The Neon team arrived at Imperial Capital on the 22nd and moved into the Olympic Village. The exchange of judo between the two countries will also be held in a venue in the Olympic Center. The exchange will last for a week.

A lot of people came to the neon delegation this time. There were more than 100 athletes alone, including the National Team, Judo veterans, youth training teams, etc., as well as coaches and other jobs. A team of nearly 200 people, this is the largest number of outings in the history of Neon Judo and the highest number of personnel dispatched. More than half of the celebrities of Neon Judo have come, including some champion athletes who have already retired. .

IJUF reform, Neon was kicked out of the supervisor list, the rise of European judo, and all kinds of trees, have already made Neon Judo feel a crisis, worrying that Europe will occupy too much in the process of modern professional judo The power to speak and lose the strength behind the reputation of “the country of Judo”, Neon Judo has been looking for breakthroughs and finding ways to gain support from more countries.

The Olympic Games was originally a great opportunity, but I didn’t want to get out of the China Judo team halfway. Although the appearance of the China Judo team also snipe the French Judo team’s upward momentum, although the Neon Judo team In the end, it still occupies the top of the medal list, but everyone knows that Neon Judo has lost its “dominance” this time.

It was originally a standout, now there is China before and after France, and it has lost its dominance at multiple levels.

So this time Neon is really “eager to learn”. It brings a lot of sincerity and humility, which can be seen from the exchanges of the first two days.

China used to send judo athletes to Neon to study and train every year. In the process, anyway, you can learn something, you can also learn some skills and tactics, but it is very limited, let alone The core training methods and techniques and tactics are hard to learn even if they are minor ones. They are treated differently during training. All in all, athletes who go to neon to learn are uncomfortable, but they can only help. Acknowledge, it’s a little bit to be able to learn.

And in this exchange, let’s not talk about how to teach each other, at least the relevant content that Huaxia asked about here, the most likely thing about neon is let go, and the expression is full. Sincerity, in exchange for the core “Meng Clan tactics” of the Huaxia Judo team, don’t even think about it.

But two days ago, Meng Fan didn’t show up, which made them very anxious.

Neither did it appear on the third day.

Although on the third day, after feeling the sincerity, Huaxia also took the neon delegation to visit the recent training of Huaxia National Team, and during the training, they also saw the “Meng Clan strategy “But I always feel something is wrong. These are definitely “Meng Clan tactics”, and the training methods have also shown more than half, but there seems to be nothing particularly confidential. Many things can be analyzed through the game video.

After the third day of exchanges, Neon must have gained a lot, but not much. It is a collective suspicion that Huaxia left a hand, no, it should be several!

On the fourth day, Meng Fan finally appeared, and the neon delegation showed unprecedented enthusiasm and excitement.

During the exchange schedule on this day, they also saw Meng Fan personally participate in the training and temporarily act as coaches to train the players. The neon delegation was extremely excited and serious throughout the process. , I have indeed seen most of the true features of the “Meng Clan Tactics” training method, and I was also excited during the process of watching. The final duel training between Meng Fan and several of their players and personal guidance were also beneficial. Qianhe is full of gratitude, but it hurts to think about it at the end!

They finally learned that Meng Fan is not only the creator of “Meng Clan Strategy”, but also the true core of “Meng Clan Strategy”. At the same time, they finally understand how important Meng Fan is. -I thought it was important before, but I still underestimated it-and why Meng Fan was able to lead the mixed team to win the championship.

Meng Fan not only contributed a steady point, but more importantly, he is a “tactical analyst” who can compare a person’s technical characteristics and physical The quality situation is perfectly clear, and this is the true core of “Meng Clan’s tactics”!

The so-called “Meng Clan tactics”, the technical and tactical characteristics are not the most important in themselves. The most important thing is that Meng Fan will tailor your skills and tactics according to your technical and tactical characteristics and physical fitness. , A complete set of techniques and tactics that are most suitable for you and can raise your strength to a level or more!

So, even if the Neon delegation takes all the “Meng Clan tactics” back this time, it will not play a more than two-tenths role, because they can be 100% sure of their country There is no tactical analyst with Divine Vision like Meng Fan!

Before the end, Meng Fan recruited two athletes for training and guidance. The guidance process is based on their technical and tactical characteristics and physical fitness to give them skills and tactics.

The two selected athletes, hehe, are all famous neon judo players, but they are both older athletes who are absolutely unable to participate in the next Olympic Games-their physical fitness will not keep up with four years After the intensity of the game. Moreover, he is still the largest player, that is, regardless of how he can improve, he will never be able to climb the mountain of Meng Fan in the largest field.

But this is what they admire most!

The two athletes themselves are famous players. To tell the truth, their strength has reached bottleneck, and there is almost no possibility of further improvement. After the guidance of Meng Fan, it can be determined that their strength has increased. More than one tenth.


It’s amazing that the celebrity level can have a little breakthrough. One-tenth is really terrifying data!

It hurts!

Hua Xia is here to let the neon team visit, communicate and learn, but what if fucking just can’t be taken away!

However, taking a step back to bring back both skills, tactics and training methods is also a reward, at least greater than any previous exchange.

For Huaxia, the gains from this exchange are even greater. Neon has the most advanced and scientific training methods. The results of this open exchange will greatly improve the strength of Huaxia Judo. The role of.

In short, this exchange is a win-win situation.

As for the rise of China Judo, even if Neon does not come to exchange this time, it will not be able to stop it, but this exchange can speed up the rise that’s all.

Of course, the increase in the strengths of China’s Judo and Neon’s judo has a more important significance, that is, to be able to snipe the rise of European judo and give the East a greater right to speak. Regardless of the event arrangement or the reform of the rules, more initiative can be obtained, so that the rules will not be changed to the physical characteristics of Westerners.

Meng Fan appeared in this exchange for two days, the fourth and the fifth day. The last two days he was not prepared to stay any longer. The Jushurou Center did not intend to let Meng Fan “played full” in the audience, baby, for fear that Meng Fan was too honest and sincere to teach something-after finishing the fifth day of exchange, Meng Fan did not go back to Hangzhou directly, but needed to participate in the recording of a program .

The program is recommended by Jusuirou Center. CCTV’s program “Let’s Talk”, this is China’s first youth TV public class. It will be broadcast in 2012. Every issue will invite a celebrity. Tell their stories and share their perceptions of life and life. There are many guests who have appeared on this program, from all walks of life, including athletes such as Deng Yaping, scientists such as Yang Zhenning, and entrepreneurs such as Ma Ali— —Ma Ali’s classic quotations. I have never touched Qian and Xiaosa’s classic expressions, which are from the show.

Meng Fan recorded the first lecture of the latest series “The Power of China” this time, and the theme of this issue is the topic of the speech-My life is dead.

This theme was decided by Meng Fan after he agreed to participate in the recording and communicated with the program team. The theme was proposed by the program team. Meng Fan decided it was appropriate. As for the content of the speech, this program The group encourages guests to make their own decisions, and even allows guests to improvise.

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