“Hello everyone, I am Meng Fan.”

Meng Fan came out to say hello after the host Xiaosa introduced it, which attracted thunderous applause. Sa also went down to leave the stage to him when Meng Fan came out.

“I think everyone present should know me, and the time to know me is basically in the past year. Some people met me first through live streaming watching paintings, and others through live watching running Mine, more should know me through the Olympics. No matter how you know me, the time is probably concentrated in this year.”

Meng Fan came or gave up. The manuscript is improvised on the basis of the original preparation, and it can be regarded as Freesdale. The voice uses the original sound. The whole person’s state is very relaxed and natural, and the charm is needless to say.

“Many people say that my time this year is like hanging up, hiding the sky and covering the earth turned out to be in front of you. I remember there were A post was specifically used to write about how I opened up and how to counterattack. The name of the post seems to be “From the Fat House to the Olympic Hardware King-A Fatty Counterattack”.”

“Actually. , I’m really not a counter-attack, nor should I be regarded as a representative of successful counter-attack, nor should I be a protagonist of many chicken soup articles. Even if I haven’t changed so much this year, I will still be very Good. I have a very good family, so I don’t have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation. I have a very good profession and ability to live a full and dignified life. I have a big star elder sister that can give me opportunities. I went to find my idol for dinner and chat. I have a lot of sand sculptures and lovely classmates who can get a source of happiness from them…”

The content of Meng Fan’s speech is very anti-chicken soup. As for how much the program group will keep and cut when the time comes, that is the program group’s business.

Of course, although I have shown that I am not a “counterattack” positive energy representative, I still have to give some positive energy in other aspects.

“…Of course, I opened it, and you can also open it or you can open it!”

“My first Hanging is a family. I think many people know that I was born in a pretty good family. It can be said that I opened one even when I was born. Of course, this hanging does not only refer to a wealthy life, but also refers to Parents gave me innate talent and family education. My mother is painting Chinese painting, and my father is painting architectural drawings. I grew up in the painting pile. My mother will force me to learn various brushwork. , My father would trick me into recognizing all kinds of drawings. Although I chose cartoons instead of Chinese painting or architecture in the end, when I was young, I laid a very solid foundation in painting.”

“My second concern is the mentality. Everyone knows this. A year ago I was a fatty, a rather fat fatty. Maybe many of my friends here are not as heavy as I am multiplied by two. I am fat, The duration is still quite long, and during this period of time, my mentality has always been good. I should eat, he, he, and sleep. Of course, it’s a joy to be happy, and the most important thing is No matter what kind of situation you are in, you must remember that you should learn or you have to learn, accumulate or accumulate, always keep your interest, keep your enthusiasm, and work hard for it!”

“Speaking of hard work, it is actually also a very important part of my third hanging-my third hanging is a dream. Dreams, this is a commonplace question, don’t you all say, people must have dreams , And what I want to say is that people must have dreams, and they must be greedy in dreams. Dreams can be bigger or more!”

“I have many Big dream, and it’s still getting bigger and bigger. For example, when I was young, I wanted to be a cartoonist; when I was older, I wanted to be a famous cartoonist; when I was bigger, I wanted to become a cartoonist. A well-known best-selling cartoonist; a year ago, I wanted to be a cartoonist who could have works listed in Neon; half a year ago, my dream was bigger, I wanted to become a cartoonist who can sell well in Neon; and Now, my dream is that the neon of “A Strange Man in the Mountains” can enter the TOP10 neon history! “

Speaking of this, Meng Fan did not forget to make an advertisement for himself.

“I have more dreams about comics. Not only do I want to be a manga artist, but I also pay attention to things in other areas of the industry. For example, I want to animate for China Animation With my own strength, I dream that China Animation can stand on top of the world, and hope that Guoman can open the door of neon, Europe and the United States, so that all the children of the world will have the company of Guoman in childhood! So, I am receiving that pen After a huge endorsement fee, I invested in an animation studio, and will also invest in a dubbing studio, and will continue to invest in the future, giving them more funds to do more and better animations, in order to promote the development of the entire animation industry Make a contribution. It is not to enter the ever-increasing animation market to share the cake, but to make this cake bigger and better!”

“There is one that is already in production. Adapted the novel “There is Spirit in the Underground” by my good friend, Yu Ye, and has entered at the later stage production. I have also completed my own dubbing part, and invited famous musicians such as Shi 15 and Jin Xiaowen to make animation Music and songs are checked. I believe that it will not take long to be online to meet with you.”

“…This is my dream about animation, and I have many other dreams. For each Dreams, and dreams that suddenly appear and become my own dreams, I am willing to work hard for them, otherwise, dreams are empty talk!”

“I believe that everyone has dreams, and I want to be Meng Fan Work hard, but many people are also worried about whether their efforts are useless and afraid that their efforts are in the wrong direction. What I want to say is that every effort will be useful or will be useful sooner or later, and never be afraid to work in the wrong direction. Maybe The next second will bring you endless surprises. The dream I will talk about below may be used as a reference.”

A bright smile appeared on Meng Fan’s face: “Maybe everyone thinks I am Next, I will talk about the dream about the Olympics, right? No, the dream I will talk about next is called Wu Tong!”

When it comes to “Wu Tong”, the smile on Meng Fan’s face It’s even more brilliant. I slightly modified the real situation and continued: “About 13 months ago, as a fatty, I once again put weight loss on the agenda and got on my feet. But, it didn’t take long. I just couldn’t hold on to it. I was thinking about giving up like countless times before. At this moment, a light appeared in front of me. Yes, it was really light. A person with light was Wu Tong. She ran over and turned. Head, gave me a smile and gave me a thumbs up. Soon, she ran another circle and I moved tens of meters, and she encouraged me again. I really couldn’t run anymore, she slowed down Tell me not to stop immediately, let me continue walking… In this way, I finished the first run of over 1000 meters, and gave birth to the courage to stand on the track again . Time and time again, day by day, I can meet her and get her encouragement. In this way, I persevered and got to know her. At the same time, I had one more dream that I wanted to catch her. “

“In order to catch her, I put in a lot of effort, including some ridiculous efforts. For example, I learned by chance that her big brother is a famous mixed martial arts fighter. At that time, I was wondering if I should practice as well, so I went to a mixed martial arts gym to learn fighting. It has to be as good as her big brother, or it may not play any role in pursuing her, but I think at least there is a skill that can protect her. Not to mention, I practiced really hard. As a result, who ever thought, fell in love with this sport, and found that I have a very strong advantage and innate talent in this sport. Then… I think many people know what happened next! “

“Because of the practice of MMA and Wu Tong’s big brother, because of what happened in the Neon Martial Dao Hall, then came the challenge of the Martial Dao world of Neon and South Korea As well as the kicking event, and then… how do you say that sentence, I also want to keep a low profile, but the strength does not allow it, so it has been favored by the national judo team and the wrestling team, and because of this The dean knew that I was found to have great strength, so I practiced weightlifting, and slowly embarked on the road of athletes. In this process, the dream of becoming an Olympic champion was born! “

Meng Fan spread his hands, said with a smile: “Maybe everyone now hears that my road to the Olympics is a bit too…unreal, but, the dream should be in the beginning To be unreal, to turn unreal into reality, this is a dream. And the process requires effort! The results are important, but I think the process is heavier. Because as long as you are in this process, you have thousands of possibilities, and you can create thousands of possibilities! “

“It’s not in its place to do nothing. Putting it here is that you can only be on the road of dreams when you work hard! “

“My life is open, and your life can be open. I hope that dream can become the biggest plug-in in your life; I believe that your hard work is the best patch for this plug-in dream! “

“Wish everyone here and in front of the TV can have the same life as the hanging hanging. This hanging hanging is a hanging hanging on the clouds and sails to the sea when the wind and waves break!” “

“To encourage everyone! “

Meng Fan bowed slightly to the audience and ended his opening content.

There is no such thing as wonderful content. It is also a common topic, but through Meng Fan’s Speaking out and combining his deeds, it is always full of positive energy, persuasiveness and credibility.

Amidst applause and screaming, the host Xiaosa clapped and walked onto the stage. , And then there will be a link between the host interview and the audience questioning interaction.

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