At around 10:45 in the morning, Group B started the first round competition of the second round. The two sides of the competition were China and Russia.

The Russian team was the third place in the Judo Medal Ranking List in the previous time Olympics, second only to Neon and France. This year, he is currently ranked fourth, with only one gold one silver and two bronzes. Neon and France are still ranked above them. The one more is the China team.

The Huaxia team is currently in second place, with three golds, one silver and one bronze. The third place is France with a gold medal, three silver medals and a bronze medal. The first is naturally the neon gold medal with five.

The First Stage of the two teams was still a 73kg duel. The China team had a very unfavorable start because Li Wei’s opponent was a champion of this level and Russia’s only one judo gold medal so far. From the perspective of the strength of the two parties, there is a huge gap, and the final result is obvious. Even if Meng Fan’s targeted tactics are absolutely strength, it will not help.

Even Meng Fan regretted giving Li Wei a trick.

Because of Meng Fan’s strategy, Li Wei and the Russian champion player played an extraordinary level. The battle was far more intense than the Russian player expected, and this fierceness plus the fighting time added a lot. In the end, Li Wei was injured. Without the help of Meng Fan, Li Wei would be very difficult to parry and would soon be defeated. The chance of injury would be much lower.

As soon as Li Wei is injured, if he is replaced in the next round, his competitiveness will drop a lot. To be honest, he will have to pass this round to the semi-finals. If he changes players, his level is really a bonus. Up. If Li Wei is not injured, at least he still has a certain chance of winning against some countries.

A bad start!

“Don’t be under pressure!”

After Xiao Yunlin appeased Li Wei, he has to continue to work on Cheng Xunzhao, who is going to play in the next game. Currently, he has three points against Russia. It is Cheng Xunzhao, Meng Fan and Yu Song. If Cheng Xunzhao loses, it will be difficult for the China team to win.

After Li Wei left the field, Meng Fan’s mood has returned to peace. Before Cheng Xunzhao came on the field, he exhorted: “You can win in normal play, and you can win quickly by creating opportunities to fight on the ground.”

Said that there is no problem. He has always been a stress-resistant athlete. Before Meng Fan, he supported the male soft by himself, and his mental quality was very hard.

Cheng Xunzhao’s strength is very strong, Meng Fan’s judgment is very accurate, less than one minute after the start of the fight, Cheng Xunzhao finds the right opportunity to wring the opponent to the ground with a horizontal square to lock the opponent on the ground for pressure Skill time wins.

In the third game, on Meng Fan, Russia sent substitutes. I guess I think that even if the most powerhouse is sent, there is no chance of winning. It is better to take a rest. If there is a third round, it would be better. Appearance of the state.

Every time Meng Fan plays, he tries his best to score full marks, that is, he plays a skill, effectiveness and effect before winning a book. The reason for this is that if there is a tie, there will be more technical points to support the final victory-the two sides in a 3:3 tie will be determined by one book, skill, effectiveness, and effect.

2:1 entered the women’s 57kg. It was Feng Xuemei who played for the Huaxia Aijudo team. The first round spirituality turned the bronze medalist. In this round, she was in better condition both in the imposing manner and once again Spiritity’s combo skill defeated the Russian player-and this Russian player was also the bronze medal in the event-and scored another point for the China team.

Xiao Yunlin and the others are very happy. At the same time, I am somewhat confused. Gein Feng Xuemei’s performance in the team competition far exceeds her individual competition. In the individual competition, she is only the semi-finals, and the team competition. But they have already defeated two bronze medalists of the Olympic Games of this level!

A bit brave!

The fifth game is the women’s 70kg. There is still a gap in the strength of the players of the two sides. Russia wins.

In the last match, Qingdao Daman Yusong played and scored 1 point easily. The China Judo team successfully advanced to the 12th final.

After the China Judo team and the Russian Judo team finished, France won the match against Brazil, that is, France and China Judo team will meet in the 12 finals, and Russia and Brazil will participate in the resurrection match , The winner plays a bronze medal match with the loser in the 12 finals of the other group.

Fighting against the French Judo team means that Meng Fan will once again face Teddy Reina, and Yu Song will once again face his old rivals. Unfortunately, Cheng Xunzhao will also Face off against the French player who defeated him in the final of his level individual competition.

This is a battle of fate!

For these three levels, France is the most capable of gold, forcibly was robbed of two dollars by Meng Fan and Yu Song.

According to the book, it seems to be 2:1, but in fact, even if Yu Song has won the objective analysis, it is still 50-50, even Yu Song is even lower, although France has only played one game before, but she played a very simple opponent, equivalent to warming up, while Yu Song has a lot of physical fitness. Relatively speaking, the French is better in terms of physical fitness

As for the other three games, the advantage of France is visible, especially in the men’s 73kg class. Even if Li Wei wins the game, the probability is still very small.

Relatively speaking, Feng Xuemei’s game became the key and the most variable one!

In short, some fights, some fights. Stronger and weaker are not necessarily true. France is confident, and China is also confident.

In the pre-match meeting after the lottery was drawn yesterday, the China Judo team knew very well that they were mainly going forward. The probability of meeting France is very big. The analysis was conducted yesterday, and it is a key analysis.

“I have come to this step, there is no reason not to do it!”

Xiao Yunlin knows that any other tactics will not have much effect, and he is directly encouraged: “Go ahead and enter the finals. Rainbow, if you lose the bronze medal, you will have to fight again anyway. Don’t have any burdens and let go of the fight.”

After the encouragement, of course there are individual instructions, such as replacing Li Wei The player who played in the game had only one request, don’t be a copy.

“Don’t worry about the score being behind, don’t think about chasing points, just try to lose less points, you will win if you lose!”

If you want to win four games directly, Xiao Yunlin, etc. The coaching staff knows that the difficulties are great, so they strategically lowered their requirements and strived for a 3:3 tie to fight for technical points. Therefore, it is obvious that the weak players of their own team have lost less points and won.

After all the instructions were completed, Xiao Yunlin couldn’t help but pulled Meng Fan to ask: “Can you get that many points on Teddy?”

Everyone knows that other players can get points at random, but Xiao Yunlin and the others can’t guarantee whether it’s okay with Teddy. That’s Teddy Reina. Meng Fan can win but it doesn’t mean you can win as you want. Right!

If that happens, Teddy will collapse!

Meng Fan did not guarantee either, only said: “I will work hard.”


Another semi-final, which is In the last game of Group A, Neon and Italia played against both sides.

Italian’s strength is not weak. In Group A, its comprehensive strength is second only to Neon. It was tied for fourth with the United States on the Judo medal list of the previous Olympics. This Olympics so far is Ranked 6th-Well, if it is to lose Idali in Group B, it would have to stop in the quarterfinals-the final place for the two teams to compete in the finals can be expected only by looking at the schedule.

The result is also within everyone’s expectations. Neon won the game directly to advance to the final with 4:1, while Italy will compete for the bronze medal for the winner of the Group B recurring match.

The dust of Group A falls, and the next is the battle of fate in Group B.

The Neon team did not return to the lounge after the end of the 12th final. All members stayed on the sidelines to watch the game. No matter which team wins, they have the confidence to win, but it is not a good thing. bone. They need to observe further and prepare for the analysis before the football match. As for the rest, there will be two sets of resurrection matches and two bronze medal matches after the China team and the French team have time.

Italianli went straight back to rest. In this game, no matter who wins or loses, it doesn’t matter to them.

At the beginning of the 12 finals of Group B, the First Stage was a men’s 73kg match. Similar to the analysis of the two teams before the match, the Huaxia team’s substitute lost to the French team. Fortunately, the Huaxia player inherited the coaching staff and A “dragging tactic” given by Meng Fan, forcibly dragged the game, and was finally played with a skill and two effect cards-the effect cards were all to avoid being punished, and I didn’t get a copy.

The second match was the men’s 90kg matchup. Once again, the men’s 90kg class individual final matchup was staged. The battle was very fierce, but in the end Cheng Xunzhao lost. Although he also played the opponent’s skill, But lost on the effect card. This is a pity, but I still haven’t got a copy.

In the third game, Meng Fan once again faced Teddy Rena. In this match, Teddy Rena was directly destroyed, and the world really saw the gap between the two. How big. Meng Fan really worked hard. After playing a skill, he clearly managed to have at least one skill and even scored a book. Forcibly controlled the intensity and the area of ​​the ground that Teddy Rena fell to the ground and took an effective one, and then played another one. Only after the effect was taken.

During the previous individual matches, many European media still had a hint of luck. They felt that Meng Fan was lucky to have a certain proportion of Teddy Rena. Now he can be blind. I see, Meng Fan really does what he wants, and he can control the score.

After watching the domestic audience, what came to mind was the scene of Zhang Demon King playing the porcelain doll. The score in each game can be the same, and even the first few goals can be arranged to send points. , The score hits the axis of symmetry, that is no one.

Meng Fan and Zhang Demon King are not much different. They are both absolute masters of the field. Teddy Rena and Porcelain Dolls are quite different. One is their status in the field, and the other is Thai After all, Direna was not beaten and cryed by Meng Fan.

But there is one thing, after this game, Teddy Rena has the idea of ​​retiring again. Originally, he was prepared to retire after the Olympics. Later, when Meng Fan lost to Meng Fan, his desire to fight and the desire to win and defeat aroused his decision not to retire. Now, he is quite shaken.

After this game, all the industry insiders who have not been limited by the team competition are confused. As early as the Meng Fan individual competition, winning Teddy Rena has already regarded it as a judo supreme powerhouse. Now I can’t understand it at all, and I can’t see how strong Meng Fan is. They were already a little unacceptable to win Teddy Rena, and it was beyond their imagination to crush Teddy Rena!

The same goes for the players who watched the neon game. Seeing Meng Fan’s eyes are still admiring but there is more panic, but the coaching staff’s eyes light up.

Meng Fan won, but based on the current situation, it is extremely difficult for the Huaxia team to win. There will be three women’s games next, and it is still possible for the Huaxia team to win another game. It is too difficult to win two games. In other words, the probability of France’s advancement to the final is very large, and if France advances to the final, the possibility that the Neon team will win the men’s 90kg or above competition will increase, because Teddy Reina is obviously defeated. The state of a game is impossible!

Neon vs. Formation Lansie, only the men’s and women’s top two games are inaccurate, and the others are likely to win. If Teddy Rena is defeated again, he will win five games. The possibility of winning the championship is naturally a matter of course.

Among the French 90kg champions, Neon is targeted by specialized players, and has three successful experiences in previous international events, but this Olympic Games has not yet encountered it. Entered the wild card early and only got the bronze medal.

Then—what if the China Team advances?

On the contrary, it is not easy to play, because men and women have to give up at the highest level, and there is no player against Cheng Xunzhao. If there is no Meng Fan, it will definitely win 4:2.

However, the reality sometimes does not follow the imagination. Both France and the Neon team obviously overlooked an unstable factor in China Women’s Soft, that is, the fourth game represents China. Feng Xuemeng, who played in the women’s 57kg, continued her competitive state far surpassing the individual competition in the team competition, and continued her spirituality operation of magical strokes. After only 2 minutes, she defeated the French player and won the first place for China. Two points.

What didn’t expect even more was that in the women’s 70kg competition, China had another victory!

“Not only Teddy Rena has collapsed, the entire French Judo team has collapsed!”

“This is definitely affected by Meng Fan’s crushing of Teddy Rena France collapsed collectively, and the Chinese team is morale high!”

“For events like team competitions, the performance of the players in the front has too much influence on the state of the players in the back!”

“Really Not all of them! The main thing is that Meng Fan crushed Teddy Rena too hard! Let alone the players of the same team, I am afraid that the mentality of other players watching the game has collapsed!”

” Meng Fan’s game was so stabilizing! On the premise of losing two games in a row, as soon as he played in one game, he broke the imposing manner of the previous two losses!”

“The next one is a fateful battle again! It’s just that this fateful battle is somewhat irrelevant. Even if the Huaxia player loses and the two teams are tied, the Huaxia team can win by relying on technical points! Now, The Huaxia team is already ahead by two books! No matter how you lose this game, you lose one by one!

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