Changi Airport is east of Lion City, and Lion City National University is in the southwest. Fortunately, Lion City is a small country and will arrive soon.

This way, there is no need to talk about the scenery, not to mention the hygiene. After all, this is a littering, smoking in public places, and a heavy fine of several yuan or even a repayment In countries that will be prosecuted, graffiti in public places is even more direct caning.

“It is estimated that Caitang will take a while. Let’s go to the hotel first, and then go to the restaurant to wait for her.”

When I arrived near the National University, the thunderstorm had already heard Now, the air is very humid and fresh. Lin Xiaoxiao took Meng Fan to the hotel to check in, and then walked towards a nearby restaurant together.

Everything that happened so far is basically exactly the same as before the rebirth. Even a person walking in a hurry almost hit Lin Xiaoxiao at a bend. It seemed to have returned to the original track. After the restaurant was seated, a beautiful Indian woman with profound facial features and full of exotic amorous feelings came to talk to Meng Fan to make sure that she was alive again.

“Your charm is so great, even Aishwarya takes the initiative to strike up a conversation with you.” Lin Xiao smiled when the Indian beauty left disappointed, and teased with a smile, “She is also a student in our school, and It’s a beautiful girl at school level. Are you not tempted? A trip abroad and an affair is perfect.”

Meng Fan smiled and said, “I have a girlfriend. “

Lin Xiaoxiao gave a thumbs up: “It’s not surprising that you have a girlfriend, but you are willing to put your girlfriend on your lips. You can see that you are a good man.”

Meng Fan waved his hand: “If this is a good man, then the standard of a good man is too low?”

Lin Xiaoxiao is very serious this time: “This is really not a low standard, especially Compared to someone like you who has the conditions to be bothered and not bothered. The same is true for girls.” Then he curiously asked, “Is your girlfriend your classmate? It is said that the girls in the Academy of Fine Arts are very beautiful . Presumably, it must be even more beautiful than the Indian beauty just now.”

Meng Fan couldn’t help but raise the corner of his mouth: “That is indeed much more beautiful.”

“Who is the girl Friend? Your girlfriend? Brother, do you have a girlfriend?”

While talking, Meng Caitang came, and energetic and bustling rushed straight to Meng Fan, and then he was taken aback for a while and stretched out his hand. Take a look at Meng Fan’s face, touched his chin and couldn’t find a double chin. I was very upset: “Brother, you are so thin! You are even thinner than those shown in the video in the photos! The fleshy meat we finally raised, It’s all gone!”

Meng Fan was habitually spoiled and slightly savage, with her arms clamped Meng Caitang’s neck to let her sit down, and said with a smile: “Why, I lost you Not happy yet?”

“Hate, let me go. I am now Goddess in this area. If you are like this, my personal design will collapse.” Meng Caitang glared at Meng Fan, but also I didn’t struggle, I really enjoyed this clip-neck kill. The two are the closest in age, and they have been wearing diapers since they were young.

“Don’t, we have enough Goddess, Goddess can only be you.” Meng Fan let go, and took a closer look, nodded, “not to mention that it’s a little Goddess. “

“Don’t divert the topic, and quickly say, who is your girlfriend? Did you win that beautiful girl with Chinese painting? It’s called Wu Tong, right?” Meng Caitang asked.

Meng Fan said very sorry: “nodded.”

It’s just that his kind of sorry is the pride of Meng Caitang here, curl one’s lip: “What are you proud of, this Wu Tong Well, I looked pretty good, but, as you said, there is no shortage of Goddess at home. Don’t just find a vase.” Meng Fan gave Meng Caitang a sideways look: “Vase? , She belongs to the Yuan blue and white vase, it is beautiful and has connotation!”

“Okay, you just take good care of it! Smile don’t laugh, we both get used to it.”

Meng Caitang stuck out his tongue, then asked Lin Xiaoxiao what he had ordered, and added two more dishes.

After dinner, Lin Xiaoxiao left, and the siblings visited the National University.

NUS ranked first in Asia on the Ranking List of the world’s best universities last year. Whether it’s teaching research results or faculty, that’s nothing to say, not to mention the campus environment, the Lion City itself. The environment of the National University is too good. The environment of the National University is too nitpicking.

Same as before the rebirth, Meng Caitang walked around the campus with Meng Fan’s arm all the way. Nothing else, just to announce that he has a boyfriend so that those who chase her can worry about it. It’s just that the arm has changed, and the owner of the arm has also changed, at least becoming more convincing.

Although Meng Caitang’s appearance is very “banal” in the Meng Family Seven Thousand Gold, he can still be played outside, especially after it has been completely opened in recent years, let alone campus In it, even if she is in the beauty-like showbiz, she can make her debut. In addition, she is crowned with the aura of “learning the gods” and chasing her a lot.

Anyway, down this road, Meng Fan heard a lot of heartbreaking sounds, ka ka ka, like a symphony.

At the time before rebirth, Meng Fan encountered a lot of doubts, anger and even provocative eyes. This time, anger, and doubts and provocations are gone. After all, Meng Fan’s talent is especially good for practicing fighting. After playing that many field with Wu Ji, the aura that was raised is placed there.

After shopping around, it’s not too early. Meng Caitang also felt that Meng Fan might be a little tired on this flight, so he sent him to the hotel, let him go to bed early, and take him out tomorrow. .

Shortly after returning to the hotel, Meng Fan went out again and stopped a taxi, which was a taxi, to Changi Airport.

Anyway, it’s okay this night, Meng Fan can’t stay, thinking about going, it’s better to come to the airport. Even if there is no gain, at least familiar with the terrain.

After arriving at the airport, Meng Fan took out the hat that made the sense of existence disappear and put on it. Even though he wore the hat, Meng Fan didn’t let himself behave too strangely, just in case he was monitored. It’s strange, causing trouble.

I found a place to rest, took out my mobile phone, opened the live broadcast assistant page, and performed a quick replay. Meng Fan Observation +4 can also come in handy here. Play speed *16 Not big.

After reading it, I didn’t get any results, and then I got up and went shopping. Similarly, I didn’t get any results after shopping around. Oh, no, at least I got a 1:00 night tour experience. This Changi Airport Obviously it is an attraction.

After twelve o’clock, Meng Fan acted, pretending to be frustrated that no one was received, and to make a phone call. At least it would not look weird if he really met someone who wanted to watch the surveillance replay. .

I don’t know if it is Meng Fan’s luck or not. He just left the airport with his front foot, and he pulled the suitcase and walked past where Meng Fan was standing just now. It is the robber who Meng Fan has a little memory.

If Meng Fan is standing here, he might be able to recognize it, but not necessarily.

Of course, when I walked past this location, they all walked into the shooting range of the live broadcast assist device that was still in the airport.

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