The scheduled shooting location is in a studio near Songjiang Film and Television City. Relying on the film and television city, it is well-equipped. It is very convenient for shooting MV, recording and post-production.

When Meng Fan and Sister Sun arrived, there were a lot of people outside the studio, mostly girls, holding various exaggerated support items in their hands.

“This doesn’t seem to be for the Shanjin big brother.”

“That, it should be a Korean star.”

“Isn’t it restricted? Understood?”

“In fact, the above did not officially say that there is no limit, but there is a tacit understanding from top to bottom. However, it has been a bit loose recently. There are more Korean stars in China, but Participating activities are not very public, and the number of performances is more limited. Even if the ban is lifted, today is different. In the past two years, the domestic training and elimination-type star-making mechanism has developed rapidly, and several batches of idol groups have emerged. Coupled with the original high-quality idols, Hallyu has returned to China, already not in.”

“That’s it. However, it seems that this popularity is still quite high.”

“It’s still going to come back. After all, domestic idol groups have not developed a long time, their performance level and endurance have yet to be tested, and the operating capabilities of brokerage companies are still lacking. As a result, the group of Korean fans is still very large. In terms of sex comparison, the rate of turning fans is not high, that is, part of it is transferred to those returning traffic. Therefore, it is really necessary to lift the ban. Everything is really unknown. At least, it is a test for companies operating idol groups in China. Under the agency where Su Qingcen works, there is a team…”

While chatting, the two of them bypassed the group of fans and walked towards the door.

Suddenly, Sister Sun frowned when she saw Meng Fan and looked at her curiously. However, she was not as tall as Meng Fan and there were so many people blocking her, and she couldn’t see anything.

Immediately afterwards, Sister Sun noticed that there was a big commotion in the fan community. The fans she was facing in the film that had been surrounded by fans receded like a tide. Sister Sun’s vision It also opened up, and saw a girl sitting on the ground with her head in her arms, and two men with the appearance of bodyguards punched and kicked her like wolves.

Korean star bodyguard hits people!

Sister Sun’s expression changed, it’s been a long time since this news happened, and she actually appeared in front of her.

After the vision widened, the two bodyguards also stopped, cursing a few words that they didn’t understand at the girl on the ground, then fiercely glanced at the others present and turned towards The Korean star walked.

The fans onlookers all have a look of horror. It seems unimaginable that such a scene will happen suddenly.

“Why hit people!”

“That’s why hit people!”

“You didn’t see the evil pen just now to Lapuzaihai Is it?”

“Which group of fans is this, I told you to pay attention to order!”

“Now, let’s make Pu Jaehai angry!”

“Yes, Park Jaehae finally came here, this slut should be hit!”

“It must be a black fan!”

“Let’s notify the fans who are present, It is strictly forbidden to post videos and pictures indiscriminately. They must be reviewed before they can be posted. They must not bring any bad comments to Park Jae-hai!”

There are all kinds of comments in the fan group, although there are dissatisfaction and beatings. But because the fans who came this time were all organized in the rice circle, these voices were soon suppressed by other voices.

At this moment, fans saw a silhouette rushing out from one side, chasing the two bodyguards with open arms, and ran from between the two bodyguards extremely fast.

peng peng.

This man is tall, his arms raised just to the height of the back necks of the two bodyguards, and his arms are like heavy war chariot bars. The two bodyguards were hit on the back of the neck and were directly hit. , Landing on the ground, making a bang.

In this picture, if the ring is added to the side, it is American wrestling.

This scene is more sudden and faster than the bodyguard hitting the fans just now, and it is even more incredible.

Sister Sun was dumbfounded: “Meng Fan?!”

The people present hadn’t reacted yet, and hit Meng Fan, who was unable to get up, with two bodyguards. Stopped and walked towards the Han star.


The agent beside Han Xing has also been complexion greatly changed, and both Li and Ning stopped in front of Han Xing and shouted at Meng Fan.

Meng Fan of panting with rage doesn’t care if the agent is a man or a woman. He stretched out his hand and swept her away, and then grabbed the Korean star’s collar with his hand. A slap!


The applause was so loud that everyone heard it, and it was suddenly quiet.

“You hit me! Why did you hit me!”

Park Jae-hae was also stunned, and then yelled, first in Korean, and then changed to very substandard Mandarin . Both hands were breaking like crazy, Meng Fan grabbed his neckline hand, almost biting.

“Why didn’t you think about why when you hit her!”

Meng Fan turned around and threw the Korean star directly next to the two bodyguards. With great strength, Han Xing will definitely be unstable when standing, and he will stand on an Escort.

The bodyguard just raised his head and was hit again.

“I didn’t hit anyone!”

Park Jae-hae removed his butt from the bodyguard. This time he was accompanied by only two bodyguards, plus a female assistant and a female agent Man, the two bodyguards were directly blown to the ground, making him suddenly lose his confidence.

I used to come, dozens of bodyguards for security!

Damn it!

Strongly motioned to the agent and assistant with his eyes, and asked them to quickly find a way, the tall man in front of him is simply a lunatic!

“Didn’t hit anyone?” Meng Fan stepped forward, pointing to the female fan who was sitting on the ground holding her head and looking out secretly and said, “I saw you slap her and then Pushed her to the ground and let the two bodyguards continue to fight! She just pulled you a bit!” Then he pointed to the people present, “So many people are watching, I still don’t admit it!”

Park Jae-hae eyes shined, and suddenly seemed to be emboldened. He stood up and looked towards these fans, and said lamely, “You said, did I not hit anyone!”

This group of people fell silent.

However, the silence was soon broken by a girl with croissants wearing a pettiskirt: “Pu Zaihai didn’t hit anyone. It was the slut who did not follow the rules to pull Pu Zaihai. He deserves to be hit by a bodyguard! “It also brought up the rhythm of other people, “You are right, Park Jaehae didn’t hit anyone at all!”

“Yes, yes, Park Jaehae didn’t hit anyone!”

“That is, how could Park Jaehai hit people!”

“That woman deserves it!”

“Who are you, why do you fight Park Jaehai!”

“We want to protect Park Jaehae!”

“Fight with him!”


Meng Fan Her face was completely cold, and she looked at the girl with crochet braids: “Are you at a loss?” Then she swept to the other people who followed, “Are you all blind? Your conscience won’t hurt!”

These dozens of fans are called Guijiao, no one dares to go forward no matter how crazy it is. It is true that Meng Fan was a bit cruel just now. This glaring was shocked again.

“It doesn’t matter which country you are from, whether you are a celebrity or a fan, it’s so disgusting! I really can’t figure out that a few big men will fight a woman together , I can’t even figure out that someone saw it when they didn’t see it, and protected it! What a wonderful thing to chase stars, look at you, it’s dirty!”

Meng Fan is really angry, With one kick, Park Jaehai, who had just stood up, kicked to the ground.

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