The former boyfriend of the online violence heroine stood up for an interview and “sit down” Li Meiyuan was acting. As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation in South Korea.

I was really happy to insist that Li Meiyuan is an acting netizen this time. She almost didn’t jump up. The reason why she was so close was probably because she had to sit in front of the computer or sit with her mobile phone and start spraying like crazy.

Originally, although I insisted that Li Meiyuan was acting, I heard that she was hospitalized with a cut of her wrist and a lot of blood. How much deep in one’s heart is a bit restless, how can I know myself? Is a member of the cyber violence army. Now, the “facts” have proved that they are right, wise, with unique vision, and they are not Internet mobs but righteous men who run for the country!

That confidence is completely different! The speed of the hand is faster, the words are sharper, and the smile and anger on his face are also stronger at the same time. After sending it out, brush it up again, and see the comrades who are in harmony with my own Dao comrades, and see that the baring fangs and brandishing claws that disagree with me are baring fangs and brandishing claws.

Hold high the banner of national justice, occupy the moral high ground, go forward courageously, and do no harm-who else!

The imposing manner is so powerful!

Of course, there are some people who didn’t believe that Li Meiyuan was an actor at first, especially some people who went to the airport to protest against Meng Fan. They knew very well what happened at that time and there was no possibility of acting. As soon as Meng Fan got off the plane, they went to protest together. Even if Meng Fan knew about it in advance, they were prepared for the so-called “whitewashing”, but the problem is how the U-shaped decoration fell off, which is impossible to prepare. Ah, unless someone at the airport cooperates with Meng Fan.

If someone at the airport cooperates with Meng Fan, then this matter is not as simple as protesting against a foreign athlete and cyber violence. To put it simply, the airport has a very large security risk and is a human-made security risk. If it is too big, it means that homeland security has been infiltrated by Meng Fan!

Is this really nonsense?

These people really can’t figure out how those people’s brains grow. The simple question is that they don’t understand. If Meng Fan can really direct this scene, they don’t have to be their turn to beep. Department then went okay!

As for the so-called exposure of Li Meiyuan’s ex-boyfriend this time, it was even more nonsense, and it completely angered a small part of this group of people. Isn’t it just trying to kill Li Meiyuan again?

The most important thing is evidence!

Didn’t you say that Li Meiyuan acted with Meng Fan as an actor? She also said she knew very well, where is the evidence!

Only those few chat screenshots?

A discerning person can see that part of it is taken out of context, and the other part is P.

I also said that suicide is false. Is the hospital injury appraisal also false?

The injury appraisal clearly indicated how much Li Meiyuan’s blood loss was. That was almost hopeless!

Can actors perform to this point?

Are you blind? Can’t you tell? !

Either stupid or bad!

It’s just that, no matter how loud these people shout, they can’t make their voices out, and they are completely submerged.

Not everyone is stupid and blind and deaf, but too many people are selectively blind and deaf, and more people are eating melons and watching. They are sober and sensible, even I pride myself on being wise, either I’m going to watch the show and I’m silly, or I think it’s better not to make random comments before the final result appears.

There is also a small group of people who are ashamed to express any opinions on the domestic Internet after reading the comments on the Internet.

Anyway, all in all, under the combination of various reasons, there are people who are willing to contribute to the flames. The hot discussion on the South Korean Internet has formed a strong contrast with the Internet. I believe that Li Meiyuan’s ex-boyfriend It is believed that Li Meiyuan is acting as the mainstream player, while those who denounce cyber violence have become non-mainstream.

And the second cyber storm against Li Meiyuan was formed again. It was only 24 hours from the last one. This is a spectacle in any place in the world.


“It’s so uncomfortable for this country!”

“I’m very fortunate to have quit the competition in Busan immediately. I swear that I will never set foot on this country’s territory in the future, and I’m also impossible to participate in any competitions held in this country, including the World Championships, Olympics and other competitions, if they can apply for it!”

” The plane takes off early!”

“Are they crazy?”

“This is really a terrifying place!”

“North and South of common origins, north Hell, shameless south!”

“I hope that girl will stop thinking about it!”

“I wanted to call for online violence, but now it seems that they are all deaf!”


After the second cyber riots, these athletes who were going to leave after retiring have reacted on Twitter or other social software. This expresses his own opinion, reprimanding is really second, and it is more helpless and disgusting, really disgusting.

These athletes are sick, but some are happy.

Park Jae-hae was very happy. He really didn’t expect things to go so smoothly. Finding Li Meiyuan’s ex-boyfriend was almost a hit. What made him very happy and disgusting was that Li Meiyuan’s ex-boyfriend had returned I really took his rhetoric. I opened my eyes and said that I had known that Li Meiyuan was an actor of the Chinese, so I came to her, but because I loved her too much, I didn’t make it public. Now I can only do it for the sake of the country. The righteousness is gone…

The tone and expression, Park Jaehae almost thought it was true.

What made him didn’t expect more is that online public opinion can also fall so smoothly. There are that many shameless words that Li Meiyuan is an actor.

As long as this public opinion dominates for a while, then no matter how you reverse it in the future, there will still be people on your side. After all, there are people in this world who do not admit their mistakes, even if they know they are wrong. Brace oneself go wrong, anyway, if there is no real hammer, there will be opportunities for wrangling.

In the future, even tomorrow, this trend of public opinion will not turn over all at once, so keep on talking. He knows very well that although the Internet has memories, netizens do not have long memories. After a while, this matter will pass, and he will be able to go on.



I was in a good mood and was preparing for a Finnish bath in a clubhouse when I suddenly heard that the door of the room was kicked open.

Before Park Jae-hai could see who it was, he was slammed into the forehead as if he was hit, and the star came out of his eyes.

“Hai…Haibin Senior! You, why are you?”

Park Jae-hai can finally see who it is. It is Jin Haibin.

The angry Jin Haibin took out his phone, clicked on a piece of audio, and struck Park Zaihai’s face: “You dare to record my conversation and post it online, do you think Then someone will block the gun for you, so you can live in this world?”

“Huh? What? I don’t have one!”

It was said that they had previously discussed that Li Meiyuan was an actor and asked her ex-boyfriend for help. She was completely stunned and yelled anxiously: “This is not recorded! I am impossible to record!”

“That Why is it sent from your account?”

“I didn’t send it, I didn’t send it! Hacking my account, I definitely got it!”

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