Nanjing, outside the Confucius Temple.

“Is this really Yunjin?” Zhang Zhouwei picked up a silk scarf and asked the Boss. Seeing that the Boss nodded hurriedly, he put it down, and said to Wang Yanan, “It doesn’t seem to be really expensive. No, let’s buy a Yuhua stone for Xing Tage, it’s a gift.”

“It’s weird to give boys scarves.”

“Then you are I don’t know the stinky beauty of Xing Tage.”

As they talked, they went to other stores to buy a few Yuhua stone crafts, and then they bought airtight Nanjing brine ducks, dried ducks, and duck gizzards. Traditional snacks such as fragrant belly.

“I will give you all these food…”

Zhang Zhouwei froze for a while, and didn’t know if his brain was stuck or his throat was stuck. I couldn’t remember it. Who is it for?

Wang Yanan looked towards Zhang Zhouwei :”Who is it for?”

“Who is it for?” Zhang Zhouwei scratched his head. It seemed that he caught something, but it was special What slipped away.

Who? I am grass!

“Buy it if you don’t know it! Forget it, buy it all, when the time comes, see who wants to give it to whom.”

Wang Yanan let the store pack bags , And then went with Zhang Zhouwei to meet Chen Daqiang and Wei Zhixue who were on the other side to buy souvenirs.

The two girls chirp chirp twitter twitter chatted about what they bought and whom to give. Zhang Zhouwei and Chen Daqiang were a little bit disoriented. They always felt that there was something they didn’t remember.

“What do you think?”

“Nothing, what do you think?”

“No no.”

Two people I didn’t even say why I was stuck in my mind because I didn’t think of something.

Of course, everyone has this kind of experience, and I don’t think it is strange.

It’s just a little uncomfortable. I always think about it, but I always want to do not raise.

I want to come out, but I can’t do it where water flows, a canal is formed.


“You stand up for me!”

Qin Jiao was chatting with Meng Caiwei, who was also wearing a mask, and suddenly felt What’s wrong with Meng Caiwei.

“You won’t be a Teacher and be stupid, this is not your classroom!” Meng Caiwei was startled.

“You move the camera down, I want to look at your body.”

“hoho 嚯, the surname is Qin, I said why you are so old and still not married People, it turned out to be evil to me!” Meng Caiwei tensed the muscles on her face and smiled hoho.

“Don’t change the subject!” Qin Jiao stared attentively, especially vicious against the black charcoal mask, “Caiwei, how do I feel that you are a lot fatter! It won’t be… you are pregnant, right? “

“Have your sister! My mother is fertile, but there is no suitable seeding.” Meng Caiwei was very domineering, and did not twitch, answered Qin Jiao’s question, “This is not a recent answer. Is it a movie? The character asks for weight gain, 30 catties. If your eyes are poisonous enough, I will show my face or put on a mask, you can see it! It seems that the weight gain effect is obvious!”

Speaking, the phone is zoomed out, very generously like Qin Jiao showing the effect of gaining weight, squeezing his belly, shaking his butterfly sleeves, and then patted his chest with some wonder, “The effect is good in other places. , It’s a bit worse.”

“Come on, no matter how old you are, you won’t be sexy!” The two women who are usually dignified and elegant are still talking about the boudoir in private. “Eh. Isn’t this all done in the later stage? How can you really gain weight yourself? Do it like this?”

“The script is rare. The configuration is good in all aspects. The crew has requirements. I can’t hold back. Besides, the difference between the real and the post effect is still obvious! Moreover, the character modeling must be worthy of the acting skills of the old lady!”

“Yes, you are good at acting!” Qin Jiao Surprised, “Don’t even say, your fat gain effect is very good. Last time I video with you for a few days, I became fat like this!”

“This kind of thing, I have never eaten pork. Haven’t seen a pig run? I have never fattened myself, but I have fattened someone else! It’s not a matter of minutes to change to myself.” Meng Caiwei said proudly, and was stunned after speaking.

“Why don’t you say that he is not good?”

Qin Jiao was stunned after speaking.

Who is coming!

After the embarrassment lasted for three seconds, the two continued to talk about their boudoir.

It doesn’t matter who is here!


“Who am I?”

“Where am I?”

“What am I doing?”


Meng Fan’s soul determined after three questions that he had not forgotten himself, sighed in relief.

After another seven minutes, Meng Fan still did not stop a taxi.

Meng Fan thought for a while, walked over to a boy with a high-end head who was also taking a taxi, and poked and stood in front of him

“What are you doing?”

The exploding head dodged twice, seeing that the fatty in front of me was still in front of me, and immediately exploded, fiercely saying: “You blocked me! I’m angry!”

Meng Fan turned around and asked: “You can see me?”

“Mental illness! You are so big, I am not blind, how can I not see it!” With eyes closed, he looks fierce.

“Trash Earth, there is no Spiritual Qi at all, and I can’t even use the Invisibility Technique!”

Meng Fan walked away with an unhappy expression.

Broken head and look stunned, where is this second-year boy!

Eh no, people, why are they missing!

The explosive head found that I couldn’t find that fatty without paying attention. Fiercely wiped his eyes and looked around carefully, but didn’t find Meng Fan.

It’s only a while now, and it’s gone if you say nothing!

Isn’t it a stealth spell, but the fleshly body strength is still there, so the speed is very fast?

The Afro boy feels that his brain is going to explode in place!

Take out the phone and prepare to send a scarf to the circle of friends to share this interesting and terrifying thing. After unlocking, I was stunned. What am I doing?

Meng Fan has tried ten times and has a certain understanding of the effect of this “hat that makes people disappear.”

The sense of existence tends to zero.

Tend to, infinitely close.

Obviously, the sense of presence is not equal to zero.

Even if the sense of presence is equal to zero, it is just that the sense of presence is equal to zero, not non-existence.

Under the premise of not having a significant impact on others, it is difficult for the other party to find and think of himself. This is Meng Fan’s initial understanding of the tendency to be zero.

For example, like the explosive head just now, if you are standing beside him, including very close, he will not be able to detect it, but if you stand in front of him, it will seriously block his vision and cause him Seriously affected, it will still be discovered.

It doesn’t have a serious impact on his sight, and it will be difficult for him to find out if he leaves his sight.

Just like when the afro is about to collapse, Meng Fan is actually standing less than five meters away from him.

It’s also reasonable to lean on him or touch him.

There is also a taxi. Meng Fan tried it again later. This time it was a bit risky. Not only did he stretch his hand to stop, but he also put his body into the taxi’s driving route. Fan was about three meters away and the driver discovered the existence of Meng Fan.

Of course, the premise is that this taxi is driving very slowly on the road where many people reach out for taxis. Otherwise, if it is driving at high speed, let alone three meters, even five meters will be difficult. The reaction came and stepped on the brake.

This reminds Meng Fan, don’t wear this hat on the road with cars, otherwise, you don’t know how to die!


Meng Fan did not go back directly, but strolled along the road, walked into a convenience store, and pointed to the things on the shelves behind the cashier , Said to the clerk: “I want a pack of… Chinese.”

Meng Fan doesn’t smoke. I don’t know much about it, and the shelf behind the clerk is mainly smoke, so I asked this .

The clerk turned around and took it… I was stunned, and turned back: “Ehren? Oh here! What do you want?”


The clerk turned around and turned back: “What about people? What do you want?”



Meng Fan can be sure , Not only him, but also related things will reduce the sense of existence accordingly.

“What’s the matter with you, the brain is broken?”

The clerk next to me really couldn’t see it. He turned around to help take it… and then turned back:” What is it?”

“Forget it, don’t buy it.”

Meng Fan turned around and left, leaving the two shop assistants in a daze.

What happened just now?

What happened just now?

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