After getting on the bus, Meng Fan glanced at the live broadcast room, and then at the progress of the [Live Broadcast Master] task in his mind. There were only more than 300,000 visits left.

Today’s live broadcast room was full after 4 million visits. It is said that it is difficult for a live broadcast to generate 4 million visits, so Meng Fan’s live broadcast is also quite hard, except for imitating Li Lihong Teacher’s voice came to go shopping outside the snack street, he also prepared other means, thinking that it is full today.

Didn’t expect, Su Qingcen’s “personal design” collapsed in the next short period of time, so that the peak number of online people in the live broadcast room reached more than 2 million, and the number of viewers quickly reached more than 350 Million.

Before and after, including the live broadcast that just started, it was less than an hour.

It shows how terrifying Su Qingcen’s popularity is.

There are only more than 300,000 people left, and there are more than 1.9 million people in the live broadcast room. It is more difficult to attract other people to increase the number of people. Meng Fan is not equal. Therefore, a killing move was used.

“It’s a bit stuck, I will disconnect it, you refresh it and then come in, Brother Yamajin has something to say to you.”

Resolutely download and disconnect the shooting equipment The connection was changed to a mobile phone, and then quickly broadcast, and the mobile phone was pointed at Su Qingcen.

What can I say, me!

Su Qingcen rolled his eyes, but still said with a smile to the camera: “I just finished recording the base camp today, and your anchor Meng happened to be recording a dubbing program on Mango TV. I. Thinking of having a late night snack, I also wanted to go to the snack street to eat instead of taking takeaways or bringing them back, so I pretended to be the camera of anchor Meng. Didn’t expect was recognized so soon…”

Su Qingcen has nothing to say, so he talks about the general things.

At this time, Meng Fan was already giggling.

“Ding! The number of people who watched the live broadcast reached 100 million, and the completion of the [Live Broadcast Master] task progress five; reward: points +10000, charm +1.”

“Ding! Complete achievement Quest [Live Streaming Master], get the title of achievement [Live Streaming Master] (Charm +10)”

After this, Meng Fan’s mind followed by a prompt sound, Meng Fan’s heart stunned. , Thought to myself, this fuck will not be an advanced task for [Live Broadcast Master], right?

“Ding! The existing points reached 10,000, open the points redemption attribute function.”

Meng Fan listened to this prompt, the whole person was stunned, almost did not jump up !

I know, I know!

As early as when more and more points were accumulated, Meng Fan guessed that points must be useful. After all, there are not many black technologies that can be exchanged under each achievement task, and the points requirements are not high. There must be a lot of points left.

There are many points left. Meng Fan thinks it must be useful. Otherwise, system should make fun of points.

It’s really useful, and it’s so useful!

“It turns out that this function will be activated only after depositing 10,000.”

Meng Fan previously had more than 8,500 points, now he has completed the [Live Broadcasting Master] process Five directly won 10,000, with a total of 18,500 points.

I searched it and I quickly found the so-called “points redemption attribute function”. Equivalent to is a redemption list. There are many attributes listed above, all of which Meng Fan has obtained through the system. Rather than own attributes.

How to exchange it?

Meng Fan took a look and quickly understood.

The method is very simple, every attribute can be redeemed, but the more points you need to redeem, the more points you need.

The exchange price of each attribute is increasing. The first level is 1,000 points and can only be redeemed once; the second level is 2,000 points and can only be redeemed twice; the third level is 4,000 points can only be redeemed 4 times; the fourth level is 8,000 points, which can only be redeemed 8 times; the fifth level is 16,000 points, which can only be redeemed 16 times…and so on.

The redemption has nothing to do with the original attributes. For example, Meng Fan’s drawing skills are currently +27, and his observation power is +1. The first redemption of these two attributes is the same as 1,000 points.

In addition, Meng Fan immediately looked towards the special attribute of “lucky”, which cannot be exchanged!

Looking back and doing the calculations carefully, Meng Fan found that the points he had saved for so long could not be exchanged for many points, especially if he wanted to single-point one of the attributes, it was very difficult.

You can point an attribute 3 times with 5,000 points, and 4 times with 10,000 points.

So, the point of separation is the most cost-effective.

This function can comprehensively improve the attributes of Meng Fan, but it is difficult to make big changes.

The difficulty is far greater than the attribute points obtained by completing a task.

This function can only be regarded as auxiliary.

Of course, it must be better than nothing!

“…Then, goodbye everyone.”

Su Qingcen glanced at Meng Fan, saw him startled, stretched out his hand and pushed him.

“Huh? Oh, okay, right?”

Meng Fan turned the camera over and said to the live broadcast room: “I know you guys don’t want to after watching the big brother Shanjin See me, then goodbye.”

As I said, it was broadcast.

Su Qingcen stared at Meng Fan for a while, and always felt something was wrong: “You…how do you look weird?”

Meng Fan heard it, slightly She licked her hair and raised her eyebrows: “You mean I’m so charming, right?”

No, this adds 11 charms all at once!


Su Qingcen didn’t admit it, but he really felt so in his heart. The heartbeat just missed a few beats!

I thought to myself, is it because Meng Fan let himself go shopping happily today, so thankful it looks so pleasing to the eye, like a halo?

This is indeed the case. In addition to Meng Fan’s 11 additional charms, Su Qingcen has indeed added a lot of favor and gratitude to Meng Fan.

Until now, Qingcen Su thinks that he is a big fan very talented and very interesting. In addition, because of Meng Caiwei, he is very kind and caring for Meng Fan, but I never thought about it. Will get a sense of security in him.

Like today, Su Qingcen thought about it, but couldn’t think of a second person who could do it.

“Here. Just stop here.”

Su Qingcen specifically asked the driver to send Meng Fan to Mango TV and then go back. Meng Fan asked him when he saw the door. Stop and walk in by yourself. After the car stopped, Meng Fan said to Su Qingcen: “Then I will get off, bye.”

Su Qingcen said to Meng Fan: “Thank you.”


Meng Fan cut back with a “backhand knife”, and hurried away laughing haha.

Enter Mango TV, find the original room, push the door to enter, Bai Zhi is still practicing.

“Sister Bai, are you hungry? I brought something to eat.”

Meng Fan pushed a small table over and laid out the snacks he brought.

“You still have a conscience.”

Bai Zhi was very happy to hear that Meng Fan came back and brought him something to eat. He just waited for Meng Fan to put some delicious food and raise his head. , Bai Zhi was stunned, his eyes were a bit straight!

“What’s the matter, sister? I have flowers on my face or my lips are not clean?”

Of course Meng Fan knows what’s going on.

Speaking of which, I have waited a long time for this [Live Broadcasting Master] task to finish the task. What I am waiting for is these 11 charm attributes, but this time I add 11 charm attributes, which almost save myself The charm has been magnified several times, which is really a bit exaggerated!

Forget the unfamiliar people. Bai Zhi is familiar with it. I must feel strange that my charm has increased so much after I went out for a supper!

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