Athletes’ exercise cycle is generally based on four years. The most important event during the period is definitely the (summer and winter) Olympics. This is for all athletes (excluding non-Olympic events). And top professional league projects) the most desired stage, during which there is also a tournament is also very important, that is the World Championships.

The Olympic Games and the World Championships are both the highest events. The difference is that the Olympic Games have a four-year cycle, while the World Championships have a two-year cycle.

Apart from this, intercontinental Olympic Games, Intercontinental Championships and National Games are also interspersed during the period, as well as master games, grand prix games, invitational games, cup games and Olympic-related points games held by the International Federation of various sports and many more.

This time Meng Fan went to Busan, South Korea to participate in the IJUF Master Tournament Busan Station. This is also a world-level event, but the system is divided into international-level events-the previous master tournament. After winning the Huacheng station, the points given are 3 points instead of 5 points-the players participating are all top 16 players in the Judo world (absent progressive substitutes or recommended by IJF or local recommendations). The competition specifications are left this year The time is the highest.

In addition, this master game also affects the world ranking points. The world ranking points have a certain relationship with next year’s World Championships. As for the Olympic points tournament, it has not yet started.

“You can’t lose weight anymore, at least you can’t lose weight during this time!”

Before going abroad, after Meng Fan’s body side, Xiao Yunlin saw that Meng Fan’s weight was real I was shocked, 101.5kg, it just happened to be above the maximum level of 100kg. If I lose some weight further, the maximum level will not be reached.

Although I have been mentally prepared for this aspect, the report that is going to be played right now is at the highest level. If I change the weight temporarily, the time is not enough. To put it bluntly, if Meng Fan’s weight drops below 100kg this time, he won’t be able to go to Busan.

“It’s over!”

Hu Cunyong, a bishop practicer on the wrestling side, also came to “look” at the side of his body. After seeing the weight, he knew immediately that he had to change the weight report to Meng Fan after returning. Prepared. The maximum level of wrestling is also 100kg as the limit. Looking at Meng Fan’s weight loss rate, when it comes to wrestling, it will definitely be below 100kg.

As for the weightlifting competition with a maximum level of 109kg or higher, Dean Zhan has already prepared for weight change. He has even dropped more than one level. It is estimated that he will drop two to three levels in one breath. Decrease from 109kg or higher to 109kg and then to 96kg (or 102kg, which is a non-Olympic level).

Compared to wrestling and judo, the most painful is the coaching team of the dean and the weightlifting team. Of course, this time after Meng Fan’s weight change, the weightlifting team “profits” the most. After all, there is no world record for wrestling and judo. After Meng Fan loses weight, no matter which level it breaks the world record, it is a matter of minutes.

Have pain and be happy!

The organizing committee of the Busan Station of the IRO World Routine Master Tournament is also painful and happy at this time. The list of entries for the Master Tournament has already been announced, because this is Meng Fan’s first time since the Olympic Games. Once participated in an international competition, this competition has attracted much attention. At the same time, Meng Fan set foot on South Korea again after playing in South Korea, so it also received a lot of protests.

As for whether the protest is reasonable or not, everyone is used to it. If you want to be reasonable, it seems that you have no “reason”.

So protested to the organizing committee of the competition. What about Meng Fan? This made the South Korean Martial Dao community no longer able to raise its head and made the South Korean Judo and Wrestling teams lose their heads in the Olympics. “Initiator”?

Then everyone is very enthusiastic, so I just came to “pick up”!




That scene can be said to be very It’s breaking.

Of course, there is no egg and so on. After all, this thing is very expensive to scream. Who is willing to take it out and hit someone.

“Very enthusiastic!”

Meng Fan was laughing with the teammates next to him, and he heard the “pick-up” call his name. Anyway, I don’t know what follows What’s the matter, beckoned with a bright smile.

I don’t know if Meng Fan’s face is too thick to make the “pick-up” crowd feel bored, or the smile is too bright and charming and melts a lot of people, and slowly this “pick-up” movement turned out to be Small.


The airport staff who watched their noses, noses and heart, were not prepared to interfere in any way, as long as these people did not rush over and cause physical conflicts. When they saw nothing and heard nothing, after all, they hated Meng Fan, but they slowly discovered that the people’s “enthusiasm” was fading, which made them wonder.

Shouldn’t it be that people get closer and more “enthusiastic”?

What’s wrong with this?

The airport staff gave the third possibility that Meng Fan guessed–is everyone afraid that Meng Fan would approach them and beat them?

Or there is another possibility that Meng Fan’s aura is too strong, so everyone is deterred?

Not right!

The staff looked up, Meng Fan smiled all the way, there is no deterrent aura, this is simply…Mah, why does he smile so beautifully… no no no, I should hate him, how could I like him because of his good-looking smile… But what should I do if he looks good?

This staff member thinks he has seen all kinds of celebrities in reality at the airport, and even talked and talked about helping to pull the luggage up close. I think no matter how big the name is The famous star is nothing but a little bit of joy, but he didn’t expect to shake his heart because of the smile of the enemy, suddenly full of shame and self-blame, and a little bit of joy!

This is the case for a very knowledgeable old man, not to mention a large part of the other people who pick up the airport, not to mention, especially women, regardless of whether the aunt or the younger sister is “enthusiastic.” It was them that first faded. After Meng Fan approached and smiled, several of them opened their mouths in protest and they couldn’t close their mouths and couldn’t make a sound. Their eyes were wide open, and one of them could feel the tearing pain just after cutting his eyelids. , But reluctant to close and more willing to transfer.

The “pick-up” scene was caught in a weird atmosphere. There must still be people protesting and shouting, but the overall reduction has been a lot, and it continues to decrease, when it is reduced to a certain extent Afterwards, the herd mentality made everyone quiet down instantly. Suddenly some people stopped talking in the extremely noisy class and then everyone stopped talking.

It was so quiet, quietly watching Meng Fan and the China Judo team pass through the crowd.


Suddenly, a strange sound broke the quiet picture. Someone looked up following the sound and screamed for a while, followed by more When people look at it, more people scream.

There is a U-shaped decoration above the terminal building. The “wiping” sound is because one side of it has fallen, and now only the other side is hanging. Because of the drop on one side, the U-shaped decoration also shook, did not shake it twice, and fell!

This U-shaped decoration is not small, and it looks like it should be made of metal, and the place where it fell is very crowded, and it happens to be where the group of people “pick-up” is located.

If this falls, it is very normal to hit two or three people.

The most important thing is that with the screams, the crowd became confused!

Only two or three people may be hit. I don’t know how many people will be trampled as soon as this chaos occurs!

It is impossible for the airport staff to want to evacuate, and they have too little time left, and there is even no time for a broadcast.

“Hold the grass!”

Meng Fan was also taken aback by this sudden change, and he even doubted whether his sense of existence was at work, if it was correct. , This sound should be made when he walked under the U-shaped decoration.

“Don’t move, please!”

Don’t care about anything else, after Meng Fan yelled, he rushed towards the U-shaped decoration .

Meng Fan’s shout is very loud and deterrent. Although these people can’t understand what Meng Fan is saying, they all stand still.


The U-shaped decoration fell to the bottom, and there was a clear crash.


The scream appeared again.

Because this U-shaped decoration covers at least three people!


Suddenly there was a surprised scream besides the panic scream.

I saw the U-shaped decoration moved, because it was caught by a person after it fell.

This person is no one else, but Meng Fan!



There were also two people covered together, a boy and a girl, who instinctively squatted on the ground to hug Turning my head, it may be that I found that the nightmare I had imagined had not happened for a long time. I looked up and saw that Meng Fan was protecting them like Heavenly God, and he cried immediately.

I don’t know if I was fortunate enough to avoid a catastrophe, or I was just crying by Meng Fan.

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