The Chinese people have always had a controversial attitude towards athletes in the cross-border entertainment circle, especially for active athletes, even if they are now tolerant of a lot, they won’t be able to get involved in the entertainment circle like before. He scolds money, but as long as the athlete’s status fluctuates and his performance is not good, regardless of the reasons behind it, everything will definitely be blamed on his cross-border entertainment industry.

Let’s say it’s far, there have been several in recent years, such as Zhang Jihe, Big White Poplar, Guo Ailun, and so on. Regardless of what causes your unsatisfactory results, anyway, netizens It came up as a mockery of neglecting training because of recording variety shows.

Of course, competitive sports still depends on the results on the field, but it is not particularly reasonable to attribute all the reasons to the cross-border entertainment circle of athletes.

By the way, Meng Fan’s release of singles can be regarded as a cross-border entertainment circle. Of course, the public is also controversial about this, let alone music. Prior to this, Meng Fan opened comics during the Olympics. There will be people who say that Meng Fan is not doing his job properly, and that the bar is always there. The keyboard man who comes up and sprays without knowing what is going on is even more ubiquitous.

Even if you tell him that Meng Fan’s job is a cartoonist, others will become deaf instantly. You reason with him? Hehe, he will spray you to borrow money from the popularity circle, and what else, I will directly give you a sentence, why not train well, and national honor, is it personal interests greater than national interests!

Of course, in the issue of Meng Fan’s single release this time, the ratio of Kung Jing and Troll is still very small, which is a little bit bigger than Meng Fan’s Neon Comics signing event That’s it. Most of the people who know Meng Fan also know the situation of Meng Fan before-after all, his experience is too worthwhile to talk about after eating after dinner-really want to speak of which, Meng Fan should have crossed from the comics world to the sports world That’s right, as for him to cross the border into the music circle, most people hold the attitude of attractive spectacle, who makes Meng Fan really good at singing!

Speaking of collecting money?

People who have the ability to collect money, who can stop it!

How Meng Fan sings, anyone who is not deaf can know. You may not like Meng Fan’s voice, or you may just not like his style. After all, turnip greens can barely come, but you can’t deny his singing skills. Just like Gong Linna Teacher, you may not appreciate her style, nor can you like her divine comedy, but you can’t deny the fact that her singing skills are so good.

“Dream” was on the line for just 1 hour, and it rushed to the top of the new penguin music chart. At the same time, it was the number one in the day, and it rushed to the popularity list of the week in just 3 hours. The first three, and then the first five hours.

Meng Fan’s popularity is of course needless to say. Let’s not talk about the penguin music homepage recommendation and various bullet frame promotions. A bib alone can attract a lot of clicks-this is also called The energy of the flow.

Nowadays Meng Fan is naturally considered to be a super-large level of traffic. Traffic has a very big feature, that is, the explosive power and endurance almost mean. Whether it is a song or other works, the first day of the first broadcast is Especially terrifying, and the data will continue to decline after a few days. For example, the sales volume of the new album on the first day of so-and-so traffic is the result of the fans’ efforts. If you pay attention to it a few days later, the data is absolutely horrible.

In the final analysis, strength still cannot keep up with popularity.

Needless to say about Meng Fan’s strength in comics, dubbing and sports. Nowadays, many people want to see how Meng Fan is in music.

This song “Dream” is indeed well received, with first-class lyrics and music, first-class singing, first-class production, it is difficult to find faults, as for the future spread, this is of course hard to say. There are some good songs in this world that cannot be spread. It really has nothing to do with who sings it. There is a lot of chance.

Take the example of “Drunk Red Cliff” by Shi15, which was published for ten years. Throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea unfathomable mystery. It exploded because of a certain sound. Get up, the spread of this matter is really no one can say for sure.

After the release of Meng Fan’s single, everyone under the collar, apart from giving Wu Tong’s “fat” word like “fat”, said the most is to ask when Meng Fan will release the album. Expectations are very high.

In a blink of an eye, the eleventh holiday was over. Many people who reworked and returned to school, lay on their bed and fought with the quilt, and were finally defeated by reality. Of course, for some people, vacations do not exist, such as sleepy masters.

Usually, the eleventh holiday and so on, the sleepy master dare to give himself a vacation cheeky. Generally speaking, there are several web writers who dare to say that they have a vacation, but the sleepy master is different. How could there be no reason to break such a break during the long holiday of November!

This year is different. Although hehehehe has been updated, all these days are busy every day, busier than the update. The usual codeword update is two or three hours or even shorter. And these days he is spinning at least 16 hours a day. What are you up to? Of course, I was busy with the post-production of “Underground Spirit” animation. He couldn’t help with professional matters, but he was able to take care of the chores and so on.

Well, after all, it’s still positive about everything except updates.

On the afternoon of October 8th, the dubbing work of the first season of “Underground Spirit” animation was completed. In the evening, good news came from Jin Xiaowen. The music and soundtrack were all completed. As for other aspects The post-production for this period has also been completed.

For “Shanhai Animation Studio”, all that is left is the release.

When it comes to release, hehe, everyone in the entire team is confused.

Needless to say, Meng Fan and Kuoye, the five-person team was also responsible for production before, and they had never been in contact with distribution. As for the major broadcasting platforms, they even had no access.

“This problem shouldn’t be a big problem? Don’t we register the studio’s official WeChat account? Just post the news, I think there should be a platform to contact it actively?”

“That’s what I said, but…isn’t it a bit weird?”

“I think this method is feasible, and the outside world has high expectations for our work.”

“The key to the problem is that the broadcasting platform came to contact us. We still don’t know the relevant details. How can we talk about it?”

When it came to Meng Fan’s body, Meng Fan saw this and said, “Yes, you don’t have to worry about this problem. Professional people do professional things. I will find professional people.”

Who is professional?

Meng Fan doesn’t know, but Meng Fan knows that Hu Yijing must know.

A phone call was made. It happened that Hu Yijing and Su Qingcen were in Hangzhou because they were recording the show. After the show was recorded there, they soon came to Shanhai Animation Studio.

After listening to the matter, Hu Yijing quickly gave suggestions: “Two plans, one is to set up the issuing company by yourself, and the other is to authorize other issuing companies.” After thinking about it a little bit, “With the current In terms of the size of your studio and the speed of content production, I think it is more reasonable to license to other distribution companies. If the distribution company is concerned, I can help you ask.”

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