
“What does it have to do with me!”

“I just said what many people have said before , Who knew she would be so vulnerable! And, wasn’t the key to her suicide because of her boyfriend!” When he learned that Li Miyuan had committed suicide, Park Jae-hae was still stunned until the assistant said that Li Meiyuan had committed suicide. It was only after the girl who was rescued by Meng Fan at the airport yesterday that she reacted, and then the assistant said that because he publicly commented on the Internet would cause a lot of trouble, she suddenly became anxious.

After reading the comments on the Internet, including those on the Internet, the ugly face is no different from pig liver.

He is not stupid, of course he knew he was in a big disaster.

He has also linked people on the Internet before, this time hanging people in his own view is purely “conforming to the people’s will”, but didn’t expect that girl is so casual, and didn’t expect her Her boyfriend hit her unexpectedly. As for suicide, that didn’t expect it.

“What should I do now?”

The last time he was beaten by Meng Fan in China and it was revealed that he beat his fans, and Meng Fan’s reputation became more and more famous The older he gets, his life becomes more and more sad. It can be said that he has entered the bottom of his career. At this time, he finally seized the opportunity to protest against Meng Fan with the people of the whole country in order to be treated as a “typical”. Regaining popularity can be regarded as standing up from wherever you fell. Didn’t expect made such a setback.

I’m going to fall this time, so I can’t get up 100%!


The person who spoke was not Park Jaehae’s agent, but a Senior from the same company, a star who also hated Meng Fan, except for In addition to the same reasons as other South Koreans, but also because he himself is a judo hobbyist and is close to many National Team athletes, including the one who was scared by Meng Fan several times on the field.

His name is Jin Haibin, a singer and a great variety show. The image in front of the public is very sunny, witty and humorous, with a good body and strong body. He is often seen showing his muscles in various variety shows, and he has also participated in judo star competitions and achieved good results. He is an expert in South Korea. Gas star.

“This thing looks very bad from the moment, but it is also an opportunity for you!”

Jin Haibin took a long sip with a cigarette between his fingers Slowly exhaled, smoke covered half of his face for a while, and slowly said: “After you came back from China last time, your popularity has begun to decline. Even if there is no such thing, you will disappear from the public sooner or later. Before it disappears, the company will definitely be wiped out. Remember what you signed in the company over the years? Believe me, you will be ugly, dead ugly!”

Jiang Yan Squeezed out, Jin Haibin walked up to Park Zaihai and said, “If things have developed to this point, if there are no other changes, then you will only have a dead end! Don’t look at the fact that many people on the Internet are still attacking that Chinese man, don’t It seems that there are still people supporting you, but as long as the time goes forward, public opinion on the Internet will definitely be pressed into the country. When the time comes, someone will wake up and stand up and mobilize everyone’s finger at you! You will become a crossroad mouse , Will also become the abandoned son of the company! You have no future! “

“Change? What change? How to change?”

Park Jaehae knows that Jin Haibin is telling the truth , If he was beaten down this time, he really couldn’t stand up, and he couldn’t stand up. He owed the company money… The best outcome for him might be that he lost his legs and really couldn’t stand up. He didn’t dare to think about such a good ending.

“It’s very simple!”

Jin Haibin tidied up Park Jaehai’s sleeves and said: “The behavior of the Chinese airport man who sits on the ground is a show, and then sits on the ground that committed suicide. The girl is the actor he invited, and even suicide is acting! In this way, your crisis is also lifted! Not only your crisis is lifted, even the crisis of our athletes who have been affected by this incident is also lifted, you Not only is it not a Teacher for the holidays, but he will become a hero of this country!”

Park Zaihai ignited the flame of hope, and then immediately extinguished: “I said so, but everyone knows that Suicidal…”

“One step forward, the sea and the sky are wide. The place is still, ten thousand zhang abyss!”

Jin Haibinpatted Park on the shoulders of the sea, Said: “In the sea, you have no other choice! I know you, let alone how you will be treated by the company if you don’t get through this time, even if you retire, can you live the days before you became famous? You don’t want to, too impossible I can endure hardship as before. You, can’t go back!”

“Go back? No! I would rather die than live the same life as before!”

Thinking back to the days before he became famous, Park Jaehae’s heartbeat speeded up for an unknown number of times, and the whole person panicked. Then, he went to the ground, not knowing whether his legs were soft or his bones were soft, so he knelt directly to Jin Haibin: “Senior, Please teach me how to do it!”

“What is this, get up quickly!”

After waiting for a few seconds, Jin Haibin helped Park Jae-hai to rise, turning his face over a book Soon, said with a bitter smile: “How can I know what to teach or not! However, I think her boyfriend may be able to help with this matter! I think, her boyfriend beat her There must be a reason, or just because she knew that she was acting with the Chinese people, that’s why she beat her in anger! Oh, yes, and her classmates, I guess they know something.”

“Yes, yes, yes!”

Park Jaehai immediately understood, and said with a righteous expression: “It must be like this, otherwise, why would you beat her? Right! I’ll go over now Looking for him, I believe he will be very happy to help me. No, this is also helping himself. So many people are scolding him, but he silently carries such a secret. I think maybe he is a girlfriend who loves him very much. Didn’t you say it to the outside world? Yes, he must love her very much! However, this matter is also related to the reputation of our country. I will definitely go and enlighten him to put his children’s love behind the country’s righteousness.”

Jin Haibin felt a tumbling in his stomach, but he still gave Park Jae-hai a thumbs up. This man really didn’t know how to dial the starting point. He just clicked and dialed out such a horrible statement. In the face of the sea, Jin Haibin has a new understanding.

Before Park Jae-hae left, in addition to Park Jae-hai’s assistant, Jin Haibin gave him a phone number. If there is anything that needs to be deterred and solved by military force, you can practice the owner of this number. , And also gave “activity funds”.

After Park Jae-hae left, Jin Haibin took out his mobile phone and laughed and sent an OK gesture in a communication group. This place was full of judo hobbyists and several National Team members.

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