After half a cup of tea, the canyon was full of black wind.

In the canyon, a black light flashed out, suspended in the air, and turned around. After the light faded, it was a black gourd more than half a foot high.

It was suddenly hung upside down, tilting the gourd body, and a black light flashed at the mouth of the gourd, showing an inexplicable spiritual power vortex, generating a magnificent suction force.

In just a moment, the black wind in the sky was sucked back.

At the entrance of the canyon, I don’t know when, two figures, a man and a woman, appeared.

When the black wind dissipated, the gourd whizzed and turned into a black light, flying into the hands of one of the figures, a young man in yellow clothes.

The other was the purple-clothed female cultivator who attacked Lin Chen and his men a few days ago.

The purple-clothed female cultivator saw Lin Chen fainted on the ground and praised the yellow-clothed man.

"Brother's Black Wind Gourd is really powerful. Even cultivators will be affected if they are not careful."

The yellow-clothed man listened to the other party's praise, and the corners of his mouth curled up. He looked frivolous and said with a smile.

"Of course, I am powerful in many ways. Junior sister should learn more about me in the future."

"The eldest prince of the Great Xuan Kingdom paid a high price of 500 spirit stones just to kill the seventeenth prince."

"I didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain. It's time for you and me to make a fortune."

The two were full of joy in their eyes. After pondering for a while, they approached Lin Chen one after another.

The purple-clothed female cultivator was in front, and the yellow-clothed man was behind. One step after another, when they were five or six feet away.

The purple-clothed female cultivator quickly pinched the magic formula in her hand, and without saying a word, she raised her hand, and a soil cone of about ten feet condensed out.

With a press of her right hand, the soil cone immediately shot towards Lin Chen.

Her eyes were full of ruthlessness at this moment.

At this time, the frivolous look on the face of the yellow-clothed man was swept away, and his face was full of solemnity. He stretched out his hand and threw a black rope magic weapon from his sleeve instantly.

The actions of the two people were not at all what they said.

At the moment when the soil cone and rope flew out, Lin Chen, who was lying on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes.

He bent his legs, bounced up strangely, and his body twisted into an incredible arc.

The rope and soil cone instantly fell into the air and hit the ground.

Lin Chen tapped the ground frantically, and his body flashed for more than ten feet. After being temporarily safe, his eyes flashed, looking at the two people in front of him, his face gloomy, his brows frowned, and he said.

"You knew I didn't faint? You deliberately lied to deceive me~"

The moment Lin Chen saw the black wind, he immediately used the divine water in the mysterious orifice to transform into water mist to attach to his body, isolating his body from the black wind, and naturally he was not affected at all.

Originally, he was going to take advantage of the two people's inattention and sneak attack to get rid of one of them first, but he didn't expect that the other party was so experienced that he even deliberately lied to him.

The man in yellow had a grim face, smiled coldly, and mocked.

"Haha, do you think your little trick can deceive my two brothers and sisters?"

"Well, since that's the case, let's see the real thing with our hands."

Seeing this, Lin Chen stopped talking nonsense, squeezed his hand hard, and a black light flashed, and the mountain-driving whip immediately appeared in the palm of his right hand.

After gathering spiritual power for a while, he moved his right wrist and waved it gently. More than a dozen wind blades of about a foot in length flew out one after another, attacking the two of them respectively.

His left hand suddenly slapped the storage bag on his waist. With a whoosh, a black light emerged, and in the blink of an eye, it suddenly grew to several feet in size.

A black shield appeared, flying up and down, protecting the vital parts of the body. It was the black tortoise shield that Master Gu had given him before.

The yellow-clothed young man's face moved, and he stretched out his hand to quickly pinch the magic formula. With a wave of his hand, yellow light sprinkled down.

A loud rumbling sound was heard.

The ground bulged, and a wall of earth more than half a foot thick, high and wide appeared in an instant.

There were a few puffs.

The extremely sharp wind blades hit the earth wall. After a burst of smoke and dust, the earth wall was cut into more than a dozen pieces and shattered.

The purple-clothed female cultivator swayed her body and drilled into the ground. A flash of purple light passed by, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye, avoiding the attack of the wind blade.

"What a powerful wind blade!"

The yellow-clothed young man was secretly surprised to see that the earth wall was so vulnerable.

But his movements were not slow at all. He flipped his right hand, took out a yellow spirit sword, threw it into the air, and it turned into a yellow light and shot away.

Lin Chen looked at the yellow light coming from the front, not panicking at all, his eyes were cold, and he felt his heart

The jump suddenly accelerated a few points, and the whole body was full of strength.

With a left hand raised, the black tortoise shield immediately met it. At the same time, the long whip in his hand swung, and a black light shot towards the rocks on both sides of the canyon.

With a clang!

The yellow spirit sword slashed on the black tortoise shield, was blocked back, and then circled up and down in the air, ready to give Lin Chen another fatal blow at any time.

At this moment, a rumbling sound was heard.

Several millstone-sized stones trembled slightly, flew into the air, and fell heavily in the direction of the yellow-clothed young man.

The stones weighing thousands of pounds fell from the sky, and with the force of falling, the speed was extremely fast and fierce, rubbing against the air, and making bursts of air-breaking sounds.

The yellow-clothed young man stepped on the ground, and his body retreated several feet backwards, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a smile of success.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

The stone hit the ground, and with a click, it suddenly shattered.

Lin Chen looked at the smile of the young man in yellow, and without hesitation, he stretched out his left palm and waved it, pulling the black tortoise shield to fly backwards.

As if he knew that someone was attacking from behind.

At the same time, he waved his long whip in his right hand towards the ground, and a yellow light fell on the ground and suddenly drilled in.

A few clangs.

A dozen slender earth cones shot out from somewhere behind and collided with the black tortoise shield.

It was the purple-clothed female cultivator who used earth escape to hide, who took the opportunity to drill out and sneak attack from behind Lin Chen.

Seeing that she didn't succeed, she shook her body and tried the same trick again, trying to drill into the ground again.

Who knew that her body was still firmly standing on the ground, and the ground under her feet seemed to turn into gold and iron, which actually blocked the earth escape technique she performed.

"Not good!"

The purple-clothed female cultivator's face changed drastically, she touched the ground with her feet, and flew away. At the same time, she put the long flute in her hand to her mouth, ready to start playing.

Subconsciously, she glanced at Lin Chen. His pupils were deep, like the starry sky. Suddenly, a little black light flashed in Lin Chen's eyes, turning into a strange vortex.

The purple-clothed female cultivator was not careful for a moment, and her mind was lost in it. Then she was distracted and felt something slippery in her hand. She looked down and was scared to death.

The long flute in her hand turned into a purple python more than two feet long, with its tongue spitting out, and suddenly opened its bloody mouth to bite her neck.

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