The poor man is very similar to Meng Fan in many aspects, such as hobby’s two-dimensional culture, such as a rich family background and the ability to make money, so the value orientation is also similar. Of course, it is precisely because of this prerequisite that it is because of the understanding of the illustrations that the communication is naturally at this point.

Like Meng Fan, the first purpose of investing money in the animation industry is not to make money. As they said when they met to discuss the establishment of this studio last time, their purpose of entering the industry is not to make money. For the cake, the cake is made bigger.

Of course, the cakes are bigger, and the cake maker can only blame them for being too useless.

This time, both of them have invested 10 million yuan as the starting capital each-excluding the production cost of “Underworld”-the studio share allocation is very simple, Meng Fan 40%, The poor master is 35% and the five-member team is 5% per person. In terms of share allocation, both Meng Fan and the poor master are generous. In addition, these five people also enjoy the same remuneration and performance sharing as other members. Of course, there is an agreement that the five-person team will leave within five years and the shares will be taken back.

The primary purpose of the two people investing money is not to make money. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is for their dreams, and in the end it is naturally also for happiness. Everyone has the pursuit of happiness. The poor have the happiness of the poor, and the rich have the happiness of the rich. Many aspects of the happiness of the rich can be bought with money, and there are also many aspects that money is the premise.

Like doing anime, both Meng Fan and Sleepy Master are willing to give time and energy, so the money is naturally more willing.

Only, in terms of spending money, Meng Fan is obviously much harder than the poor master.

The animation for the first season of “Underground Spirit” has already been completed. The income is certainly not all included in the studio, but the latter part of the first season of “Underground Spirit” is handed over to the studio To do it, you don’t need to pay extra, but part of the income is to be allocated to the studio.

The equivalent to team is still the original team, but the production has been cut into two pieces. One is what they originally did, and the other is now contracted to the studio, and the studio outsources part of it to other work For example, the dubbing is handed over to Chocolate, for example, the post music is handed over to another studio, and most of the songs invited by Meng Fan will be completed there, and a small part of the singers may do it themselves. .

Invited these singers to write songs, and then they may be invited to sing. The studio’s investment in the later music production of “Underworld” will be doubled.

But it’s really cost-effective. Most people don’t want to move so many well-known singers. From a publicity point of view, it is also profitable.

Meng Fan’s animation production is basically from the book, apart from this is not much contact with this aspect, this time, after talking about the invitation to the song, I listened to the five-person team In terms of future development, “Underground Spirit” is just the beginning, and there is still a long way to go.

As for “The Wonders of Mountains and Seas”, an agreement has been signed and handed over to Kodansha to do it. Meng Fan sent a team to cooperate with the past, saying that cooperation is mainly for learning.

In addition, even if the copyright of “A Strange Man of Mountains and Seas” is taken back, if you just rely on making this comic, even if you will definitely make money later, it also violates the original intention of Meng Fan and the sleepy master. This is an act of dividing the cake. Instead of making cakes.

To make a cake, you have to make other animations.

Of course, this thing must be impossible overnight. Meng Fan didn’t plan to finish this thing in a few years. You still have to take it slowly, go slowly, work hard, step by step. Move forward.

“Iron God.”

The five-person team has continued to call Meng Fan from the outside world. Among them, Yang Wuzhen, an accountant background, said the general plan and finally said : “The current primary task is to integrate the team. The five of us need to take a small production to polish the new members. At least we must run the team together before going to Neon, otherwise it will be a little experience. Come here, it doesn’t make much sense.”

Meng Fan nodded and said: “No problem. Do you have any works you like? Or should I contact Penguin and ask them to recommend a few?”

Yang Wuzhen pushed down his glasses: “Ask about the animation situation of Penguin. Even if you polish the team, you still have to make money. Give me your contact information. I’ll talk about it. I will ask you to make a decision.”

Meng Fan gave a thumbs up. He admires Yang Wuzhen Meng Fan very much. He and the poor master are both people who are very open to money, and the other four are also It is a drill technique, and there must be such a person who can “plot against”.

Of course, Yang Wuzhen is better at his technique.

After chatting, Meng Fan and the sleepy master took the five-person team and the newly-added members to eat supper. At the same time, they also called the inspection guide and the others from the chocolate studio. In addition to colluding About the post-dubbing production, the two sides will have further contact, and the chocolate is still to be eaten.

Meng Fan touched the Coke with the supervisor: “Guide, how about the voice actors? Are they all assigned?”

“If you come by yourself, the hero The main characters are all there, and the other characters are okay.” The inspector laughed and said, and then toasted everyone one by one, regardless of what the other party drank, he just ate it.

Check the nose. I smelled it a long time ago. The chocolate studio has almost been bottleneck now. He was also going to be in this manner, but the luck of the diamond ring was a bit fierce. Can’t stop it!

Whether it is Meng Fan eating chocolate or investing in stocks, it is a great thing for the investigator. Not to mention Meng Fan’s dubbing skills, his current popularity can be dead water. “Sell” the price of oil!

Speaking of which, the investigator is really grateful for the quarrel with his wife that morning. If it weren’t for the violent wife who quarreled and liked to lose the diamond ring, how could he have met Meng Fan!

After supper, Meng Fan called Yixin and recommended Yang Wuzhen to him on WeChat after explaining the situation. They talked about the rest.

“en? Sister, when did you come?”

Meng Fan returned home and saw the living room Sitting two women wearing masks, still black masks, were shocked.

“It’s been two days now!”

Meng Caiwei cautiously opened her mouth and stuffed a slice of cut apples to fight Wu Tong at the side: “You come back from outside, I didn’t see Tong Tong first, where did I come back so late? I still heard Bai Zhi say that you are inviting songs everywhere, what are you doing?”

“Working in an animation studio.”

Meng Fan, of course, had seen Wu Tong a long time ago. He reached out and took a piece of apple and threw it in his mouth. Then he went to the side and took a whole while chewing and asking, “What kind of mask is this? Give me one. “

“There is no such big face as you.”

“Heaven and Earth conscience, your face is not smaller than mine!”

“You never Have you ever looked in the mirror?”

Wu Tong looked at the siblings bickering, but didn’t dare to laugh, for fear that the mask would be wrinkled.

Meng Caiwei hasn’t picked up the film for more than half a year after filming “Crossing the River Pawn”, and there are very few other jobs. Daily fitness, reading, traveling and shopping. This time I went to Hangzhou City. Lord’s main purpose is to go to Zhejiang University to listen to a two-month class, not to mix up any diplomas or to learn to dominate people, but purely for interest.

The major that Meng Caiwei is interested in is the “garden” major of Zhejiang University’s Agricultural and Biotechnology Academy. Of course, it is not incredible to be interested in this major. After all, there is an architect at home, although she has never been like it since she was a child Meng Fan has been abused by various architectural models like that, but she can be regarded as fascinated. From the perspective of “knowledge”, she is really much richer than the average student of the major.

When I heard Meng Caiwei’s plan, Meng Fan couldn’t help teasing: “Just your violent temper, can you calm down and get those flowers and grass stone ponds?”

“Do you know what is meant by ten years of eating, eating, eating, and reciting the Buddha?”

“With these things, you want these things to wear out your patience and cultivate your temper even more? Admire you! This angle is too novel!”

Wu Tong went to cut the watermelon and came over and continued to put on the mask and eat the melon to watch the two sisters and brothers bicker.

It is normal for Meng Fan and Meng Caiwei to quarrel with each other. It is also unceremonious to pit each other. Meng Fan tricked Meng Caiwei into the chocolate studio on 2nd day and asked her to match “Underground Spirit” Meng Po is a very important role in the play that does not appear many times.

Meng Caiwei’s line skills are recognized in the industry as good, and the dubbing effect is of course very good. As for Meng Fan, she arranged such a role. Meng Caiwei’s professionalism is of course impossible to resist and resist. It’s just that Meng Fan dubbed her for free, and it has nothing to do with the role.

For the next two days, Meng Fan basically dubbed in the chocolate studio, dubbing all the content of the protagonist in the first season of “Underground”, and at the same time, he also worked as a voice guide. The peerless match is good, but still come here after a while.

Two invited songs were also delivered. The efficiency was much faster than Meng Fan thought. One was written by the fifteenth teacher, and the other was Jin Xiaowen. At the same time, Jin Xiaowen also agreed to join the “Underground You For the post-production work of “Spirit”, a musician was also recommended to help with the soundtrack work.

In this way, the layout required for the later work is basically complete.

As for publicity and so on, it is not difficult, that is, it depends on the final effect.

In the second half of September, the dubbing of “Underground Spirit” was completed, the soundtrack was basically good, and a total of seven suitable songs were received, one theme song, one ending song and five The first episode was sung by well-known singers. This configuration is considered high even if it is not a cartoon or a big fire TV series.

Uh, this “well-known” singer includes Meng Fan, a well-known non-professional singer. He sings the ending song, and the theme song is written by Shi 15 but not sung by Shi 15 It was sung by Su Qingcen. In addition, one of the two songs written by Jin Xiaowen was performed by Bai Zhi.

Of course, the compensation for these two people, Meng Fan, cannot be given.

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