“The flag bearer of the opening ceremony?”

Meng Fan’s mind didn’t turn around, and his expression lost control: “Really? The two directors didn’t crack with me. A joke?”

This is really Meng Fan didn’t expect. He didn’t even think about it. In his impression, the flag bearer for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was exclusively for the men’s basketball team. The fencing player Thunder of the previous time was directly regarded as a national male basketball player.

Director Zhou looked serious but couldn’t help but smiled and said: “How can this kind of thing crack a joke, you see, here is the notice.”

Meng Fan took it. After reading it, it was really not fake, but I still felt a little surprised: “Aren’t they all men’s basketball players?”

Director Xiong said half-cracking a joke: “Previous time is not men’s basketball. This year, competition has been liberalized. In terms of popularity and strength, you are all qualified to compete. The key to winning is to be handsome.”

Don’t even say, look good. Being handsome is really a key. Of course, the premise is that you have to be top-notch in terms of popularity and competitive level. These two aspects are similar to other competitors, so being handsome is naturally a key factor.

In addition, Meng Fan’s participation in the three major and five sub-sports Olympics by himself really pushed him down the key factor of the final candidate. Moreover, anyone with a discerning eye can see that in these three major In the five sub-items, there are four items, Meng Fan, who all have the ability to win the championship. The most, most, and least conservative estimate can also win a gold medal!

The flag bearer at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games won the Olympic champion. This is something the Chinese delegation has never had before.

The smile on Director Zhou’s face was closed, and he asked in a serious face: “Meng Fan, are you willing to accept this task?”

“Of course I do!”


For such an honor, Meng Fan naturally impossible to refuse.

After that, Meng Fan followed the two to the temporary office of the delegation. A dedicated person taught Meng Fan the etiquette, the posture of raising the flag, the movement of walking and the speed and so on. It’s all very simple, but I still have to talk about it in detail. Meng Fan also practiced.


From the afternoon on July 24, the entire Kyoto seemed to have entered Olympic time. After 5 pm, the host of the 2020 Kyoto Olympics The venue’s new National Arena began its pre-ceremony performances, and there have been wonderful shows with regional characteristics and ethnic styles performed here, and they have been broadcast to the whole world through live broadcast.

At around 7 pm, the audience entered the venue one after another.


Little South Mountain followed Meng Caiju for a few days. The Meng Family people in the past few days naturally met with the Wu Family who came to live in In a hotel, Little South Mountain has also gotten acquainted with Wu Tong, and I don’t know if it was Meng Caihui or Meng Cailan’s “instigation” that I have long been accustomed to this familiar name.

Wu Tong brought a small Telescope to Little South Mountain, so that he could find out where his uncle is during the opening ceremony.

Little South Mountain with a Telescope hanging on his chest, one hand is holding Wu Tong, the other is swinging this new toy, the process of queuing is very well-behaved.

Two families with more than 30 people, talking and laughing line up waiting for admission.

The appearance of the two families is generally high, especially the Meng Family Seven Thousand Gold and Wu Tong, attracting the attention of many passers-by. Of course, many domestic audiences who came to the opening ceremony mainly focused their attention. Putting it on Meng Caiwei and Wu Tong, Meng Caiwei is not to mention the top domestic brands, Wu Tong has been very popular since the “most beautiful painter”.

There are also domestic media who come to interview, the questions are similar, they are all related to Meng Fan, or you can ask them knowingly, for example, are you coming to Kyoto this time mainly for cheering? Can Meng Fan win the Olympic champion this time?

Meng Caiwei, who has always been reluctant to say anything to the media that has nothing to do with work, is very cooperative this time, and she also said a lot.

The audience entered the arena one after another, the Mengwu family also entered the New National Arena, sat down in their seats, and of course all kinds of photos were waiting for the opening ceremony to begin.

At 20:20, the opening ceremony of the 2020 Kyoto Olympic Games with focal point of ten thousands finally kicked off.

The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games has a fixed pattern. The first process is to welcome VIPs to enter the venue, mainly including the host head of state and the chairman of the Olympic Committee, and then raise the host flag and play the national anthem; the second process For the audience, it is the most important and core part, that is, cultural performances. The prescribed time is about 1-2 hours.

The director team for the opening ceremony of the Kyoto Olympics is very strong. The chief director is a neon actor and famous Kyogen master Nomura Mansai-Kyogen is a neon folk drama, interspersed with the Noh drama. An impromptu short comedy performed in Neon, which is known as a national treasure in the future. He has appeared in classic film and television dramas such as “Onmyouji” and “Ran”, and has directed a variety of stage plays.

There are also film director Takashi Yamazaki (directed the trilogy of “Eternal Sunset on Third Street”, “Doraemon: Walk with Me” and other movies) and advertising endorsement Hiroshi Sasaki (Rio Olympics) The creator of “Kyoto Eight Minutes”) is the director. In addition, Shiina Ringo is the music director, along with choreographer MIKIKO, film producer Genki Kawamura (behind the scenes of “Your Name” and producer of “Parasitic Beast” ) And the others form the main creative team.

The art performance lasted for two hours, with strong neon characteristics, combining classical with modern and reality with animation, telling the story of neon, and let the world know more about neon.

After the artistic performance is over, the third process is the entry of athletes. This part takes a long time. After all, there are more than 200 national and regional teams. The delegations enter the stadium in alphabetical order in the language of the host country, with the exception of the Olympic Place of Origin Greece and the host country. One enters the venue first and the other enters the venue last.

“The next entry is the Chilean national team, this time Chile sent a total of…”

The domestic audience watching the Olympic opening ceremony watched the live broadcast while listening Following the explanation, many people familiar with the order of appearance will have their eyes lit up by this time.

“The next entry is the Huaxia team! Here, the Huaxia delegation has the most athletes in the history of the Kyoto Olympics. A total of 422 athletes will participate in all events, with an average age of 23. , The oldest is 43 years old, the youngest is only 17 years old… The Chinese weightlifter, wrestling, and judo athlete Meng Fan will be the flag bearer of the Huaxia delegation’s opening ceremony. He will participate in three major events and five minor events. The four individual events, one team event, and the four individual events are all capable of impacting Olympic gold medals! He is the first player in the history of the Olympic Games to compete across three events and is also the player with the most events of our delegation “

After the Huaxia delegation came out, Zhang Zhouwei and the others who watched the opening ceremony in the lobby of Damei Studio saw Meng Fan walking in the front at first glance, and then ahhhh called stand up.

“Meng Fat? Meng Fat!”

“Meng Fat! It’s Meng Fat!”

“It’s Meng Fat!”

Just these few sentences back and forth, I was shocked.

Zhang Zhouwei took the lead in breaking the deadlock, slapped his thigh and yelled: “Why didn’t I go to the opening ceremony! Regret!”

Wang Yanan was taking pictures of the TV Flew over with a cold eye: “You can see so clearly when you are going to the scene?”


Zhang Zhouwei fell silent for an instant, and I don’t know what Wang Yanan said. Yes, it’s because the eyes are too lethal. Then I squeezed to the front of the TV and took a photo with Meng Fan on the screen. Then I posted a circle of friends, a scarf, and the accompanying text-your rider is on the way (takeaway order: four Olympic gold medals) ).

The hot spots on the scarf are almost all Olympic-related content today. After the Chinese delegation entered the stadium, the topic #Meng Fan 足球旗手# quickly appeared in the hot topic, and then came out again A related hot topic #最帅旗手#.

This is the most handsome, but it is not just the domestic netizens who did it by themselves. In the topic area, there are many netizens who overcame the wall and took screenshots of relevant information on the external network. The external network was discussing the opening ceremony of China. Standard bearer, handsome, handsome, charming, charming, full smile, etc. are the most frequent words.

For Meng Fan’s figure, to be honest, it seems to be more popular in the world than in China, with a height of 190CM (the latest physical examination result, it is 1CM longer) + 113KG weight, it does not seem to be fat But it must be strong. Compared with the strong figure that the country likes most, foreign countries can accept Meng Fan.

Of course, the most important thing is not the figure, or even the appearance, but the charm that exudes from the whole body. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a masculine endorsement, and I am raising the flag to walk in the whole process There is a sunny smile on his face, which makes people feel good. At this point, it does not matter at home or abroad, it is universal.

Not only the audience watching through the TV, the audience was also surprised by the charm of the flag bearer of the Huaxia delegation. Many people saw Meng Fan on the big screen and looked stupid, too charming. Strong, the infectious power of the smile is too strong.

“OGM! This Huaxia’s standard bearer is so handsome!”

“Smile full!”

“It is him! The Huaxia man who can subdue tigers ! For the murderer’s taming ability, he can compare with our fighting nation in the world!”

“This Chinese man is so handsome! It would be great to have a relationship with him! “


The most common voice comes from the neon people. When they heard the on-site commentary introducing the Huaxia delegation and the Huaxia standard bearers, many of them Hong Ren opened his eyes wide and covered his mouth with an incredible expression!

“Nani! He is Mr. Meng Fan! So handsome!”

“Didn’t expect the comics I like is still a super handsome athlete!”


“Do you know that he participated in a judo competition! I will definitely watch it!”

“What should I do if I am obsessed with Meng Fan!”

“Yes Don’t leave the screen so fast?”

“Meng Fan laughed so much!”


Obviously Although many fans know that the author of “The Strange Man in the Mountains and Seas” is from Huaxia, they have heard some rumors and even seen photos, but they are still shocked by the charm of walking on the spot, and then involuntarily screaming and applauding.

Undoubtedly, this is the delegation that has received the most applause and screams so far, even when the father of the neon people came in, the delegation was not so popular.

Of course, the most shocked, proud, proud and happiest must be the two sons of Meng and Wu.

“Mom, look, it is Fanfan!”

“My son is handsome!”

“Brother Pengpeng turned out to be the standard bearer!”


“This kid didn’t even tell us!”

“This is the pride of our old Meng Family!”

“Really didn’t expect our house There are still people who can come out carrying the national flag at the Olympics!”

“Auntie! I saw my uncle! My uncle is holding a flag. The flag hill knows that it is the national flag! The hill has seen the national flag raised in Tiananmen Square. Uncle, are you going to raise the national flag?”

“It won’t be raised now, but my uncle will definitely raise the national flag during the game!”

“Really? When will it start? The game? Xiaoshan can’t wait to see his uncle raise the national flag!”


The old Wu Family was also surprised, but the elders were all Speaking while pressing his voice, Wu Tong’s ears seemed to hear something similar, but don’t be run away by this son-in-law, plus the hill was in his ear for a while, an uncle and aunt, his ears were a little red, and his eyes kept staring at Meng Fan’s direction.

Suddenly remembered when Meng Fan confessed to himself for the first time, he said that he could become what she likes, and she said she wanted him to become what he likes, and now, this guy seems It has become what everyone likes!


Finally finished walking and entered the phalanx position of the Huaxia delegation. Meng Fan also put out a long breath. He stretched his fingers and found that both hands were completely wet. Don’t look so good at laughing. , But Meng Fan is super nervous!

“Are you nervous?”

After entering the phalanx, the standing position is relatively free. A few female volleyball players came over to take photos with Meng Fan and the national flag, and asked with a smile, see Meng Fan nodded, and couldn’t help but joked a few more, ah, he is really a big boy who loves to laugh and smiles beautifully.

Not only did the athletes of the Huaxia delegation come to take a group photo, but also athletes from other countries also came to take a group photo. The female athletes naturally accounted for the majority. There are a few cheerful people who rely on Meng Fan very much. He even held his arms and waist, and ran away shyly after the photo was taken.

It takes about an hour and a half for the athletes to enter the stadium. The subsequent process is “speech raising the flag”. The President of the International Olympic Committee will speak, and then the head of the host country will announce the opening of the Olympic Games. Song”, meanwhile the Olympic flag enters the venue and raises the flag from the flagpole in the venue.

Then the athletes and referee representatives from the host country swear the oath, then the Olympic torch enters the stadium to light the Olympic flame, and then the second half of the cultural performance, with songs and chorus as the main theme, with a host The national treasure-level singer took the stage to sing, and finally was the firework show.

“It’s not the Hatsune girl who sang the theme song!”

Meng Fan silently complained. Actually, what Meng Fan looks forward to most is Namie Amuro, who has announced her retirement. Appeared on the opening ceremony stage, but unfortunately this is a dream.

The opening ceremony ended perfectly in the fireworks display. The audience and athletes all left the stadium one after another. There were discussions and expectations along the way, discussing the wonderful performances and highlights of the opening ceremony tonight, looking forward to tomorrow That is the arrival of the first match day.

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