Little bee Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! is a loyal fan of Xiaoti. I have heard about Xiaoti’s new book “A Thousand Years of Floating Dreams”, and now I have heard of this novel The illustrations here are drawn by friends I know, so I feel excited.

“I don’t know Xiao Ti.”

Meng Fan made a lot of effort to explain things clearly.

“This way, that also means you are very good!” After the little bee paused, said with a smile, “In this case, my buddy may have to consider adding money. I I’ll contact you later.”

Meng Fan is the illustrator of Xiaoti’s new book. This is a good advantage for Little Bee. At least he has the qualifications to increase trust and at the same time. negotiate.

In about a few minutes, the little bee sent a WeChat message: “My buddy is paying 1,500 per week, no less than ten illustrations, of which more than half are required to be colored. One payment a week, first Paint after the money. Pay no less than five paintings within three days after payment, and finish within five days at the latest. If you do not continue to cooperate, both parties must explain one week in advance. What do you think?”

No Talking about breach of contract, after all, small business, there is a small bee as an intermediary, no one sorry to make it difficult for him to do.

Meng Fan has no objection to the price, which is almost 150 sheets. Generally, students in the Academy of Fine Arts cannot get such remuneration. Of course, compared to Meng Fan’s current drawing skills, this is cheaper, but it is true that he is not famous-even if he is an illustrator for Xiao Ti’s new book.

Of course, if the amount of ten sheets is not unexpected, Meng Fan can easily handle it in half a day. This is equivalent to a daily income of five thousand five, which is also a lot for Meng Fan.

“The price is okay, but I have two requirements here.”

I don’t have much thoughts about Qian Meng Fan, even if I don’t have a rebirth, I don’t have a system. I have to worry about the probability of money in my life. It’s not too big. One mind naturally increases the number of viewers in the live broadcast room through this.

“One is that some of his illustrations may be completed during the live broadcast, because I may not have time to draw; the second is that he must indicate the author and my live broadcast room after he posts the picture to the official account. , The purpose is to increase the popularity of the live broadcast room. You can help me ask.”

“You have a good idea, wait a moment.”

No more , I replied.

“He said that the live painting is okay. When painting, please indicate the source of the characters, and that is the title of his book. However, don’t finish the painting during the live broadcast, at least leave two .As for your signature, that’s affirmative. He said that and now all pay attention to copyright. However, he said about the matter in your live broadcast room. It’s definitely not good for you to put up each one below, and mention it every week. And twice. Hehe, the advertising cost of his official account is really not low.”

“In addition, he said that if he cooperates, he will make a recommendation for you in the novel. Of course, definitely It’s not easy to specify the name of the site. It probably means that if you are interested in seeing how the characters are drawn, you can search for your name on the Internet. I think this is quite interesting. He has a collection of more than 100,000. Including other channels.”

“Reliable! I will try to paint more for him.”

This kind of cooperation is very cost-effective for Meng Fan, and it is naturally happy. Agreed.

Little Bee soon recommended the WeChat business card of the author “Pingtou” to Meng Fan, added it, and passed it.

“Trouble you.”

Plattou said hello and transferred 1500 to Meng Fan via WeChat.

“Trouble you too.”

Meng Fan collects the money.

Next, both of them are speechless.

Meng Fan told Little Bee the money has been received and asked him to send the name of the novel.

“There is something to do in class in the afternoon.”

Meng Fan also reads novels. Naturally, he downloaded the Qidian APP on his mobile phone. He mainly reads the novels of the two-dimensional yuanxiang, occasionally Picking one or two books of fantasy and science fiction for a change of taste, I haven’t heard the name Flathead before.

Search and enter the title of the book “Cultivation World”, click on it, and look at the page.

Serialized 820,000 characters, 35 million hits, 1.9 million recommendations…

This data is much better than those articles read by Meng Fan.

As for the specifics, Meng Fan did not check the Ranking List either.

The general content of this book is the story of a man with the same straight personality as his orientation into Cultivation World inexplicably.

After watching a class in the afternoon, Meng Fan can confirm that the author is a setting party. The setting of the Cultivation World system is very reasonable, complete and innovative, which makes me not look at xuanhuan and xianxia very much. Meng Fan can also watch it smoothly.

The protagonist is Yuan Chong, the name speaks for itself, he has a strong personality and is in the second grade. It is also a bit like the author’s pen name, Pingtou. He will do it if he refuses to accept life and death, no matter who he is facing. .

And this kind of personality, in the author’s pen, is both fused and contradictory with the entire Cultivation World. There have been many passionate things, and many things that make people didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

The author’s pen power is not weak, and he can write very distinctive hardcore humor.

Many stalks are spread out silently. If you are caught off guard, you can laugh at you.

Another feature is that the fighting is written very graphically and very burning.

It’s just after three o’clock after class, and the sun outside is still very big. The big elders who are in the class sorry and have umbrellas have opened the business of “fighting umbrellas” and the girls will share a parasol and leave. Not wrong.

Chen Daqiang and Xing Tage are loyal users of “Pan Umbrella”.

Zhang Zhouwei, who was successfully in love, saved the cost, and walked into the heat with Wang Yanan with a dogged look and proud.

It’s impossible for Meng Fan to have an umbrella with others. Not to mention girls or boys. What should I do? Go back in the sun, or wear a sweat band to refresh?

The style of wearing a sweat belt without running seems a little unique.

Take it yourself!

Meng Fan took out the parasol that he had bought for a while but was embarrassed to hold out from his backpack. After the crazy confession, his face became stronger and he didn’t hesitate to open it. .

red department, it also says “boys are handsome even with umbrellas”.

After opening it up, Meng Fan glanced at it, and there should be no one better than his own.


As soon as I got my thoughts, a great god came out from next door to let Meng Fan know what a king is.

Shu Ji!

This great god came out carrying a book!

What is Shuji?

Simply put, it is a book box, something that the ancient scholars would carry on their backs when they went out or went on a trip, visited friends, studied abroad, or went to Beijing for exams.

There is a scaffold extending out of the book, and when you carry it on its back, it just covers the top of your head, which can provide shade and shelter from the rain.

Don’t understand?

Make up the stuff that Ning Caichen is carrying in “Nether Soul”.

“Too awesome!”

In comparison, Meng Fan feels that he is simply the five scum of bronze war.

The skill of pretending to be compared with the great gods in Academy is still far behind.

Learn with an open mind!

Meng Fan slipped into the scorching sun with an umbrella. The ground was also hot, and the speed was a bit faster.

Go back to the dormitory and immediately turn on the air conditioner and fan. I took the power bank and found a restrained posture on the phone to continue reading the novel.

Meng Fan’s speed in reading the novel is not too slow. I finished reading the public period of the novel before five o’clock. After the full subscription, I read a few chapters of the VIP content and didn’t continue reading it.

One is that there is not enough time, and the other is that I almost have a certain concept of the novel. The next thing to do is to spend some time extracting the characteristics of the characters.

At six o’clock, I changed into sportswear and went to the playground. The black technology running shoes were attached to the ordinary running shoes on my feet. After warming up, I started running and completed the five kilometers in 40 minutes.

“Dip! The total running mileage reached 60 kilometers, and the progress of the [Shen Xing Tai Bao] mission was reached. Reward: points +50, speed +1.”

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