“I told you from the very beginning that I entered the animation industry and founded Shanhai Animation and other related studios, not for the purpose of dividing the animation market with popularity. I want to make the cake bigger with more practitioners.”

Meng Fan drank his mouth water and continued: “I spend 10 million to host the Shanhai Animation Awards every year. It is to help China Animation to develop better and faster, increase industry influence, increase the income of practitioners, and prosper the entire industry. This ten million will be used to reward outstanding practitioners, including comic authors, original artists, directors, screenwriters, and voice actors. , Anime singers and musicians, etc. practitioners in various positions.”

“My initial idea is to set up several awards, and each award has several people. There are two ways to win, one is Vote is purely based on popularity, one is recommended by industry insiders, the number of places is divided equally, and the bonus of the award is divided equally. The distribution of bonus will be based on the actual situation. In short, 10 million and the amount of possible sponsorship will be used up!”

“The sponsorship I mentioned here can be free sponsorship, that is, people in the industry or people from all walks of life who want to contribute to China Animation can sponsor; there is also a paid sponsorship, which is related to the company. If you wait for the sponsorship, I can give you advertising space during the event. Even if you sponsor a lot, the name of the Shanhai Animation Award can also be named for you!”

“I have to declare here first One point, I am going to set up a fund specifically to help low-income people in the animation industry and provide them with creative living guarantees! If the amount of sponsorship exceeds a certain amount, for example, 10 million, that is, the total bonus is 20 million. Part, I will remit this fund.”

“Of course, all of this is based on the premise that you trust me. To be honest, I was still hesitant to tell you about sponsorship and fund now. After all, from a certain point of view, I am a bit suspicious of forced donation. But I think carefully, China Animation is not my business alone. I am famous, capable, and willing to make contributions for China Animation. I can contribute as much as I can, but I can’t do it alone. I still have to work together. In addition, I think that among the people who may see this passage in the future, there must be people who want to contribute to China Animation. I just didn’t find the right opportunity and trustworthy organization, so I should stand up. Even if there are a hundred people who say that I am trying to win my fame and even pretend to be a pretender, one person is willing to stand with me, it’s worth it.”

Meng Fan these words are not sent out of feelings, but thought for a while, there is a [God of Wealth] achievement task that falls second, but I really want to do something for China Animation . In the past, I wanted to do it because my ability was limited, but now I have the ability, popularity and money, so I took advantage of this “Underground Spirit” conference (live broadcast) to announce.

Shanhai Animation Award imitation is the animation award and film and television festival on the neon side. It is going to make an award ceremony, and the rewards given are real cash rewards in addition to honors. The money came from Meng Fan personally. In addition to promoting the Shanhai Animation Studio and “Shanhai Qiren” by the way, the name that was crowned Shanhai mainly felt that the name was quite domineering.

This fund used to help low-income people in the animation industry was recently thought of by Meng Fan. It is a complementary role to the Shanhai Animation Award. The latter is used to build heights, and the former is used to build foundations. . In an industry, it is very healthy for the group at the top of the pyramid to make money. It needs a good living and creative environment at the lower level, otherwise it will collapse sooner or later.

Of course, this fund definitely needs to ask professionals to take care of it and follow the formal procedures and be transparent. Meng Fan does not want to do bad things well and cause some disgusting things.

Meng Fan currently intends to spend 10 million yuan to get this fund for the time being, and try it for a year or half to see the effect.

In addition, in addition to the two “10 million”, Meng Fan also plans to set up an animation scholarship with 10 million to reward and help students studying animation. For this, Meng Fan definitely can’t come by himself. You need to discuss with the teacher and the leader of the Academy of Fine Arts. In an industry, the power of Academy School can never be ignored or ignored.

After the broadcast, Meng Fan posted three consecutive posts on the bib for them to comment and leave comments related to suggestions and opinions. Some people may think that he is a bit engaged, but he is serious and really wants to hear the most popular thoughts-some people are willing to go to the house and talk to him for three days and three nights without taking a break-maybe There are not many words that are nutritious in the message area, but there will certainly be.

In an industry, the upper level has status, the middle level has hope, the lower level has food and dignity, and reserves talents. This is the most direct manifestation of the health and prosperity of an industry in Meng Fan’s view.

For the upper and middle level, what Meng Fan can do is only the icing on the cake. The main purpose and energy will still be on the low-income groups and reserve talents in the industry. As for himself, belonging to the upper class, all he can do is raise the ceiling, although it may not be all related to comics.

After renewing the scarf, Meng Fan contacted Tao Dongli and Hu Yijing.

If you want to hold an event like the “Shanhai Animation Award” and run it smoothly, you must have someone inside. Tao Dongli can give Meng Fan the most direct help in this regard. This is a good thing, Tao Dongli will naturally not refuse, even if there may be some “criticism” about personal relationships.

In terms of setting up a fund, you still have to discuss with Hu Yijing. Although she is not an animation practitioner, she knows more about this aspect than those in the studio, and at least can give some direction The suggestions above, who to find and what to do, can give Meng Fan a clearer understanding.

Hu Yijing came on 2nd day. After talking, she helped Meng Fan contact a professional who is good at managing funds through several layers of relationships. She arranged a time to meet and talk in detail, and see if she can help. Build a team. As for professionals in animation-related needs, Meng Fan has no shortage of resources. No matter how Meng Fan is right about this matter, Penguin Animation and 8 Stations will help.

In the afternoon, Meng Fan asked Qin Jiao to find the dean of the Media Animation Academy of the Academy of Fine Arts. The dean heard that Meng Fan would spend 10 million a year to set up a scholarship. Of course I’m happy. I immediately brought in Chief-In-Charge from the department and Meng Fan and Qin Jiao for a two-hour meeting to finalize the general content and direction, and then in the next period of time Slowly improve and come up with the final plan.

The general content is to attract art students to choose animation majors, solve some of the students’ practical difficulties, create a more creative learning environment, and reward outstanding students…

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