The head coach of the national track and field team, Ye Liwei, hummed a little song and walked into the Sports Department of the General Sports Department. Like other teams, there are very few events after the Olympics, and training is based on daily training. Lord, many athletes have returned to the provincial team to train. In the past six months, there are still very few people training on the National Team.

I came here today, also for the arrangement of the next event, and for reporting the list of some athletes in the new batch of training.

Along with him are the coaches and Chief-In-Charge of the Jumping Department, Short Stride Department, Middle and Long Distance Running Marathon Department, Race Walking Department, Internal Teaching Team, Throwing Department.

“You go to the Conference Hall first.”

After Ye Liwei explained a few words, he walked towards the office of the Department of Competitive Sports, and the others went to another Conference Hall is preparing for the next conference.

“Old Hu.”

Ye Liwei saw Hu Cunyong coming out of it before he reached the door. The two came out of a sports school and were once roommates on the upper and lower bunks. Although the projects that the two people are currently managing can’t make a difference, the relationship has always been good. Whenever you have time and so on, you can also contact WeChat if you have time. The wife and children of the two are good friends.


Hu Cunyong immediately sank when he saw Ye Liwei’s face, he hummed and gave a cruel look and left.

“This is the wrong medicine!”

Ye Liwei walked into the office of the Department of Competitive Sports with a depressed expression, greeted the director, and couldn’t help asking : “Old Liu, what’s up, did you hire Old Hu again?”

This Director Liu used to belong to the wrestling team. He and Hu Cunyong are old teammates. Every time they meet, they end up in serious business. Later, there was always a quarrel, Ye Liwei knew that, so he asked.

Liu Si chuckled at Ye Liwei: “I didn’t provoke Old Hu this time!”

“Who else can you have?” Ye Liwei pondered this. Liu Si smiled wrongly and wrinkled his face, “Could it still be me? It’s not really me, right? I didn’t recruit him! That bullish temper, why should I provoke him!”

Liu Sihehe: “Don’t pretend to be garlic! I found the treasures, and I took advantage of them to behave! You didn’t just recruit Old Hu, it really helped the whole exercise!”

Representative Hu Cunyong came to the Jupiter Center to “let out ruthless words” and took a vaccination about Meng Fan’s schedule in advance. After Liu Si heard it, he must have determined that Ye Liwei was looking for Meng Fan. But Ye Liwei was dumbfounded by hearing it, how could it be involved in the uplifting and throwing softness.


When Liu Si saw Ye Liwei’s expression, he immediately reacted: “You don’t know if you are co-authoring?”

See Ye Liwei again With a stunned look, Liu Si is more excited, hey, this is interesting!

Ye Liwei didn’t even know about Meng Fan’s affairs, but Hu Cunyong and the others came first to “let out cruel words”, which kind of meant “a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure”.

Ye Liwei should know about Meng Fan’s affairs because of his “relentless talk” here. Then this matter… but he can laugh for a year. ——Even if this is something Ye Liwei will definitely know soon.

“What do I know? Lao Liu, you have stunned me!”

“I really don’t know! Hehehe, what about this… “Liu Si rubs his hands, the corners of his mouth are already at the back of his head, “Have you heard of Meng Fan?”

“So why don’t you know! You hurry up, what is going on!”

“Don’t worry.”

Liu Si stood up and poured Ye Liwei a glass of water slowly, and then asked him if he wanted tea to be re-made. After taking a cup, blowing the hot and floating tea leaves, his expression was very comfortable.

When the sixty-ninth thought about killing Liu Si flashed through his mind, Liu Si finally said the matter.


Seeing Liu Si nodded, Ye Liwei turned around and walked out. As for the original plan to come and so on, he completely forgot.


I just went out and ran into the coach of the throwing department.

“Team Ye, a major event!”

“What major event can be as big as my major event?”

“Team Ye, I This is definitely bigger than you!”


“You know it too?”

“You know it too?”

The two spoke in unison.

“Stop talking nonsense, let’s go to Hangzhou now! Oh, yes, who is going to do the schedule and training report… whoever does it, who cares! They will be responsible!”

As for the hum of Hu Cunyong, his old friend, even offending the whole Jushurou?

Love whoever!

This person must grab!


At this time, Meng Fan in Hangzhou has already finished the shot put, and his third shot has come out.

After adjusting the state, Meng Fan’s third shot was also a final score of 21.37 meters, which was nearly 1 meter higher than the previous shot, provided that his movements and shots were not so rigid. The improvement is definitely a very scary number. At the same time, Meng Fan’s 21.37 easily surpassed the Asian record of 11 years!

The original Asian record is 21.13 meters, which was set by Kazakhstan player Sultan in Doha in 2009.

Of course, this achievement is also the limit of Meng Fan’s current. The action is not particularly standard, and the force point has not been trained by the system. It will not be much better if Meng Fan throws more times.

“Ding! The judgment failed.”

If you win the championship, there will be a notification sound in your mind that the judgment has failed, and you can’t get the honor of the championship.

“Hello Iron God, we meet again.”

As soon as the “Award Presentation” was over, the reporter from the 5th Central Committee came, and other media hurriedly followed.

The main reason they came here is that this school sports meeting is Meng Fan’s first time after the Olympics. They don’t think there is any concern about the sports meeting itself. Who ever thought that Meng Fan was in shot put This is a completely unfamiliar field that has achieved results that surpassed the Asian record. This is really amazing!

“Hello, brother, photography big brother, how come you guys.”

Meng Fan and Old Acquaintance said hello and nodded to other media reporters, said with a smile: “Just ask what you want.”

The reporter from Yangwu laughed: “Or, you should carry forward the tradition and say it yourself.”

The media reporters all laughed. Who doesn’t know Meng Fan’s previous interview style.

Meng Fan waved his hand, humbly said: “Then I will say a few words. Cough. This is not the last year of university-um, I have applied to stay in school without the postgraduate entrance examination. I hope that in the days to come, I can win the job of a glorious people’s teacher, and I also hope that students who like animation and animation will apply for the college.”

The department leaders smiled and touched their beards. This child is so good!

After finishing a wave of enrollment advertisements, Meng Fan continued: “I have also participated in sports games before, and this last year is definitely not to be missed. As for the choice of shot put and javelin—I’m another one. The project I signed up was Javelin—all projects I also reported last year. Originally, I didn’t know. Judging from your expressions, I should have broken the record again. I don’t know what level of record was broken?”

Meng Fan This is not a pretense, but I really don’t know, at most I have a general impression of the world record, and I feel that I should still be a bit worse.

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