The girl who was involved in the accident was named Li Meiyuan. She was born in a wealthy family. She was a good girl since she was a child. The biggest hobby is singing and star chasing. She is currently studying music-related majors in college. .

This time I went to the airport to protest and boycott Meng Fan. The reason is the same as that of many other people who came here. They are more “fanatic” people and hate Meng Fan very much. Basically, Meng Fan is included as the number one enemy. In the list, plus the university is in Busan, the community has organized to protest, and there is another point, she is a fan of Park Jae Hae, the kind of die-hard fan.

Even though Park Jae-hae’s in China and being beaten by Meng Fan are basically settled, in her opinion, it is because of Meng Fan. If it weren’t for Meng Fan, how could it be that Park Jae-hae was like this? Park Jae-hai will not disappear from the fans’ sight for a long time because of this. Recently, it has finally “opened for business”. Meng Fan is here again. How could she not hate Meng Fan!

It’s just that she didn’t expect that something like that would happen at the airport. When the U-shaped decoration fell off, she was saved by the Chinese man she hated most.

After crying, she even thought that she shouldn’t be saved by Meng Fan, but in the end she chose to come to the hospital to thank Meng Fan face to face. She felt that this was something she had to do as a person. . As for the other boy, she naturally didn’t know where she went, and she didn’t care, she could do her own thing.

However, what she did not expect was that she would be surrounded by reporters on the spot, and what she did not expect was that the incident that she was besieged by reporters also made the news, and made her the incident. One of the focuses of her, the one that most made her didn’t expect most was that Park Jae-hae still reposted and commented on the news and her.

How could Park Jae-hae, who was beaten by Meng Fan in China and directly hit him at the bottom of his career, have any good words? Park Jae-hae’s comments are not unusual. After the incident at the airport, it appeared on the South Korean network a lot during the time when Meng Fan was discharged from the hospital. That is to question Meng Fan’s show and the two protected people as cooperating actors.

Roughly translated as right-from the airport incident video, these two are completely possible to escape from the landing point, why should we squat down together and wait for the Chinese to rescue? This time when the media gathered, they appeared at the entrance of the hospital, which made people suspect that they were also part of the show.

Park Jae-hai’s comments attracted the support of some athletes who also hated Meng Fan, and several celebrity friends like them. They all wanted to sit down and say that Meng Fan was a show. Make Meng Fan’s reputation bad. Of course, it attracted more support from fans and onlookers.

Then, something unexpected and unreasonable happened-cyber violence!

Soon, Li Meiyuan’s information was exposed to human flesh, and her online accounts and real life were caught in it.

Suddenly, Li Meiyuan was harassed in real life after she turned off all communication equipment due to the violence of the internet terminal. She encountered a lot of harassment, glaring and abuse in the university dormitory.

In the next day, it was escalated to real violence. Li Meiyuan was beaten. It was her boyfriend who beat her!

Her boyfriend because Li Meiyuan also encountered online violence and all kinds of difficulties and ridicule in reality. He did not choose to avoid like Li Meiyuan, but categorically broke up with Li Meiyuan and made an appointment to meet and beat him. !

Three slaps, completely crushed Li Meiyuan, who was already on the verge of collapse, and then chose the worst way-suicide by cutting her wrists!

Fortunately, her roommate found out in time and was immediately sent to the hospital, which was considered rescued.

He was rescued, but his mental state was very poor.

Internet violence has always existed, and has never been interrupted since the popularization of the Internet, whether it is China or South Korea, whether it is in Asia or Europe and the United States, and the number of online exposures that force suicides is small and small. But it is already the existence of horrible to see.

Internet violence forced people to commit suicide. This has always been big news. In addition, this incident was connected with yesterday’s airport incident, and public opinion exploded all at once.

Li Miyuan was pushed to the forefront of the storm, her boyfriend was pushed to the forefront of the storm, Park Jae-hae was pushed to the forefront, and those athletes and celebrities who supported Park’s remarks were pushed to the forefront of the storm. , Meng Fan was also pushed to the forefront.

However, the remarks about Park Jae-hae and other athletes and celebrities quickly disappeared from the field of vision. At least they disappeared on the South Korean network, about two or three. In the hours, it was obvious that someone was behind the accusation, while at the same time, the discussion about Li Meiyuan, her boyfriend and Meng Fan became more violent.

There are those who sympathize with Li Meiyuan, call for a cessation of online violence, and hope that she will recover soon, some scold her boyfriend, and even curse Meng Fan, because in many people’s eyes, Meng Fan is the initiator. If Without him, nothing would happen!

Yes, if Meng Fan did not come to Busan to participate in the competition, there would be no airport protests and boycotts. Without this, the airport U-shaped decoration would not fall. Smashing people-anyway, I think that if Meng Fan doesn’t come, there won’t be that many people. What’s wrong with that?-If you don’t smash people, Meng Fan will not make a show like this, let alone cyber violence. !

Even if you push forward, if it wasn’t for Meng Fan to play in South Korea, there would be nothing behind. If you want to go further, that is if Meng Fan is not playing South Korea on the neon side MMA players…

In short, everything originated from Meng Fan, and all the responsibilities are also on Meng Fan!

Of course, compared to the temporary rhythm of public opinion on South Korea’s Internet, the Internet is much more normal. Most of them were exposed on the South Korean website, spraying Lee Mi-won’s boyfriend, Park Jae-hae, and the others to perfection. As for Meng Fan, as long as he is not blind or South Korean, he basically knows that Meng Fan is a hero in the airport affairs. Although the cyber violence incident is related to him, he is not responsible.

“I can’t understand that a person who is righteous and brave will be considered the source of cyber violence! Are you crazy?”

“According to their thinking, Huaxia Meng should not rescue people !”

“No, if Huaxiameng did not save people, if an accident occurs at the airport, he is still responsible according to their thinking!”

“Is there no one who has Is there someone in the brain?”

Of course there are, and many, but few people will stand up and speak. At this time, whoever stands up to speak for Meng Fan, more people still choose to wait and see . There are also those who stand up for very objective analysis and discussion, either no one pays attention or is ignored by the selective right now, or they are deleted by themselves.

At least from the first few hours after the incident happened.

About two hours after learning about the Li Meiyuan incident, the organizer of the Shirou Master Tournament released the latest news, and the Chinese team announced their retirement.

Immediately afterwards, Teddy Reina personally announced his retirement, and within a few minutes, all the members of the French team announced their retirement.

Then all members of the Neon team…Two hours before and after the Huaxia team announced their retirement, a total of 8 National Teams announced their collective retirement.

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