters that Lou Lan sorted out before, and he was still thinking about the game characters that Charlie gave later.

“I haven’t talked about the role yet, is he so anxious?”

This voice director has dubbed with Meng Fan once before, and has seen his voice ability. But still a little uncomfortable.

Lou Lan was nodded, and thought, in fact, the dubbing guide and so on is a bit redundant in Iron God, as far as the ability to fully understand the character, Iron God is really no worse than this experienced dubbing guide.

Facts have proven to be the same. After Meng Fan entered the studio, the dubbing director hadn’t finished speaking about the role. He basically got it through. As soon as he opened his mouth, he met the dubbing director’s expectations for the voice, and often even exceeded it. His expectations.

From ten in the morning to seven in the evening, Meng Fan basically stayed in the recording studio except for going to the toilet. The dubbing guide has changed two, and Lou Lan also asked him to replace the two. When he was young, he still looked like a chicken blood, his voice was very stable, his mood was very stable, his efficiency and effect were still stable like Divine Immortal!

For more than eight hours, Meng Fan provided more than 400 lines and changed 37 roles!

“It’s over?”

“It’s over!”

Meng Fan still had some meaning, Lou Lan let out a sigh of relief and slumped into his seat.

Lou Lan followed more than a day’s work in one breath, but it was not as intense as Meng Fan’s eight hours.

When talking with other CVs, he, the sound engineer, has many opportunities to be lazy and rest. After all, other people have to look for roles and auditions when dubbing, but with Meng Fan , I can’t keep up when I lose my mind, I just opened my mouth!

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