In addition to costumes, Meng Fan is best at drawing women, especially female characters of the royal sister, followed by a variety of animals, and the mythical animals are the most familiar, and then All kinds of ghosts and ordinary male characters should be the least he can draw.

“Classic of Mountains and Seas” is one of the books that Meng Fan has read the most times. There are no less than a dozen versions he has read through childhood. Well, the version here refers to the illustration part. There are various mythological characters and exotic animals in the book.

Meng Fan’s previous painting of Aka in “A Thousand Years of Floating Dream” immediately thought of the roar in “Classic of Mountains and Seas” because of this foundation.

In the past few years, “Onmyouji” was on fire, and Meng Fan, who likes to study, began to study related ghosts and shikigami. Among other things, it is not a big problem for Meng Fan to put together a piece of “Hyakki Nights”.

As for dragon creatures, Meng Fan naturally drew many times, and now he has added 3 painting skills before and after, plus the 1-point painting skill bonus of the universal pen, which makes the painting better than before. It’s a lot better. I can only say that it has a good shape before, but now the charm is hooked out.

Nine dragons are formed, and the biggest feeling for the friends in the live broadcast is the imposing manner, a series of barrage and uninterrupted gifts.

As for the iron chain that Meng Fan started to draw, the water friends opened a new round of guessing, and the correct answer soon appeared in the barrage army.

“Boss Meng is really awesome! Don’t say that I draw fast, the details are too good! The dragon scales are very small, almost negligible, but it is painted, densely packed painting ! If you don’t watch the live broadcast, I really can’t find it!”

“What are dragon scales, haven’t you seen the rust spots and cold light on the iron chains drawn?”

“This painter is really good!”

“The dragon is so good-looking, so lifelike!”

“The lifelike one, stop me, this is dragon corpse hahahaha!”

“The precipice Nine Dragons pulled the coffin!”

“Where is the Millionaire!”

“Isn’t Jin Hezai the author of the biography of Wukong, and Chen Guan?”

“Don’t tease upstairs, how about Chen fans hahahaha!”

“Rampage tour group clock in! Anchor Niubi!”

“Rampage tour group clock in +1!”

“Rush into the sightseeing group to check in +1024!”

“The first time I come, do I just boast or follow the program?”

“Grass Are the live-streaming paintings so brutal now?”

“The chain is drawn!”

“The coffin appears!”

“It really is The Nine Dragons pull the coffin in “Zhangtian”!”

“The painting is really good! It is stronger than any illustration I have seen before!”

“Anchor, draw well Can you position me to take a screenshot afterwards!”

“The screenshots are not high-definition! Please upload the high-definition pictures from the host! Download it as a screensaver!”

Meng Fan draws this It took 20 minutes before and after “Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin”. This is because this picture basically doesn’t need to be colored, otherwise, it takes more time. It is really the nine dragons that took too much effort.

After finishing the painting, I took a closer look and found that Meng Fan is still very satisfied.

I saw that the number of online users has exceeded 1,500, and I am very satisfied. The previous live broadcast is generally good if it can break 1,000 in the first half an hour.

Little bee sent a WeChat message to him and said that he would attract people among the readers of the novel, and the effect was obviously good.

The proportion of viewers has increased significantly. This may also be the reason why people in the reader group do not like to watch live broadcasts and leave after watching them for a while. The intention of this thing is not to say that Meng Fan’s painting skills are 100% better than others.

As early as about five minutes after the broadcast, the number of viewers has increased by 600, and the task process 1 of [Live Broadcasting Master] has also been completed and corresponding rewards have been obtained.

Points +1, charm +1.

The attribute of charm, Meng Fan is temporarily unable to verify it.

One is not easy to find a mirror or take a selfie with a mobile phone, two is impossible to show up live, and third, no one in this studio deliberately watched Meng Fan and told him that he looked better or attractive.

Although Meng Fan insists on live broadcasting for the attribute of charm, which is good for dating, he also knows that he has a weak foundation and +1 is definitely useless.

Go ahead.

The charisma of working hard to make more progress is rewarded, and coupled with running, maybe you can still eat on your face.

Actually, as long as he can lose weight successfully, Meng Fan still has a little confidence in his facial features, at least before he gets fat, he can be regarded as a cute little Zhengtai.

Maybe when you grow up, you may be disabled even if you don’t get fat, but after all, the parents’ genes are there, and the pass line should be able to pass.

Compared with the success of weight loss and the charm of live broadcast, Meng Fan squeezed his stomach. He felt that the latter is easier, so continue to draw.


This is undoubtedly the type that Meng Fan dislikes and is the least good at. However, at least what he has read in the net articles is mostly male characters, and the classic female characters in memory are good. Painted, really little.

The face is as sharp as a knife, handsome face, broad shoulders and back, well-proportioned body, and resolute temperament… Always vulgar.

With this kind of personage, no matter how well Meng Fan draws, no one in the live studio can guess who it is. It is really not easy to draw the characteristics from the looks.

Next, Meng Fan began to draw features.

This male character is floating in midair, long hair flying upwards, with his hands spread out from side to side, Meng Fan starts to draw things on his hands.

On one side is a strange grass, on the other is a domineering hammer.

When these two are drawn, the characters are basically ready to come out.

Background, color.

Although there are various kinds of 666 in the barrage, Meng Fan is really reluctant to draw such handsome and uniform male characters.

The originally planned paintings of Xiao Yan, Hong Yi, Teng Qingshan and Chen Beixuan were cancelled and replaced with an old man.

Short, broken arm, sheepskin fur.

His face is full of the vicissitudes of time, his eyes are thorough and his smile is open-minded.

Meng Fan drew two sets of Flying Swords in front, covering the sky and moving towards the old man.

old man using the finger as the sword, domineering side leakage.

The old man in the painting naturally impossible to speak. Meng Fan also impossible with narration or text on the side, but the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly appeared in rows and rows of old Two words to say man.

“Come on the sword!”

“Come on the sword!”

“Come on the sword!”



“The painting is very awesome, when the float is a big white!”

“If you don’t give birth to me, Li Chungang, sword dao is like a long night!”

After drawing Meng Fan, I was quite satisfied. As soon as the old Sword God came out, there were as many gifts in the live broadcast room as the Flying Sword, which covered the sky.

In the fourth picture, Meng Fan feels that he has to draw a female character anyway, and there are more distinctive ones. Only a few well-known online novels have been read… Xiao Wu? Huo Ling’er? People of the same type have painted a lot in the live broadcast before, but the paintings are more alternative.

Meng Fan’s hands are extremely fast, and not long after, a tree appeared in the eyes of the friends in the live broadcast room.

This is a Willow Tree, with willow branches spreading, and the wicker hanging down like a waterfall, like a Divine Jade carving, the whole body is crystal clear, as if flying in the wind, with thunder and lightning on the top.

After that, Meng Fan began to draw a figure on the tree. A graceful and holy woman slowly became clear, absolutely Goddess type!

nothing more beautiful can be imagined!

“What is this?”



“This won’t be… . Willow God?”

“The Willow God in “Perfect World”?”

“It must be!”

“But, is he Liu God is a man!”

“Is the willow god a man?”

“Isn’t the willow god always genderless?”

” The book finally confirms that Liu Shen is a man! Just shouting that the Millionaire is so enthusiastic, you are a fake book fan!”

“Then the anchor is motherhood?”

“hahahaha I guess the anchor is also a pseudo-book fan, I must have not finished reading it!”

“It looks good! The screenshot is taken!”

cough cough ……. Meng Fan saw these bullets The old face blushed too, he really didn’t finish watching it!

“Then what, I don’t see much on the web, everyone!”

Meng Fan felt that it’s okay to admit it. He lowered his voice and said, “That, I Don’t draw the characters. The fifth one says it’s related to the web, so let’s draw a scene of Transcending Tribulation.”

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