The brightly lit apron, nearly a hundred policemen, and more than two hundred passengers. The sea breeze at night hits from Malacca and winds up here. It follows everyone’s eyes. Falling on Meng Fan’s body, guessing, the reason everyone looked at him might be that the little girl cried and he didn’t even give her the apple in his hand. This person really loves to eat.

In the eyes of these policemen and passengers, Meng Fan does not like to eat, but is amazing.

What happened just now is really like making a movie.

The kidnapped hostages suddenly fought back, by the strength of oneself “killing” the three robbers!

What a dream, what an incredible thing this is!

The process makes people open eyes in surprise.

Oh my God, what terrifying power does this youngster have, and it can lift people up.

What exactly did he use to hit the robber’s hand and eyes? Did he use a hidden weapon, Chinese Kungfu?

Also, taking the apple directly to smash the robber to the ground, this is too…trick, but it looks so cool, a kind of completely crushed pleasure!

The strength, courage, reaction, judgment, and wisdom of this youngster are so amazing. One person solved the terrorist activities at the airport!

The last heart-warming act is even more moving.

Just now he was comforting the little girl who avoided a catastrophe. It really can only be described in four words, Tiehan’s tenderness!

That picture is so beautiful!

Although, during this process, everyone felt a little weird, but for a while, it was impossible to say what was weird.


At this time, Meng Fan took another bite of this super hard apple, and took a big bite. It seemed that he could adjust his complex emotions at this time.

Huh, it’s finally solved.

The process may be different from what I imagined, but the ending was better than I expected. I did not die, and no one else suffered casualties.

bang bang bang bang.

Suddenly, someone applauded, and then a round of applause rang out to celebrate avoided a catastrophe, and at the same time, applause, respect and gratitude were sent to Meng Fan.

Except for a small number of auxiliary police officers, none of them applauded, but they all paid attention.

Of course, I will face the real problem soon.

“Dear passengers.”

A policeman walked out with a bar on his shoulder, with a serious expression: “The flight is temporarily cancelled. Our airport has arranged a lounge for you. We will Investigate the time as soon as possible to give you a satisfactory explanation.”

Then bowed deeply, and at the same time, asked the police to divide the two hundred passengers into three shuttle buses to the designated shuttle bus. Sorted out lounge.

If the airport wants to investigate this incident, it is natural for these passengers to cooperate with the investigation to eliminate all potential dangers.

Although some of the passengers who avoided a catastrophe are dissatisfied, they also know that such a thing is indeed impossible to board the plane at the original time.

What they don’t even know is that all the flights at the airport are delayed because of this. Of course, the airport is impossible to broadcast that someone hijacked the plane, but the most normal and direct weather is not suitable for takeoff. For the reason.

All the aircraft must be checked again!

After the passengers were taken away, the crew members in the plane were quickly taken off the plane and also taken to a special lounge.


“Why does my phone have no signal?!”

“Mine too!”

Enter the special arrangement After the lounge, passengers soon found that their mobile phones could not be used.

The airport staff responded quickly and came out to explain, saying that until the matter was investigated, the information of what happened just now could not be leaked to the outside, so as to avoid potential danger. It probably means that there is still The accomplices soar.

Obviously, the airport’s explanation could not satisfy the passengers. They believed that the airport wanted to block news so that they had time to do public relations and so on. For such things happening at the airport, avoided a catastrophe determined that it was not safe for themselves. The passengers are naturally extremely angry at the moment.

The airport will give you an explanation soon after another hour. This is temporarily suppressed.

During this period, several passengers were asked to cooperate with the investigation. Of course, they came back soon, including Meng Fan, the kidnapped Little Old Man and the Eun family.

In an hour, the airport really gathered all the passengers in the three lounges in a large conference hall to announce the results of today’s events.

Because of Sakurai Minako’s early report, the firearms that had been disassembled in the cargo compartment of the front compartment were found, the cargo compartment loading and unloading monitoring and the arrest of the crew members of the aircraft, plus Meng Fan smoothly took all the robbers Uniform, the investigation of things has become much simpler.

The airport is fairly straightforward. The incident was defined as an attempted hijacking of the plane by terrorists. However, not at all announced to the public that the firearms were found in the front cabin.

“The airport has arranged a special flight to Neon Kyoto for you. You can board the flight smoothly in an hour and a half. Of course, if you need to return or exchange your flight, there will be someone to help you later. Processing. Regardless of whether there is a return or exchange, the airport will compensate you for the loss of time and spirit, with double the amount of the ticket, and also…”

“For the three hijacked passengers, our airport In addition, there is compensation.”

“For Mr. M’s heroic behavior, we also have rewards for our airport and neon flights. Mr. M will receive our airport free service for life and Neon Airlines free service for life as well as Cash awards.”

The passengers on the scene applauded this.

After that, the people sitting on it all got up and bowed to express their apologies to the passengers present.

“Finally.” The airport spokesperson said again, “For this incident, our airport will be open to the public, and there will be a press conference soon. Our airport will never block any news. Welcome and Social supervision. But there is one thing, please keep it secret.”

This incident is basically impossible to conceal. One is the sudden and temporary collective delay at the airport, and the other is It is that many police impossible that there are far planes and no one sees it. Third, these passengers are impossible to be present and they are not obliged to keep the airport confidential, and even have the right to hold them accountable!

The passengers were hearing this, thinking they wanted to keep it secret, they became dissatisfied immediately.

The airport spokesperson pointed to Meng Fan sitting in the front row and said: “About Mr. M’s heroic behavior, our airport should be publicized and publicized to the whole society, but because this incident may involve Terrorist activities, for the sake of Mr. M’s personal safety, and we have consulted Mr. M’s own opinions. We hope you can sign a confidentiality agreement on this matter and never spread the news of Mr. M’s involvement in this matter.”

When the passengers heard this, their dissatisfaction disappeared, and they signed a confidentiality agreement very cooperatively.

What is the use of the agreement?

If Meng Fan has an accident and finds out who leaked it, then he can be held accountable according to the agreement.

Although the passengers all know that this incident is related to Meng Fan’s personal safety, they still feel very sorry that such a thing can’t be mentioned. What’s more regrettable than Boasting Pi is— -The hero is unsung!

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