“Envy, right? Envy won’t come.”

Old Hei stood up and wanted to hold Meng Fan’s shoulders, but only when he extended the hand discovered Meng Fan It’s a bit tall. How can this fuck stand upstairs? It’s almost the same if you pull your arms. So I changed to an elbow and touched Meng Fan, raising his eyebrows and saying, “This stick is our Taekwondo coach here. They are so handsome. The female students who come to our side, half of them are directed at him. This stick is regarded as the star coach of our Martial Dao Hall. I don’t know why these women like sticks so much. Is it because of the word stick? Damn, what is a stick, I am still a stick!”

Meng Fan said with a smile: “Maybe just like being handsome, it has nothing to do with sticks and sticks. “

Lao Hei is not very cool: “Handsome is handsome, but he is too pretentious and arrogant.”

Meng Fan said with a smile: “You martial cultivator is not Is it straightforward? I think he pretends to be arrogant, so he won’t have to do it. Old black, you can’t beat him, do you? But if he pretends, you can only endure it.”

“Cut! I can’t do him? I stand still and let him fight, but he can’t fight.” Old Hei got even more upset, but then he fainted, “Hey, you don’t understand. This stick is A money tree, the kind of very large tree, Old Yang has to coax, and I can only endure it when I am upset. Walk away, what the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.”

Meng Fan laughed and followed Lao Hei towards the outside of the training room.

“en? Isn’t that the Meng Fan?”

Some of the ten female students recognized Meng Fan. After all, Meng Fan’s sense of existence does not want to be noticed. It’s hard.

“It’s really him! Why did he come here!”

“I hate this guy the most!”

“I wish he exploded in place! “

unfathomable mystery Meng Fan, who has been ridiculed and cursed by a wave of unfathomable mystery, has a silly look, and the same silly old black. How do these female students know Meng Fan? Like him, this guy didn’t do anything irritating to these women, right?

“Meng Fan?”

Jin Taeyun suddenly became energetic when he heard the words Meng Fan. Following those female students, eyes shined and strode towards Meng. Fan came over and stopped three steps away from Meng Fan, with a bright smile on his face: “Meng Fan, hello.”

Meng Fan was caught by those female students Scolding unfathomable mystery, seeing this Kim Tae-woon coming over, and then thinking of the old black, knowing that this guy is a South Korean, naturally another South Korean popped out of my mind, and I quickly figured out why this group of women He scolded himself like mental illness, browsed slightly wrinkle, and asked: “Do we know?”

“You don’t know me, I know you.”

Jin Taiyun feels very much Good look, self-introduced: “My name is Kim Tae-woon, a South Korean, Fengji’s taekwondo coach. Excuse me, are you also Fengji’s student?” Meng Fan said: “It’s right, what’s the matter? “

“very good.”

Kim Taeyun was even more happy and said: “That’s it. I met you through the video of you beating Park Jae-hai. Because of this In the video, too many people say that South Koreans are too weak, and the three South Koreans can’t beat you. They even serve you as Iron Pagoda. I have watched that video, and you are just a sneak attack that’s all behind you. You are here, I challenge you. It is not for Park Jaehae, but for the South Korean men.”

Meng Fan was speechless: “To put it bluntly, you just want to beat me up?”

Jin Taeyun said with a smile: “You can think so. Of course, you can also choose to refuse, but the way to refuse is to admit defeat. I don’t need you to apologize to anyone, just admit that you sneak Attack is the only way to win.”

Meng Fan frowned again: “To win? Do you think that in the event in this video, winning or losing is more important than right and wrong, right?”

“Right or wrong?” Jin Taeyun shook the head, “This incident happened to you in China. Who knows what it is like, even the video is not necessarily true.”


“How could Park Jaehae hit someone!”

“The video is fake!”

“Jin Coach, teach him!”

“Come on, Coach Kim!”

As soon as Kim Taeyun said this, half of the ten or so girls followed, that Looks like, I feel that Meng Fan will pounce at any time.

“Don’t admit it, and dare to recognize everything is the characteristic of your South Koreans.”

Meng Fan is really angry now, not because of Kim Taeyun Such a real thing can dare to say that it is false, but because of the group of women around, all of them are brains like being pushed by an iron.

Meng Fan pointed to Jin Taeyun and asked Lao Hei: “Is it illegal to kill him?”

“Meng Ye, it must be illegal to kill him.”

The old black face is black. Although I haven’t figured out what kind of grudges are in front of me, I can feel Meng Fan’s anger. I am really worried about Meng Fan’s death. However, I thought about it and knew that Meng Fan wanted to ask What, just say: “However, if you don’t dismantle it, it’s okay to say.”

“Kill me?”

How Jin Taeyun heard Tianda’s joke:” Come on, soon, I will let you kneel down and admit that you are a sneak attack!”

Said, walked directly to a field and started warming up, not afraid of Meng Fan I escaped. Someone is shooting a video anyway. He will definitely help Park Jaehai get back this face. What Iron Pagoda is, real man, rubbish!

“Come on, Coach Kim!”

” Coach Kim must abuse him!”

These brain-disabled people did not leave, cheering and ran to Cheer for Jin Taeyun on the edge of the field.

Lao Hei looked towards Jin Taeyun in his eyes as if he was looking at an evil pen. This fuck is so used to not knowing who he is!

Seeing Meng Fan walked towards the field with a calm face, hey sighed, tap grandfather, don’t break Old Yang’s cash cow.

I thought about it again. I was in a good mood. I wanted to beat the stick for a long time, but unfortunately I didn’t have a chance. Now, it’s good to see this stick being beaten.

“What’s the matter?”

Lao Hei is thinking about it, the owner of the cash cow, no, the head coach of Martial Dao Hall, Yang Feng, is here. Obviously he probably knows this. When something happened, I speeded up my pace and reached Jin Taeyun, stopped him and said, “Jin Taeyun, what are you doing?”

Jin Taeyun said solemnly, “Yang Feng, he has accepted my challenge. Please don’t stop me.”

If I don’t stop you, I will give up!

Yang Feng and Meng Fan have been in contact for a long time. He still knows what strength Meng Fan is. He can eat it all over the sky. Once Jin Taeyun is successfully caught by Meng Fan, then 100% waste.

Jin Taeyun’s strength, Yang Feng knows too well, you can let him play handsome and lift the board, but let him kick Meng Fan, the Iron Pagoda guy, can he use his feet?

Kim Taeyun is very strong in taekwondo, but the actual combat of taekwondo itself is a bit too general.

Don’t say that Meng Fan has learned wrestling and grappling skills. Yang Feng thinks that even if Meng Fan doesn’t learn anything, the taekwondo black belt will be tough enough to hit him. If you kick him a few kicks, he will be fine. Once he gets close Body, with his power, you will be finished!

Yang Feng said with a bitter smile: “Jin Taeyun, you can’t beat him. Why not, I will help you to talk about it, you apologize, and this matter is over.”

“I apologize? I can’t beat him?”

Jin Taeyun’s face suddenly became ugly, and asked: “Yang Feng, is he better than you? This Martial Dao restaurant, except you Besides, who can withstand my set of legs?”

When Yang Feng heard this, he had the heart to die, big brother, usually everyone coaxes you to play. , Most of the actual combat coaches in Martial Dao can beat you!

Just, what do you say now?

“Feng Yang, don’t worry about it, don’t worry, my feet won’t be too heavy. I still know that even in the Martial Dao pavilion, I can’t fight privately in China. I just play with him. “

Jin Taiyun sneered when he saw Yang Feng’s expression ugly, knowing that Yang Feng was defending the Huaxia people, so as not to let the Huaxia people lose face.

Iron Pagoda man, hehe, I will kick you off!

With that, I went to the venue.

Yang Feng really wants to give this shame a guillotine, do you think that the Taekwondo black belt has combat ability?

Forget it, love it to death!

Yang Feng turned to leave and didn’t want to watch the next screen, but on another thought, he walked towards Meng Fan, raised his hand and said, “Mr. Meng, I’m begging you, just tap it, it’s normal combat. Training.”

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