“Young Master, Young Master.”

The two families who came down to pick up the people, Ding Jian Meng Fan strode upstairs and quickly caught up, one of them Said: “Young Master, let us ask you, do you want to dance later?”

It’s pretty good.

When Meng Fan heard it, the expression immediately became alert: “Couldn’t it, can’t it?”

If you can’t dance, then why go up and do it.

“No, no, no.” There was a long-haired mole on his face, looking at the better Jia Ding who should play the role of a Kotou soldier, “I have said that, let you cooperate with him to finish the process. Jump.”

Meng Fan suspicious: “Really?”

“It’s true.”

“That’s good.”

Meng Fan still responded. If there is something wrong, it is of course necessary to rush out.

Of course, because Wang Young Lady took the initiative to throw the hydrangea to herself — certainly not toss it blindly. After all, Meng Fan’s tonnage and sense of existence are 100% seen there — Meng Fan guessed it somehow Some possibilities.

It should be related to the video of dancing on a certain sound, otherwise, you will definitely avoid yourself.

Five minutes later, after a set of procedures are completed, Meng Fan takes one step forward: “I’m here, let me dance for everyone.”

This time, outside the king Without stopping Meng Fan, he made Meng Fan jump for more than a minute. He went out for two hundred times. With 200,000 experience, he was almost able to catch up with the points he had in Songcheng yesterday.

Currently, the total number of likes is 480,000.

Meng Fan went downstairs, Jia Ding followed, and specifically said to Meng Fan that he would definitely not be invited to come up again today, too often, it is not appropriate.

As soon as he heard this, Meng Fan confirmed his guess and asked: “Then I will come back tomorrow?”

Jade nodded desperately.

Yes, after Meng Fan went downstairs, he left the city gate building with a thumbs-up. After a while, the total number of thumbs reached 500,000 and then left Songcheng.

Although I didn’t say it clearly, Meng Fan felt that he should have reached a cooperation with Wang Yuanwai. With this stage, Meng Fan would be inefficient if he wandered around and liked it. I didn’t bother to continue to like it madly.

Anyway, pretending to be silly and outputting positive energy everywhere is also a heartbreaking thing.

Try to go out a few more times after tomorrow, and try to complete this task in two days.

This cooperation is free for the management of the king’s staff and the city gate building. One more thing to watch. For Meng Fan, he gave himself a turret and output one at a time. enough.

Everyone thinks that they have made a profit. This should be a win-win situation.

In addition, there is a class at 2:30 in the afternoon, which is also an important reason for Meng Fan to go back so early. There is a metaphysical poison attribute of presence, Meng Fan is not sure that he can become the fish that slipped through the net. .

“Meng Fan, I didn’t look closely last night and found that you really seem to be… thinner.”

After class, Wang Yanan sitting on the other side of Zhang Zhouwei Curiously asked: “Did you really run everyday all recently?”

Meng Fan was very happy to hear this: “Is it true? It seems that running is still effective.”

Wang Yanan nodded earnestly and said, “No wonder Little Little is continuously talking about you more and more cute after going back last night.”

Little Little is Wang Yanan in the bedroom, nicknamed this , But not small, but a tall girl with a height of 1.8 meters.

Practicing volleyball as a child, entered the provincial reserve team at the age of 14, entered the provincial team at the age of 16, and was unable to engage in high-intensity competitions due to an accidental shoulder injury at the age of 17, and did not want to waste time and decided to retire, and then the following year Entering the Academy of Fine Arts with professional grades fifth, people have to feel that some people are really big cows!

As for the nickname Diandian, that’s because her name, Jiao Yanran, is very much.

Why add a small one? Maybe it’s because I want to make up for what is missing.

Wang Yanan glanced at Meng Fan with a deep meaning, and said: “Don’t say it, the whole class can only be called Xiaodiandian only when you look at it.”

Meng Fan is speechless: “Isn’t that saying that I am fat.”

Wang Yanan said with a smile: “I said height.”

After a few smiles, After leaving the classroom, Wang Yanan naturally went on a date with Zhang Zhouwei, while Meng Fan went back to the bedroom to change clothes and get ready for a run.

On the way from the classroom to the teaching building, Meng Fan didn’t give thumbs up to others, but gained a lot of chaos from others.

Well, the whole school knows about this, even more how is the surrounding area.

I made up two bananas, brushed 10 kilometers and went back to eat a full meal. Scientific sports nutrition does not exist.

For the live broadcast in the evening, Meng Fan first drew three illustrations of the novel, and when the focus picture was officially launched at 20 o’clock, it was changed to the “cute pet special”.

Originally, I planned to start a special session for male characters. After adding painting skills, Meng Fan is still confident, although it is still not comparable to female characters and monster characters.

The first one is Chopper. I painted a cute girl before, this time it is a cute picture of Chopper eating cotton candy.

The second and third chapters are all Madara Madara in “Natsume’s Book of Friends”. One is in the form of a lucky cat, one is in the form of a monster, one is stupid and one is handsome.

The fourth picture is Dingchun in “Gintama”.

The fifth one goes to the American animation. It depicts the toothless boy in “How to Train Your Dragon Expert”, and then the Little Huang people…….

8 stop “painting The “special zone” focus map push effect is still possible, but this area is a relatively unpopular zone after all, and the effect is definitely not comparable to that of games and entertainment zones. Naturally, there will be no explosive scenes.

The live broadcast lasted for two hours. Before the broadcast, the peak online peak reached 20,000, which was a little more than twice the original most peak value. Not at all Meng Fan expected to squeeze in tens of thousands or even 100,000 people.

In fact, the recommended effect is sufficient.

Because of the recommendation, but also because of the increased sense of existence, the two cooperated, the number of people who made mistakes and went in blindly came in more. The number of people who watched the live broadcast tonight reached 46,000. This The proportion made Meng Fan only hehe smiled.

The total number of viewers reached 81,000, and we have seen the dawn of process two rewards.

It is also worth mentioning that the attention of Meng Fan’s live broadcast room has also soared. At present, 23,000 people have paid attention.

Compared with this total number of viewers, the ratio is surprisingly high.

2nd day, the live broadcast was carried out at the original time, and the live broadcast was also broadcast for two hours. When I downloaded the data, Meng Fan was surprised that the peak reached more than 11,000. Watch There were 17,000 visitors, with a total of 98,000 viewers.

It can be seen that yesterday’s recommendation has a good effect on the spot, and the follow-up effect is also good.

It can be seen that Meng Fan’s live studio still has the ability to retain people.

On the third day, Meng Fan started broadcasting for five minutes, and a reminder sounded in his mind.

“Dip! Watch the live broadcast reached 100,000 people, and achieve the [Live Broadcast Master] task process 2. Reward: points +10, charm +1.”

“Go to the toilet. “

Meng Fan quietly confessed to the water friend in the live broadcast room, got up and went to the toilet, and took a long time in the mirror. To be honest, he didn’t see that after adding another charm What changes.

“This shouldn’t be a metaphysical attribute too!”

Meng Fan wondered, maybe it was because I was too familiar with it, so I didn’t notice it. As for how to verify it, this is also This is a question, I can’t run to someone and ask if he has become more attractive.

Back to the position silently, continue live broadcast.

Today’s live broadcast online peak value stabilized at 10,000, and the number of viewers also stabilized at 15,000.

“You look great today.”

The administrator who is chasing the drama greeted Meng Fan.

“Very good? Is this the effect of the increased charm?”

Meng Fan muttered out of the studio, but he didn’t get too entangled. Go back to sleep well and go to bed tomorrow morning. Go to Songcheng in the afternoon after class.

For the past two days, I still go to the last city gate in Songcheng every day. I can brush up to 200,000 likes each time. At present, I only need 80,000 likes to win [Like Kuangma] The title of this metaphysical poison.

It can increase the sense of presence by 6 points at one time. When the time comes, the formidable power that bursts out is not only good but also bad, it is exciting to think about it.

“Hello, can you do me a favor?”

Just a few steps out of the studio building, a girl stopped Meng Fan.

Meng Fan looked at it, isn’t it that cute girl with freckles?

This girl was “scare” twice by Meng Fan before and after, and she took the initiative to ask him for help. Is this the effect of increased charm that directly gained favor and trust?

Or, this girl came to retaliate, deliberately begging for help, and then under the immortal jump?

Not so!

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