After a night of rest, Lin Chen took advantage of this time to familiarize himself with the Black Turtle Shield.

The next day, early in the morning.

He walked out of the cave quickly, absorbed the purple air of the morning glow, waved his hand, and a green spiritual light sprinkled down, summoning a group of blue clouds.

He flew away in the direction of the General Affairs Hall on the cloud.

There were still people coming and going, and the first floor of the General Affairs Hall was crowded with outer disciples. Lin Chen did not stay on the first floor for too long.

He went around the stairs on the right and walked quickly towards the second floor.

The second floor of the General Affairs Hall is mainly used by inner disciples, and the difficulty of the tasks here is much higher than that of the first floor.

And many of them need to leave the scope of Lingyun Sect, and many of them need to fight monsters.

The number of people on the second floor is obviously much smaller, most of them are inner disciples in white.

Occasionally, some outer disciples come up, and they are also at the sixth level of Qi Refining.

It was the first time for Lin Chen to come to the second floor. After going up, he first looked around. When he saw the tall crystal white jade tablets in the middle, a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

The area of ​​the second floor is similar to that of the first floor, but there are three tablets that are half a foot high, two feet wide, and about a foot thick.

On these three crystal tablets, rows of light golden small characters appear densely, and rows of numbers are marked in front.

Xin Qiushui and Xin Ling, the two siblings, and another man and woman are waiting under a tablet, and they whisper to each other from time to time, looking at the tablet behind, as if they are waiting for something.

Xin Qiushui noticed Lin Chen's arrival, and immediately chuckled and walked towards him.

"Junior Brother Lin is here, so we are all here."

"The mission has just been released, let's go and take it together."

"This is Senior Sister Yan, and this is Junior Brother Wu."

Lin Chen glanced at the two of them. Both of them had higher cultivation than him. He walked forward and bowed with a smile on his face.

"My younger brother Lin Chen, meet Senior Brother Wu and Senior Sister Yan."

"Senior Sister Yan" is a beautiful woman in her twenties, with the cultivation of the eighth level of Qi Refining. She just frowned slightly. For some reason, I always felt that there seemed to be a hint of worry in her eyes.

"Senior Brother Wu" is a strong young man of eighteen or nineteen years old. His arms are particularly strong, a circle larger than those of ordinary people. It should be because he is used to using some close combat weapons.

These two people saw Lin Chen for the first time. They looked him up and down and saw that he was only at the sixth level of Qi Refining and was wearing the white clothes of the inner sect.

He must have come in through the competition, and he also returned a greeting, but did not ask or say much.

"Sister Xin, which task are we going to take?"

Lin Chen turned his head to Xin Qiu Shui and asked directly.

"Task No. 50 is to collect 100-year-old honey, and the task requirement cannot be less than three kilograms."

"You can get 120 spirit stones. If we divide it equally among the five of us, each of us will get 20 spirit stones, which can be equivalent to a month's offering of spirit stones."

"The task is not difficult. If we are fast, we can return in one day."

Xin Qiu Shui explained to Lin Chen, and deliberately said it in great detail, which was very obvious that she was reminding him on purpose.

Soon, the white jade stele behind flashed with light, and some new tasks were added on it, and the completed tasks would be replaced.

Sure enough, the task No. 50 that Xin Qiu Shui mentioned appeared, and even the number of spirit stones and the task requirements could all be matched one by one.

Lin Chen was a little curious, and looked at Xin Qiu Shui, blinking a few times, but did not ask any more questions.

The five people quickly came to the window behind the stone tablet, handed over their disciple tokens, and successfully accepted the task.

After accepting the task, the five people walked straight down the second floor and walked to the outside of the General Affairs Hall in a few steps.

After leaving the General Affairs Hall, the group of people performed the cloud summoning technique, and clouds of various colors rose up. Under the leadership of Xin Qiu Shui, everyone flew towards a mountain range outside Lingyun Sect.

During the flight, Xin Qiu Shui said to everyone with a serious face.

"These tasks do not limit the team tasks. In addition to us, there will be other teams to take them, so we must hurry up."

"I know some places where there may be beehives. It's better for us to go there quickly."

After listening to this, Lin Chen and others naturally had no objections.

After a while, they successfully left the mountain gate of Lingyun Sect. Everyone gathered in twos and threes, flying and talking.

Xin Qiu Shui

The two siblings were naturally very close.

Senior Sister Yan and Senior Brother Wu were also relatively close.

Only Lin Chenfei was on one side, keeping some distance from the others.

But he didn't care. This time he came out mainly to understand the inner door mission and gain some experience.

In order to gain experience in the future, he would not care about other people's attitude towards him.

As for this Senior Sister Xin, she might have some power in the sect, otherwise how could she know the mission so well.

Soon, half an hour passed. Although everyone did not use all their strength to drive the cloud, they also flew dozens of miles away.

Suddenly, a "buzzing" sound came from the back, and a group of purple clouds caught up. A slightly frivolous male voice shouted at them loudly.

"Junior Sister Yan, don't go. Why don't you stay with me when you go out to do the mission?"

Lin Chen was stunned when he heard the words, and thought silently in his heart.

Could it be that this person was calling Senior Sister Yan in the team?

Xin Qiushui and her brother were also stunned for a moment. They obviously had not expected such a situation. And judging from the speed of the other party, it was obviously much faster than them.

They were about to catch up.

Senior Sister Yan's face was the ugliest. She suddenly became gloomy and seemed not to want to pay attention to the person behind.

Senior Brother Wu turned his head and looked at them with his eyes wide open. He looked very angry.

Their reaction did not affect the speed of Ziyun behind.

Soon, a handsome young man wearing a white inner door robe caught up with them. He was a ninth-level Qi Refining cultivator.

But the frivolous smile at the corner of his mouth exposed his inner thoughts. His eyes were still staring at Senior Sister Yan's body without hesitation, scanning up and down.

Before Senior Sister Yan could say anything, Senior Brother Wu beside her could not help but step forward and protect her behind him. He glared and replied loudly.

"Yu Feng, I respect you as my senior brother, don't do anything that violates the sect rules."

The inner sect senior brother named Yu Feng sneered and replied.

"Wu Huan, who do you think you are? You are so desperate to protect Junior Sister Yan, do the family behind her think highly of you?"

"You dare to meddle in my business!"

When Wu Huan heard this, he was immediately angry, and he wiped his waist, and a black light flashed in his palm.

He held a long black stick in his hand, which was about half a foot long and as thick as his wrist. With his strong body, an amazing momentum spread out immediately.

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