May 17 is Sunday, Wu Tong drove to Damei Studio, and soon Wang Yanan came out of it.

“Where is Meng Fan? Still training?”

Wang Yanan got into the car and asked casually while wearing a seat belt. Wang Yanan and Wu Tong often go to the zoo to see Tai Li, sometimes Meng Fan goes together, sometimes they arrive at Meng Fan first, and today they also go to see the big cat.

“It’s not very clear. I guess it’s because of the training missions going out.”

Wu Tong knows what Meng Fan is going to do next. To be honest, even she is puzzled. Meng Fan went to the provincial sports institutes to communicate whether it was really training or a bad taste. However, although this kind of thing is not kept secret, there is no need to tell anyone, mainly because it is useless to talk to Wang Yanan.

In these days, Wu Tong and Wang Yanan went to the zoo to see Tai Li quite a few times, and both of them followed Meng Fan down to the tiger’s lair, and they were quite familiar with Tai Li. Up.

Wu Tong is not a person who loves and hates cats. After raising stray cats, he slowly fell in love with him. Naturally, he also likes the big cat Taili. And Wang Yanan is a person who likes cats very much. For her, it is definitely a dream to play a tiger once in her life. Now, the dream has been completed several times.

Of course, even if they are familiar again, without Meng Fan on the side, Wu Tong and Wang Yanan would not dare to go down, and at most they would feed on the side for one round. The food to be fed must be provided by the breeder.

After the feeding, Wu Tong sent Wang Yanan back to Damei Studio and then went back to school. Wang Yanan is also very busy recently, Damei Studio has taken a lot of work here.

No, it’s less than three months before the Olympics. All kinds of Olympic-related propaganda have started intensively. Damei Studio has already cooperated with related units. The quality of the cooperation is also high, coupled with the factor of Meng Fan, a large part of the content related to comics related to the Olympic Games-related propaganda here in Zhejiang Province is packed here.

Wu Tong is also busy, but her busy schedule is relatively step-by-step. There are no unexpected things. Even temporary orders are pressed backwards in order. Compared with Meng Fan, Naturally, her painting speed is very slow, and it is usually good to finish one picture a week, even half a month.

She received very few commercial paintings, mainly taking orders to participate in the exhibition. After a round of exhibition, the paintings finally returned to her own hands. Of course, there are also some that are sold. The price is definitely not high, or it is not based on the price. Even if it is sold, it is mainly sold to people who are painters, artists or collectors. Through this transaction , Itself is also a way to increase visibility.

This is the case in the painter’s profession. Painting technique belongs to painting technique, and value belongs to value. Of course, there is also the equivalent of the two, but to be honest, the ratio is not high. There are many cases of superb painting skills but not well-known in this field, or that is the case in many fields. Changing to the showbiz means superb acting but not well-known. As long as it is commercialized, this is also an inevitable phenomenon.

——Competitive categories, including competitive sports, are relatively least affected by this.

“Are you going to learn from the whole country or do you travel across the country?”

In a blink of an eye, it is already the fifth day of Meng Fan’s departure this time, and Wu Tong who is painting has received it again From the video communication sent by Meng Fan, I knew Meng Fan was playing in a certain scenic spot again.

“Train during the day and compete with the provincial team members. After dinner, just walk around. Guess what, where am I now?”

Meng Fan turned the camera to Ahead, Wu Tong saw a lake appear in the picture.

Wu Tong of course knows about Meng Fan’s itinerary. The first stop is to go to the Shanghai stock market. In Shanghai, Meng Fan went to the Shanghai Sports Institute and Wu Ji’s comprehensive Fighting Hall-Then head north, the second stop is Nanjing, and the third stop is Jinan.

Wu Tong sees that this is obviously a lake in the city, and of course he knows where it is, said with a smile: “You are not looking for Xia Yuhe?”

“Xia Yuhe didn’t find Xia Yuhe, but there are really a lot of lotus flowers here. Now this season, they bloom just fine, look at it.” Meng Fan showed Wu Tong the lotus, and looked at this and that again. It was rare and elegant. Said, “This scene is still good. If you don’t put those high-rise buildings in the picture, it really means a lot of lotus on all sides, three willows on three sides, a city with mountains and a city with a lake, um, this poem is really good. “

“This is not a poem, but a couplet.” Wu Tong said with a smile, “However, when it comes to poems, I think of a poem. This poem is related to Xia Yuhe The big pig’s hoof with the largest number of poems in history, I also saw it some time ago when I looked through his farmhouse aesthetics related materials. The poem is very long, and the last two couplets can be remembered very clearly-look at the person who is Peng Peng, happy this is tingling; Ande’s Holy Rune, both far and near.”

Meng Fan really doesn’t know what the words are, but from Wu Tong’s smile, I know that “pengpeng” must be Peng Peng, and again Combining, do you know what it means, Meng Fan figured out some meanings, and said with a look of collapse: “I regret that I should not let you know Meng Caiwei, let alone let you go out to play with her and Meng Caihe. I broke my studies! ”

Meng Fan’s national sports academy exchange trip, in addition to the task of [Thousands of People Slashing], by the way, I also brushed [Night Roaming God]. Anyway, I will rest after dinner. It’s also a rest. It’s better to go through tasks and travel. From a certain point of view, this trip of exchange is really a bit of a trip to the north and south of the river to suddenly enlightenment.

Leave aside those statistics. From a mental perspective, Meng Fan has indeed made progress. After all, the players who have fallen that many all kinds of did have some exchanges with them, and have seen that many scenery, which always brings some benefits.

Leaving Jinan, heading to Jinmen, then Imperial Capital, and heading south to Shi Family Village…Meng Fan is advancing himself at a speed of one place in two days or two places in three days “Cultivation”.

Meng Fan did not take this journey alone. The professional team tailored for him followed the whole journey. After all, he had obtained that many qualifications during the Olympic cycle, and nothing else. Now, the safety of eating and drinking must be guaranteed, but you don’t take “stimulants”. In addition, if there is no one on Jusuirou’s side, then it must be uneasy. How could it be that the heart is so big.

In addition to the guaranteed food and drink and communication arrangements, the professional team also recorded Meng Fan’s “communication” content. I must be curious about whether Meng Fan’s “fantasy cultivation” method is useful, and whether there is Merit.

Well, if this is put on others, it must be regarded as a spoof, but Meng Fan has to be treated differently, nothing else, because it is too strong. There must be a strong reason to be strong, and they can see the contribution behind Meng Fan, and the effect of “Meng Clan Training Method” is becoming more and more obvious. Well-once the rhythm is brought, forcibly helping out is not considered normal operation.

Jusuirou has received news from the team one after another, and I am very concerned and very emotional. It has been a few days and I have stood there. Obviously I know that Meng Fan is not a spoof, but true It is too unscientific to regard this as “cultivation”!



All the way to the south, I have finished communicating with the Hunan Provincial Sports Institute to play in Orange Island. Hearing the prompt sound in his mind, Meng Fan exhaled a long sigh, finally giving the [Night Roaming God] task Brushed up.

This task has been triggered for a long time. Meng Fan also took a pillow to sleep in the scenic spot to brush this task, in order to gain a higher ability to stay up late and make his time more abundant, early It’s just finished the process three, I feel that the ability to stay up late is enough for the time being, plus the points can be exchanged, so it’s not so crazy.

However, after this, no matter where you go to compete or do and so on, you have more or less chances to brush it up. Although the frequency is not high, it has a good foundation. This time Exchange all the way and play all the way to make up for the few remaining scenic spots.

“Ding! Play a total of 100 scenic spots, complete [Night Roaming God] task process four; rewards: points +100, ability to stay up late +1, observation +1.”

“Ding! Complete the achievement task [Night Roaming God] and get the achievement title [Night Roaming God] (stay-up ability +5, observation +3, aesthetic +1)”

After adding 6 points of stay-up ability , The total ability to stay up late +10-3 points have been provided for the rewards of the previous process of this task and 1 point has been redeemed.

After adding 4 points of observation power, the total observation power is also +10-1 point was provided for the reward of the process before the task, 3 points were exchanged, and 2 points were allocated in the second attribute distribution .

After the ability to stay up late is strengthened, for Meng Fan, it means to sleep less at night.

If observation is enhanced, the benefits will be much greater. Whether it is painting or sports competition, it is a very useful attribute.

As for the additional “aesthetics” attached to this title…For Meng Fan who is studying fine arts, this attribute was previously anticipated, and it is an additional attribute point attached to the title. According to the previous “routine”, this attribute is definitely more rare and easier to use than the previous attribute, at least rarer.

Meng Fan settled down and carefully felt the effect of this attribute, which is obviously quite different from Meng Fan’s original expectation.

All in all, aesthetics is also a metaphysical attribute, which is understood by Meng Fan combined with system, which is a very virtual and very real existence. It’s more imaginary than a man who says that I can’t get in, and a woman who says that I will see if I don’t buy it. It’s more real than the conflict between the three views, the salty party and the sweet party.

The practicality placed on Meng Fan is better at discovering and creating beauty, increasing the scrutiny of the world, and also increasing the self-examination, and putting it into the pen,

But, to be honest, Meng Fan doesn’t know whether these effects are purely aesthetic or related to increased observation. The best way to distinguish is undoubtedly to exchange points for aesthetics to see the effect changes, and then—— I found that aesthetics cannot be exchanged with points!

In other words, this aesthetic is the same as luck, both are special attributes!

Points cannot be redeemed, and points cannot be allocated. They can only be retrieved by tasks.

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