Meng Fan painted the illustration of “Underground Spirit” very well, with a high level and a high degree of reproduction, which is much higher than that of Flathead Brother’s “Rampage Cultivation World.”

In the sleepy master and the book friends who rushed to the live broadcast room, this basically met their expectations, and even one of them exceeded their expectations.

The adaptation of the novel, whether it is a comic or a film, will cause various diss and complaints from the original party. In comparison, the comics are better, and the filming is most likely to be sprayed.

Even so, there are very few comics that can achieve the desired value. Nothing else. As long as the text gives too much room for imagination, there will always be discrepancies once it is concretized.

Meng Fan’s illustration is naturally not a comic change, but it is also very close. From a certain point of view, because it does not have the continuity of the plot like comics, it is more difficult.

These five illustrations of Meng Fan, after taking screenshots, book friends desperately threw them to the book friends group, rushing to tell and share.

As for the sleepy master, the update is not active and other things are particularly active. He is more active in this matter. On the way back from the Meng Fan live broadcast, he sent a WeChat message and waited for Meng Fan to draw the live broadcast. After sending five of them to him, he chose two and sent them directly to the official account. In addition, hehe opened a leaflet for book friends to look at the pictures on the official account.

This is not enough. I posted pictures to Moments and Weibo. After thinking about it, I went to the Longkong forum of the online writer concentration camp to show off. As for some writer groups, it must be indispensable.

“Why don’t you have one more chapter if you have time?”

“If you have time to watch the live broadcast, you don’t have time codewords!”

“Yes, it hurts your eyes! If you read the words, your eyes hurt if you look at the pictures, right?”

Laughed After receiving a wave of complaints, the sleepy master opened Word and printed “Chapter xxx” “Then I got up and made a cup of coffee, then I sat down and clicked on the scarf uncontrollably, brushing and brushing to a link to Lin Zhengying’s old zombie film, and then clicked it uncontrollably with keen interest pleasure. .

After watching the movie happily, the time is about to twelve o’clock. The sleepy master regretfully sighed and clicked the upper right corner of Word. The work and rest that was finally corrected must be maintained and not messed up. Let’s code tomorrow. , The body is the capital of the revolution.

As soon as I lay down, WeChat got up on Tzzzzzzz and saw that I was dragged into a new WeChat group by several night owl authors.

“sleepy insect, what’s the matter with the illustration?”

“Where did you find an artist?”

“After reading the illustration you posted, look again I’m looking for someone to paint, I just want to shit!”

“What’s the price? This is five hundred sheets, right?”

“500 at least, right? The one I’m looking for Three hundred copies are often delayed, and the amount of updates is more exciting than you!”

“I have read the book of the sleepy master, and the illustrations that I posted are worthy of the name! Those painters I looked for painted… hehe, if you don’t say which novel is the illustration, no one can guess it, and which novel is also the right illustration, it’s too featureless!”

The sleepy master looked at this WeChat and couldn’t help but sat up.


Meng Fan also drew twelve illustrations of “There is Spirit in the Underground”. After all, the first business deal is a discount. Besides, this book The book illustration Meng Fan is very easy to draw. In many scenes, the extravagant stalk Meng Fan of the novel is also painted, and some eggs are added in some small corners. It is not a good intention, but it is too familiar.

There was no class in the morning, so I sent the remaining seven illustrations to the poor master before ten o’clock.

The sleepy master who only woke up at one o’clock in the afternoon immediately sent Meng Fan back to WeChat: “Dude, you’re drawing too much! Hard work, hard work!”

“By the way, a few colleagues asked me about illustration yesterday, and they wanted to ask you to do it. Do you still have time? If the price is concerned, they took the initiative to raise it. As long as the quality doesn’t drop, you can go up and increase it for you. “

“I heard Brother Flattou say that you are worried that the novel is too long to read, I spent a long time last night to help you select a few books, all of which are not many words and the authors have a lot of money .”

Said a few books over.

“Look first, if you are interested in which one you want to pick up, tell me, I recommend the author’s WeChat to you.”

Well, I’m stuck on this kind of thing Master is also very active.

“Okay, thank you.”

Meng Fan wanted to ask you if he didn’t update it yesterday. I did this, but I want to hold back it. Use the account of Qidian APP to scold it.

There are three books sent by the master, with words ranging from 500,000 to 800,000. They are all fantasy types. The author has two Meng Fans who know about it, and the other has never heard of it. But it is also a big Divine Grade.

Also, if it’s not the big Divine Grade or the semi-big Divine Grade, one is the official account with a high number of followers, the other is not thinking about illustrations, and the third is not…money, at least it is impossible to spend every week 1500 money to pay for the illustrations.

I added the three books to the bookshelf, and Meng Fan didn’t immediately read it. That’s the reason. There is time for painting, but time for reading novels is really not enough.

Of these three books, Meng Fan thinks that he can borrow at most one, at least one in the near future, and may consider receiving a few more after reading all the novels on hand.

Meng Fan thinks that he can do the business of online text illustration. The income is still second. The key is the drainage of the live broadcast room, and it is a relatively fixed flow.

This can be regarded as a great help to complete [Live Broadcasting Master].

Thinking of this, Meng Fan has a person in his mind. If you find her, the amount of traffic that can be brought in a short time is absolutely beyond imagination, but… Hey, forget it, don’t bother her. Now, what conditions may be waiting for me.

I drove out the devilish woman in my mind, and continued to watch “Supreme Sword Venerable”.

“Damn it, why didn’t reading trigger the task?”

Half an hour later, Meng Fan turned around after running these days and is no longer covered by the jaw and nape Yanshi’s neck, judging from the tasks that have been triggered so far, he thinks there will be achievement tasks related to reading, but this system just didn’t trigger it for himself.

I’m reading both e-books and physical books. Isn’t my reading posture wrong?


The mobile phone popped up a WeChat message reminder. After clicking it, Meng Fan twitched the corner of his mouth.

I just thought of this woman and immediately sent herself WeChat.

“Fanfan, I am in Hangzhou today. I want to see you.”

“I don’t want to.”

Meng Fan remembered the unpleasant meeting last time and refused decisively , It’s okay if you have to sneak in when you meet, it’s okay to spend more than an hour rushing past and staying for less than ten minutes, but putting that many mustard in your favorite food is absolutely unbearable!

“You are so heartless and don’t want to see me, then you will always want to see…”

Sent a picture.

“I asked my friends to bring them from Neon. They are all souvenirs for the 50th anniversary of the juvenile jump. Two big boxes.”

“Address, I will be there soon.”


Meng Fan changed his attitude after seeing the picture. It was impossible to move his huge body to escape the teacher’s magic eyes. He could only pretend that he was holding his stomach in pain and walking out.

Two and a half hours later, Meng Fan drove to the downstairs of the dormitory. Zhang Zhouwei, who was waiting for the call, helped move the two boxes in the back seat to the dormitory.

I opened it and screamed through the fourth floor.

Zhang Zhouwei calmed down and stared at Meng Fan: “Fat, are there mines in your house, right?”

“Not only do I have minerals in my house…spring water and potatoes Slices, beef, spicy strips!”

Meng Fan sorted and counted, special journals, out-of-print cards, posters, illustrations, leaflets, cups, T-shirts, autographs, three manuscripts, and various other peripherals. , I am still in a good mood, even if the woman put one another in the past.

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