The old man was very happy.

Lin Chen looked bitter and replied.

"Brother, the spiritual herbs in the spiritual fields of the uncles are too precious. If some of them are damaged, I can't afford to pay for it. Are there any other tasks that can earn more spiritual stones?"

The middle-aged brother saw that Lin Chen was unwilling to go, and after a pause, he continued to search on the jade book.

"Well, there are some other tasks, but they are all tedious tasks."

"There is a weapon refiner uncle who needs a boy to burn fire. The reward is 50 spirit stones for three months. It's just a bit hard. You need to refine some low-level ores for about six hours every day."

"The sect has issued a mountain patrol task. You need to patrol for five hours every day. The reward is 100 spirit stones for three months. However, there is a certain risk. Junior brother's cultivation is too low. If he encounters a low-level monster, it may be difficult to deal with."

Lin Chen shook his head repeatedly after hearing this.

He also had his own plans in mind. With the Nine Breaths of Subduing Qi, he could absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in multiples, and he could also absorb the morning glow purple air every day to replace the effect of spiritual pills.

It would be best to avoid those high-level uncles, as well as long-term and high-load tasks.

Seeing so many requests from the junior brother in front of him, the middle-aged senior brother frowned, but for the sake of the three spirit stones, he still patiently searched again.

There are more than a dozen inner disciples in the General Affairs Hall who have the power to arrange tasks.

If my reputation is ruined, those outer disciples will not come to me to accept tasks in the future.

While searching, my eyes suddenly lit up and I saw a good task, so I spoke.

"In the sect realm, there is a long-term task with a one-year task period. The sect rewards 100 spirit stones, and the person who issues the task also provides two spirit stones every month, which adds up to 124 spirit stones."

"The task is easy, and the spirit stones are not small."

"However, you have to leave the sect. This is a task issued by a county governor of the Great Xuan Kingdom in my Lingyun Sect."

Lin Chen was surprised when he heard this, and asked hurriedly.

"Brother, what exactly is this task?"

The middle-aged senior brother explained directly.

"To control the clouds and rain, this county magistrate has just taken over the throne. The county suffered from a severe drought in the past two years, which caused the people to suffer and many refugees to riot."

"In order to ensure the stability of the rule and have a good harvest this year, we decided to hire a sect disciple to stay for a year, hoping for good weather and good harvest."

Lin Chen was happy when he heard the number of spirit stones, and then asked with some doubt.

"Brother, this task is good, but with my cultivation, I am afraid I can't control the clouds and rain~"

Listening to his words, the middle-aged brother looked thoughtful, touched his chin, and asked with a flash of his eyes.

"Junior brother, do you have water spiritual roots? Have you ever practiced the rain-praying technique?!"

"I haven't practiced the rain-praying technique, but I do have water spiritual roots."

"That's no problem. Go to the Sutra Pavilion and spend five spiritual stones to copy a jade slip of the rain-praying technique and practice it.

I remember there is a special rain-praying instrument in the warehouse, which I can give you for use."

"With your strength in the middle stage of Qi Refining, it's barely possible. You just need to gather more spiritual power when the time comes."

"But this rain-praying instrument needs to be returned after the mission is over!"

Lin Chen nodded and hurriedly bowed his hands to thank him.

"Then I'll trouble you, senior brother!"

The middle-aged senior brother smiled and replied.

"Okay, give me the disciple token, and I'll take over this mission for you."

Lin Chen hurriedly took off a green token from his waist and handed it over.

The middle-aged senior brother took the token, then pressed a certain place on the jade book and said.

"Here is a token. Take this jade talisman and go down the mountain. There is a messenger sent by the governor of Mingyang County at the foot of the mountain. He will take you there."

As he said this, he handed back the disciple token, took out another jade talisman from the storage bag and handed it to Lin Chen, then turned around and searched in the storeroom for a while.

After about a few breaths, he returned and handed over a white magic card that looked like gold and jade. The word "rain" was written on the front, and some water spirit patterns were engraved on the back.

Lin Chen reached out and took the magic card. After he took it, he felt a little cold. It looked like a medium-grade magic weapon. He bowed and said.

"Thank you very much, senior brother!"

The middle-aged senior brother smiled lightly and said very enthusiastically.

"You're welcome. Senior brother, my surname is Qian. If you come to take a task again in the future, you can come to me and I will pick the best for you."

Lin Chen smiled when he heard this, talked to the other party for a few more words, turned around and said goodbye.

After leaving the General Affairs Hall, he came directly to the open space

On top, he made a seal with both hands, pointed at the ground, and summoned a green cloud.

He bent his legs slightly, jumped up, turned into a green stream of light, and rode the cloud towards the direction of the Sutra Pavilion.


After a while, Lin Chen came to an inn at the foot of the sect mountain, where there were some mortals who came to the sect to issue tasks.

After all, there are many rare hundred-year-old spiritual medicines or low-level spiritual veins in the secular world, and some spiritual objects such as spiritual stones can also be obtained.

A large part of it was collected by the Great Xuan Kingdom and offered to the five major sects, but a small part was still in the hands of county governors in various places.

Seeing Lin Chen walking in with the clothes of an outer disciple, the waiter in the inn immediately came up and shouted.

"Hello, Immortal!"

Lin Chen said in a calm voice.

"Is the messenger sent by the governor of Mingyang County to pray for rain here?"

"Master, wait a moment, I will call him out for you!"

The waiter heard this and ran to the second floor of the inn, knocked on the door of a room, and shouted loudly.

"General Li Yi, the immortal of Lingyun Sect has come down the mountain!!"


The door of the room opened quickly, and a young man in secular armor hurried out and said to the waiter.

"Master, where is the immortal? Take me there quickly~"

The waiter quickly led him down and brought him to Lin Chen, saying respectfully.

"Master, this is the messenger sent by the governor of Mingyang County."

"Why is he so young?"

After seeing Lin Chen's appearance clearly, Li Yi said a little blankly.

After all, Lin Chen is only fourteen years old now, so it is normal for the other party to have such doubts.

Lin Chen didn't want to explain too much, so he smiled lightly, took out the jade talisman, and showed it to the other party.

"Let's go!"

When Li Yi saw the jade talisman proving his identity, his face showed a hint of strangeness, but when he thought of the reputation of Lingyun Sect, he was relieved, and stopped asking questions, and hurriedly followed.


Mingyang County is one of the larger counties among the hundreds of counties in Daxuan Kingdom, and it is also considered to be above average in all aspects.

Unfortunately, for some reason, there has been a severe drought for two consecutive years, resulting in the people's harvest being lost, and the refugees rebelled.

The Majesty of Daxuan Kingdom was furious, and finally replaced the position of the county governor and replaced the seventeenth prince to take over.

The seventeenth prince was naturally rich and powerful, and he directly used spirit stones to go to the nearby sects to issue tasks, hoping to rely on immortal magic to reverse the situation in Mingyang County.


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