Everyday all at the Capital Airport, there are a large number of fans and sisters picking up the plane here. During the Olympics, it’s a bit special, especially in the second half of the Olympics. Fans and sisters must still Some, and more, and more, a large number of people who come here to welcome the athletes to return home.

Once there is an Olympic champion, the scene will be more than ten times more exaggerated than the usual traffic idols. The key is the good atmosphere. Many passengers who just happened to be passing by will automatically join in. With the pick-up team, the scene became more violent and lively.

In the last few days of the Olympics, there are more athletes returning home, and more people picking up the plane. Some people just squat to the end. Regardless of whether athletes know or not, it’s all for Those who contribute to the country must all accept it!

On the 2nd day of the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, the Capital Airport was extremely lively. Today will be the day when the Legion team of the Olympic Games will return to China. There are many more people coming than the previous few days. It is three or four times less. Unfortunately, the reception hall at the Capital Airport is large, otherwise it might be able to stand, all kinds of banners are pulled apart, and many flowers are in my arms. Needless to say, there are so many reporters standing by.

“It’s coming out!”


“Women’s Volleyball!”

“It’s the women’s volleyball girls! Everyone hit the banner!”

“Director Lang is still domineering!”

“My Ting is here!”

“Zhang Changning is so beautiful! “

“Real-name confession of Yuan Xinyue!”

“Wow! They are all long legs!”

“Long legs heaven group!”


“Here is it!”

“Who is it this time?”

“The table tennis team is here! “

“The stupid son of the landlord’s house looks so good!”

“Confess Xu Xin!”

“I really like Fan Zhendong!”

“My Ding Ning Great Demon King is really strong!”

“Chen Meng is so cute!”

“You must not have thought that Chen Meng’s cousin is Huang Sect Lord Right.”

“Mom, is it true? Why, do you still have to have a big star in your family to become an Olympic champion?”

“Your interpretation is very good Unique haha!”

“I am different from you, my favorite is the fatty official!”

“No, you are the same as us!”


Since noon, there have been a number of “Olympic teams” at the airport. The most dazzling ones are definitely the national table tennis and the women’s volleyball team, which has defended the championship. Of course, There is also the biggest dark horse team in this Olympic Games, that is, the Judo team, and to expand it a bit, it is the judo team.

This time the number of gold medals won by the Wrestling Center is a lot. In the total sports center and the Association Ranked 1st, they have won a total of 12 gold medals, weightlifting 5 yuan, wrestling 3 yuan, judo 4. Block, occupies about 14 of the total gold medals of the China Olympic Legion, it can be described as unique!

As for Meng Fan, the five gold medals made his debut in the Judo Tiantuan and Juju Routian Tuan in the C position. The industry gave Meng Fan a nickname-the center of the Jujurou Center!

The rest of the National Team of Jushurou returned to China on the same flight. They arrived at the Capital Airport at more than 4pm. After they came out, they naturally triggered a wave of high turmoil among the people who picked up the plane. It was the most lively and joyful time.

“It’s Meng Fan!”

“The Iron God has returned to his country!”

“Mom is so handsome!”

“This look is amazing!”

“In reality, it’s more handsome than what you see on TV!”

“Iron Divine Ox!”

“Finally seeing Meng Fan, my dreams of Meng have come true!”

“I am here with God, so happy!”

“Cheng Xunzhao Niubi!”


“My Qingdao man is domineering!”

“Feng Xuemei, a miracle girl who confesses her strength!”


Meng Fan is undoubtedly the most popular among the athletes who lift and wrestle, followed by members of the judo mixed group-mainly because this game is very popular, and they have all played their style-of course Indispensable for the weightlifting team and wrestling team famous players, oh and the famous masters.

The scene picture is slightly different from the previous one. The biggest difference is the banner drawn for Meng Fan. Congratulations on the triumphant return, the cattle batch and so on are all normal operations, and there is a “Iron God “Slow down” is a bit incomprehensible, is it to make Meng Fan go slower and watch them a little longer?

Also, when the girl who presented the flowers gave the flowers to Meng Fan, she did not know where to take out a manga leaflet and a pen for Meng Fan to sign.

Afterwards, there were at least nearly a hundred people on the scene who followed suit and took out a single line, which was very exciting. There is a bookstore at the airport. There is a bookstore of Meng Fan’s manga. If it weren’t for the traffic flow at the airport, there would definitely be a lot of people who would go to buy the bookstore and ask for autographs. It can be sold in minutes. Will be live!

With the return of Olympic athletes such as Meng Fan, domestic media and websites have naturally set off a high dynasty of reports. Naturally, the most reported athletes are those athletes who have won Olympic medals. Later, when new sports stars appear, old sports will surely fall. It also distinguishes the “treatment” between Olympic champions and non-Olympic champion athletes. This is reality, and such is human nature.

Four years of preparation or even longer time, once became famous all over the world!

This is what these athletes who have paid a great price to stand on the peak of human sports deserve. With honor and popularity, they will naturally have better income, treatment and life.

As the Olympic athletes return to China, major businesses and TV stations have also smelled bloody sharks coming towards them, inviting to attend commercial performances, advertising endorsements, famous brand events, TV shows, etc. Athletes and general sports are naturally welcome to these invitations. Yu privately increases the income of these athletes, publicizes and promotes sports, and at the same time, it is still within the scope of serving the people.

As the king of hardware, Meng Fan has the highest popularity in this Olympics, and has a very high audience-mainly because of good-looking appearance, which is naturally the most commercial among the Chinese Olympic athletes. Value.

Before Meng Fan participated in the Olympics, the commercial value had been estimated to reach tens of millions, and this time he came back with five gold medals from the Olympics, and it would definitely be more than tenfold!

The most important thing is that Meng Fan did not have any endorsements before. As to who can win the first endorsement of Meng Fan, the industry has long been fighting for the head, and the audience outside the industry The small bench has been moved and the crowd is watching to see who Mengluo is and what the sky-high price is offered.

From the moment when Meng Fan won the first championship, if anyone related to Meng Fan in China is the busiest, it must be Hu Yijing. Brand merchants already know about Meng Fan and National Team. The endorsements over there also know that Meng Fan’s contact person for business performances is Hu Yijing, and of course they are all looking for her.

There are a lot of merchants and brands. Many of them are those she wanted her artists to be able to contact. Even the “brand friends” are all honored big names. This time is The person who came to the door to beg for the global endorsement was at least the spokesperson of the region, and Hu Yijing’s embarrassed laughed was temporarily suppressed.

She did not find Meng Fan during the Olympic Games, nor did she immediately find him after learning that Meng Fan returned to China. She knew that Meng Fan must have a lot of time next, so she was sorting out the information while checking Waiting for the right opportunity.

After leaving the airport, Meng Fan and the others and the athletes who had returned to China were temporarily moved to the Imperial Capital Olympic Village. There will be collective activities for the Olympic delegation, one of the most important The item is that state leaders will meet them in the Great Hall of the People, and in addition, they will also participate in some social and public welfare-related activities, which will then begin business-related activities.

The meeting was on the afternoon of August 13th. All the members of the China Olympic Games attended. Most of the athletes and coaches who won Olympic medals and good results were arranged in the first and second rows. A position that has the opportunity to shake hands. Meng Fan was in the first row and got a five-second handshake time and a friendly question with a name. Meng Fan also had the best standing position during the big group photo. Of course, he was very embarrassed with five gold medals on his chest. Angry.

After that, although Meng Fan’s activity arrangement is autonomous, he still has to follow the National Team to participate in social and charity activities. At the same time, Meng Fan also cooperated with part of the activity arrangement given by the center. , Such as participating in the recording of CCTV programs and accepting interviews from CCTV and People’s Daily.

After this series came down, Meng Fan ended the arrangement of Imperial Capital on August 18th and left the Olympic Village for the Shanghai stock market.

At this time, the school is closed. Naturally, there is no immediate return to Hangzhou. When returning to Shanghai, Meng Caiwei and Wu Tong are both in Shanghai. In addition, parents and the others are also temporarily in Shanghai. Waiting for Meng Fan.

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